Five to five from one punch

Chapter 309 Combat Simulation

Chapter 309 Combat Simulation
"Brother, cooperate well and let this guy take a good look at our strength." Tobima confidently said to Hashirama, relying on her immortality as a confidence.

Although Zhu Jian looked like an idiot, he instantly understood what his younger brother was thinking. Originally, he should be the one to bear the weight of this battle, but because of his current state, he was unable to use fairy arts, which meant that they did not have any The capital to compete with the opponent in physical skills.

As for Mu Dunzhujian, he still thinks it's okay. He tried to use the wooden man technique to resist just now, but he was dismantled by the opponent in less than a minute. God is embarrassed.

When encountering such a strong man, Zhujian also very much hopes that he can turn on the fairy mode to fight with all his strength, but the current situation simply cannot do this.

Then all that's left is to trust your brother!
Wood Dun·Flower Tree World is coming!
Hashirama slapped his hands together, and he will come to whatever he calls. This is a technique that only those with strength at the Hashirama level can use, and it is also one of the most powerful techniques in Mutun. Using his chakra as a nutrient, Shen Mian The trees in the land grow rapidly and become larger, and he can freely control these trees.

Violent shocks woke up from the ground, and huge tree branches rose up from the ground. These tree trunks began to split the mountains, pass through the rocks, and cover the entire ground. In less than a few seconds, several flowers began to grow on the trees. These flowers are also releasing poisonous pollen.
How agile Poros is, these suddenly surging trees did not cause any obstacles to him, but just after he inhaled some pollen, he sneezed a few times in embarrassment, "I see, these pollen It turned out to be poisonous, but it's a pity that for my race, poison can no longer be a weakness."

Hashirama smiled awkwardly. This one-eyed man was actually immune to toxins, which really made him feel unexpected and reasonable.

However, his attack didn't stop there, Hashirama continued clasping his hands together and shouting: "Wood Dun, Wood Dragon Technique!"

Under the influence of Chakra in Hashirama, several huge and hideous wooden dragons began to bulge gradually from the trees produced by the descending of the tree world. Under this move, bow your head and surrender, and once it is entangled, it will be absorbed by Chakra
Poros watched the several wooden dragons entwined around his body with cold eyes. He was just curious about the power of the thing that the other party spent so much time summoning.

"Did you successfully entangle?" Hashirama shouted excitedly. This was the first time in this battle that he saw his tricks finally have an effect.

However, Hashirama may have been too happy too early. The center of the wood dragon wrapped around him began to glow with purple light. After the bang.

Several thick wooden dragons were pushed away by the powerful energy burst, and several blue electric lights spread from the center of the energy burst to all directions.

Before Zhu Jian had time to surprise the opponent's burst of energy, he began to be swallowed by the violent energy, and the spreading arc began to shatter the entire tree world.
Under the self-explosion of Poros' energy, Zhujian and the entire tree world disappeared without a trace. On the flat and wide ground, he was blown out of a bottomless abyss hole by this energy self-explosion. Later here The spectacle was developed and built by Orochimaru, and Yinnin Village has become a well-known tourist attraction in this area.

Just when all the dust settled, Tobuma finally caught the moment when the opponent was slackening. Through the positioning of the Flying Thunder God imprint that had already been engraved on Poros' body, he appeared behind the opponent in an instant, and at the same time, Tobuma's right hand was pressed against the opponent's body. Above the back of the neck of Poros.

It succeeded, and finally touched the other party. At the same time, the seal was instantly cast on the door
The sound of the fist piercing through the flesh shattered Tomona's fantasy. Poros turned his head to look at Tomona and said, "This is the ninjutsu called Flying Thunder God, right? I have to say, this speed is really surprising."

As soon as the words fell, the flesh between the doors was directly torn apart by Poros again.

Poros probably stood there for a few minutes, but this time the two guys didn't come back to life, which also showed that Orochimaru had been caught by the black spirits and forced him to remove the ninjutsu that resurrected the dead.

On the dead platform, the icy cold wind swept away the dust on the stone slabs.

Saitama was full of golden radiance and quickly moved towards Baiyu's position. When the white cloak behind him danced upwards, there was no gorgeous martial arts or strange and changeable abilities, and he just punched plain fists so hard.

A simple fist already makes people feel desperate!

Under Wu Zhi's ultimate passivity, Bai Yu seemed to react instinctively, backed up instantly, and at the same time kicked the bald-headed marinated egg with one kick.

The huge wind pressure spread in all directions, and the bald head was kicked by Bai Yu's kick, making him a little dizzy. punched.

The bald head's punch was too fast, Bai Yu immediately closed his eyes, grabbed the bald head's arm with both hands and used his strength to make himself somersault, at the same time, at the moment of somersault, Bai Yu kicked the bald head's face forcefully with his left foot this time. .

Two huge cracks appeared on the platform, and Saitama was kicked away while his feet hit the floor hard
This sneak attack by Bai Yu could only barely kick the bald head away, but could not knock him down or knock him out!

The sound of the cloak being rubbed by the air was heard behind Bai Yu, and the bald head ignored all distances and obstacles and instantly appeared in this position. He clenched his fists and shot down towards Bai Yu: "Continuously serious punches!"

The bald head ignores all distances and the unstoppable attack is too sudden, even if Bai Yu wants to erase this attack through time deletion, it seems powerless.

Under Wuzhi's ultimate instinctive passivity and reaction, Bai Yu, with his back turned to Saitama, used impossible body movements to use the Monster Killing Fist and collided with the opponent in an instant.

Countless storms blown up by power and fist winds began to gradually pass from above this platform or even farther away. After passing the meteorite above this platform, even if it was slightly lowered to approach the fighting position in the collision center battlefield, They will all be crushed into fragments of stones in an instant.
Until this time, Bai Yu, who was sitting cross-legged in the room, opened his eyes in an instant, and stopped the cultivation of mind power and the combat simulation exercise in his mind.

because someone is knocking on the door
(End of this chapter)

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