Chapter 302


boom! !

Bai Yu was punched into the wall by Tsunade
Angrily, she put on her bathrobe and left here, leaving only the white jade that was beaten into the wall.

After Tsunade left here, Baiyu poured out sneakily from the wall. He touched his face and said sadly, "If I go to the Oscars, I should be able to get a best actor, right?"

After Bai Yu found a bathrobe nearby, he put it on to cover his body. He began to think about what kind of time he was in now.

Where should I start from the ninja world?
Just as Bai Yu was thinking, a special task popped up.

Mission Objective: Choice of the Ninja World
Mission introduction: The rotting Konoha is facing a difficult situation at this time. The conspiracy from Orochimaru has long been eyeing the village that he once fought for. Just as human beings will die in their old age, even the village is no exception. .And the choices you face will determine the direction of the future.

Task camp selection: ①Help Hiruzaru Sarutobi through the Konoha collapse plan, ②choose to assist Orochimaru to complete the Konoha collapse plan, ③neutralize the mastermind behind the chaos.

Mission reward: attribute points*? , Resurrection Coin*1, Magical Chocolate*1
Interesting, now Bai Yu finally knows where the timeline is.

This is the time of the Chunin exam or the period before the Chunin exam.

Bai Yu thought for a while, and then chose the third camp. Now he is very interested in this piece of chocolate, how amazing is it?
Wearing a bathrobe, Bai Yu walked out, but the oncoming person happened to bump into a quiet woman with black hair, and she was holding a pig in her hand, and it was this pig that revealed the identity of this woman.

Jing Yin said to Bai Yu skillfully, "Bai Yu, you bastard, have you made Tsunade-sama angry again?"

Bai Yu chose to be silent at this time, and nodded wittily. He has been tricked by the identity plug-in many times, and he has naturally figured out a set of skilled coping methods.

Pretending to be silent, not refusing or agreeing. In this way, you will have nothing to do with me for the time being.

"But speaking of it, where's your red hair?" Jing Yin seemed to have seen some new land, she turned around Bai Yu a few times with interest, stared at the other's silver hair and said, "Could you be Have you dyed your hair?"

Bai Yu: "I don't know how to answer this question."

"Red hair is the symbol of your Uzumaki clan, do you reject your identity so much?" Shizune put his hands on Baiyu's shoulders and asked, shaking: "No wonder Master Tsunade is so angry, you may be the current ninja The last bloodline of the vortex family is known to be alive, why do you want to give up the iconic characteristics of your own group??"

So uncomfortable.

Bai Yu felt extremely uncomfortable, because he didn't know how to explain himself, and this silence was so annoying!
"Okay...okay, I get it." Bai Yu temporarily replied perfunctorily: "I'll just find a chance to dye it later, can you stop being so excited?"

After receiving Bai Yu's guarantee, Jing Yin calmed down in an instant. She took Bai Yu's arm and said, "Since you know your mistake, it's fine. Come back with me to Mr. Tsunade and admit your mistake!"

A lot of information can be revealed in Jing Yin's words.

Could it be that he has been wandering around with the two of them?

Baiyu followed Shizune back to a hotel room. When he saw Tsunade, the other party was drinking crazily until the latter looked up and saw Baiyu.

Bai Yu received another fucking punch, and now he was finally sure that he could win an Oscar winner.

Under Tsunade's eyes that wanted to eat people, Bai Yu gave him a good massage under the pressure to express his apology.

Under the alcohol and comfortable massage, Tsunade gradually closed his eyes and fell asleep on the tatami behind him.

Bai Yu also finally found the opportunity to engage Jing Yin, a deceitful woman, for discussion and understanding.

After a night of getting to know each other, Bai Yu began to gradually understand the relationship between the two parties.

After Tsunade left Konoha Village with Shizune, when they had been traveling around the world, they met a human trafficker who was spreading around under the name of selling the last orphan of the Uzumaki clan.

It just so happened that Tsunade met him, and for some special reason, she rescued Bai Yu from the hands of this trafficker, and has been raising him until now.

Good guy, Bai Yu is finally convinced, does he still want to call Tsunade "Good mother?"
After returning to his room, Bai Yu took out his master ball.

In the next second, Bai Yu directly entered the master ball. He had to properly issue tasks to each monster.

He just needs to hide and enjoy his achievements.

Bai Yu once again stepped into this wonderful space.

Not long after, Asura Unicorn Immortal ran up doggy-leggedly, patted Baiyu everywhere and said, "Brother Baiyu, what kind of wind is this that brought you here? In the world of Ghost Slayer: I have been watching your heroic appearance inside, everything you do is simply amazing."

Bai Yu automatically filtered the nonsense nonsense of Asura Unicorn Immortal, and he began to gather all the weirdos here.
It was only a moment, when the weirdos in the master ball knew that Bai Yu was coming, they all put down their important things and came here to gather.

After Bai Yu looked around here, he found that the members behind Sykes were almost all the cadres of the original weirdo association, and the Asura Unicorn Immortal was huddled with the Vaccine Man.
As for Poros, standing alone in the middle is very lonely!

It should be said that it is lonely and tall.

Asura Unicorn Immortal glanced casually at Sykes, and he gritted his teeth and cursed inwardly: "Damn stinky woman, after knowing that Big Brother Baiyu is here, she actually wears such clothes. It's really disgusting!!"

Sykes, who was dressed extremely sexy, put her glasses on her eyes with her hand, then walked to Bai Yu's side and said, "Master Bai Yu, do you have any urgent needs for me to help you when you come to this place at this time? "

Sykes is really too big. And why does this fragrance have a very special taste?

Bai Yu came to do business. She pretended to be a gentleman and asked Sykes to sit down next to him, and then said: "I asked you to gather here this time because there is an urgent matter for you to complete!"

After hearing Bai Yu's words, all the weirdos became serious, because this might be the prelude to something serious.

At this time, even Poros, who usually looks indifferent, began to prick up his ears.
(End of this chapter)

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