Five to five from one punch

Chapter 303 We Are the Real Brand

Chapter 303 We Are the Real Brand
"The world we are in now is no longer the original place, but a world called Naruto." Bai Yu began to speak slowly.

At this time, Ashura Unicorn Immortal raised his hand excitedly and answered, "I've seen this migrant manga, it's a large-scale ethics drama in the legendary ninja world with eyes, Hei Jue is looking for his mother!!"

Bai Yu directly applauded and praised. There are so many strange people in the scene. After all, Asura Unicorn Fairy is boring enough. I guess it has nothing to do all day long. It just sits on the sofa watching anime all day long.

In fact, Bai Yu really guessed this point correctly, the most unprofessional in the Master Ball is Ashura Unicorn Immortal.

Go to sleep after eating, watch anime after waking up, and continue eating after watching!
It may be because of this that the current body of Ashura Unicorn Immortal has become fatter.

Sykes now only hates herself for being too keen on biological experiments. If she can also have a little personal rest time, then she will definitely be able to learn from this beetle. Take a look at this anime called Naruto. Come, she will be praised by Lord Baiyu.

"The current situation is like this. We are in this world called Naruto. I came here to cause destruction. Wrong, sorry, it should be to bring peace!"

After Bai Yu said this, she took out several sets of black custom-made clothes and several small square boxes from behind her.

"These are some sets of black uniforms from the Akatsuki organization, and these boxes are colored contact lenses. The task I give you now is to disguise yourself as a member of the Akatsuki organization and go to the Ninja World to wreak havoc."

Bai Yu pointed to Poros and said, "First of all, it's your captain Poros, who is the leader of the Akatsuki organization from now on. The code name is Payne."

"And you Heijing, from now on your code name is Heijue, you will go to Konoha Village with Poros to help a guy named Orochimaru complete that plan."

"Of course, if you are going to be active in the ninja world in the future, you may run into the real Akatsuki organization. But it doesn't matter, because from now on, we are the real ones and they are all fakes!"

Poros and Hei Jing were assigned the first task with high hopes by Bai Yu, which made Asura Unicorn Immortal very greedy, and it really wanted to go out and do the task!

"Brother Baiyu, what about me?" Ashura Unicorn Immortal flew to the ground and hugged Baiyu's calf, crying and shouting: "I really want to go out and play, let me wear this uniform too Go and do missions outside with Captain Poros."

"I don't pick anything. Why don't I just use A Fei as my nickname? Or Obito is fine too!"

Bai Yu was annoyed by Ashura's one-horned fairy, so he picked up the greasy beetle with one hand and said, "Then you go with me too, just as you said. The code name is Obito!"

Sykes sensed the crisis, and the people from the three factions were currently the most idle on her side. This was a very dangerous signal.

This means that your status will be shaken, Sykes is not willing to be a vase!
"Master Baiyu, please let me go with them, I will do my best to complete this task." Sykes also wanted to go to Muye Village together.

Bai Yu looked at Sykes' expression without anger, and said suspiciously: "Isn't it just a mission? Why are you all so excited?"

"Forget it, then you can go with me too. Your code name is Xiao Nan. I hope you can cooperate well together."

In this way, Sykes and the other three weirdos put on the uniforms of the Akatsuki organization. Among them, Poros even put on the color contact lenses of reincarnation eyes because of Bai Yu's strong request. Put on the Kaleidoscope Sharingan color contact lenses directly, how excited and happy it is.
After explaining some things, Bai Yu suddenly remembered his digital egg, and he asked Asura Unicorn: "How is my egg?"

"While I'm not here, did you help me choose the hatch?"

Speaking of the Asura Unicorn, he took out the Digi-egg timidly, handed it to Bai Yu and said, "It seems to be a Digi-egg called Rolling Ball Beast."

The Asura Unicorn Immortal lowered her head with a guilty conscience
In fact, it originally planned to help Brother Baiyu choose "Snowball Beast". After all, Snowball Beast has a normal evolution route that can evolve into Dilu Beast and then Tiannv Beast.

However, the evil plot of Asura Unicorn was stopped by Sykes.
As for the reason why Sykes stopped Asura Unicorn, he could figure it out with his butt.

It's just that Sykes had a recording in his hand, which made Asura Unicorn Immortal succumb, and finally chose Rolling Ball Beast
Bai Yu said regretfully: "It's a pity, you can actually choose Snowball Beast or Gravel Beast."

The former can become a girl, and the latter can evolve into a Kielmon and finally become a Red Lotus Knightmon.

Hearing this, Asura Unicorn Immortal was even more guilty to the point of not wanting it.
The culprit of all this is the fault of this woman Sykes!
Asura Unicorn Immortal stared at Sykes angrily, but the latter nodded at it not to be outdone, as if to say: "You did a good job, I won't give that recording to Master Baiyu. "

Fire Country, in Konoha Village.

Kakashi squeezed the information in his hand, he leaned against the big tree behind him and gradually began to meditate.
When encountering hesitation, Kakashi directly took out his favorite affectionate paradise and looked at it.

After soaring in the ocean in the book for more than ten minutes, Kakashi felt that his body seemed to become weaker.

But while he was weak, he also thought about what to do next!

In a studio in the Naruto Building.

Kakashi's figure appeared in the generally decorated room here in an instant.

A certain Chunin with a Konoha forehead guard saw that Kakashi was coming, and said enthusiastically to him, "Senior Kakashi, what kind of wind is blowing today that brought you here?"

Kakashi handed several information sheets to the ninja and said, "Ha, I just want to help a few little guys sign up for the Chunin exam. It's not a big deal."

After the latter glanced at Kakashi's data sheet a few times, he seemed to see something wrong. He looked up at Kakashi and said, "Is this serious?"

"I can stamp it here, but in the end, Master Hokage has to read it personally before it can officially take effect!"

After hearing this, Kakashi finally laughed, "Don't worry, they are all excellent ninjas. As for any problems that Naruto-sama has in the end, I will be responsible for solving them."

(End of this chapter)

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