Five to five from one punch

Chapter 310 The Evil White Jade

Chapter 310 The Evil White Jade

"Come in!" Bai Yu said to the visitor outside the door.

After a creak, Jing Yin came in sullenly and asked, "What time is it already? Bai Yu, why don't you come to my place to practice ninjutsu. People who don't know ninjutsu don't even have the ability to protect themselves!"


Good guy, Bai Yu almost forgot that he still has a plug-in of the blood of the Uzumaki clan. Now he is a man who can learn serious ninjutsu.

However, although the Whirlpool Clan is born with no shortage of Chakra, Bai Yu doesn't quite understand how to refine Chakra.

Bai Yu's remarks almost made Jing Yin die of anger, and he actually forgot the chakra refining method?

Listen, is this something that a vortex tribe can say?

Bai Yu didn't think there was anything wrong. After a trip to Ghost Slayer, his strength and defense attribute points had broken through the [-]th barrier. He would be able to improve his agility and mind energy soon.

Learning ninjutsu can only be regarded as a icing on the cake, and according to Shizune's language description, Baiyu found that although he is a descendant of the Uzumaki clan, his ninjutsu talent is actually not good. Tsunade once said that if there is no What an accident, according to Bai Yu's ninjutsu talent, he can only be a Chunin at most in this life. If a miracle happens, he will be a Jōnin.

But even though Baiyu's ninjutsu talent is very poor, Jing Yin still wants Baiyu to work hard to learn ninjutsu well, at least to be able to use Sanshenjutsu freely.

In this way, under Jing Yin's forced request, Bai Yu recounted the chakra refining method and some tips.

Bai Yu is a descendant of the Whirlpool Clan, and will soon be able to absorb body energy from his own huge trillion cells, one by one, and then go through multiple layers of cultivation and accumulation to finally exercise Chakra!
For the Uzumaki family, chakrado is a very normal thing, but your chakrado does not guarantee that you have any extraordinary talent in ninjutsu.

Under the talent of the Whirlpool Clan, Bai Yu's body was soon filled with huge chakra.
When Chakra appeared in Baiyu's body, he found that his three-dimensional attribute points began to increase by two points, and finally became
Power: 75
Defense: 74
Agility: 64
Shizune handed a piece of paper to Baiyu and said, "This is a chakra paper. It's time for you to confirm your chakra attributes. Although Tsunade-sama said that your ninjutsu talent is not very good, it is suitable for you to barely learn a trick or two. The ninjutsu self-defense is still very good."

Bai Yu took the chakra paper, and he began to transfer his own chakra to the paper according to the method taught by Jing Yin, and then the chakra paper began to show a picture of being burned.
After Jing Yin saw it, he jokingly said: "It turned out to be a change in the chakra nature of the fire attribute, and it is only a single attribute."

Fire property?

Bai Yu doesn't care about this anymore, does this mean that he can learn the undead fireball technique?

Jing Yin was very angry at Bai Yu's thought, she was so angry that she wanted to press Bai Yu's head. But Jing Yin found that there was something wrong with her height, so she slapped Bai Yu's forehead fiercely instead and shouted: "Give me three Let's talk after you practice your body skills!"

Good guy, I didn't expect that someone would dare to slap his forehead now
Bai Yu touched his forehead. Considering his defensive attributes, Jing Yin's slap didn't itch or hurt at all, but he was slapped for no reason, and he still felt very uncomfortable for no reason.

Ren thought about it for a while and became more and more angry, and took a step back and thought about it more and more. Bai Yu began to look at Jing Yin with unkind eyes, and she naturally caught Bai Yu's unkind eyes.

"What do you want to do, I warn you not to mess around!" Jing Yin began to warn Bai Yu submissively.

Bai Yu sneered, and he showed an evil smile, "Scream...just keep screaming, no one will come to this room to call you even if your throat is broken!!"

Jing Yin was panicked, and accidentally tripped herself on the ground. She watched Bai Yu stretch out her evil hands and gradually approached her, "Don't. Don't come here, Bai Yu, you are wrong."

"Hehehe, I'll let you have a good experience of how powerful Kato Taka is~" Bai Yu said with a wicked smile.

Just when he was about to be 404, Tsunade at the door said coldly: "Can you also let me know what is Kato Taka, the Hand of God?"

Bai Yu:! !

What should I do if someone finds out that I am going to do something bad?
Tsunade rushed in angrily, grabbed Baiyu's ears, dragged him out and said, "You brat, now that you've grown up, your wings are hardened, aren't you? How dare you even tease Shizune, come out quickly!! "

Just like that, Bai Yu was reluctantly dragged out by Tsunade
Shizune was left alone in the room, her face flushed slightly and she patted her bulging chest, "If Tsunade-sama comes later, what will happen?"

Thinking about it carefully, Jing Yin actually found that he didn't seem to reject this, but it was a terrible thing.

Tsunade carried Baiyu's ears vigorously and walked out of the hotel. Since the two of them were close to each other at this time, Baiyu could clearly smell the fragrance coming from Tsunade's body.

Bai Yu didn't know much about women's perfumes, so he couldn't tell whether it came from a certain female perfume or Tsunade's body odor
In short, Bai Yu thinks the smell is quite good.

"Have you smelled enough? Brat!!", Tsunade patted Bai Yu's face with both hands, and then kneaded this handsome face frantically, kneading it into the shape of gluten and then into the shape of buns. Have fun.

"Enough, Tsunade, what are you pulling me out for? I have to go back and practice Sanshenjutsu!", helplessly, Bai Yu slapped Tsunade's little hand away.

Tsunade looked at his hands that were slapped away and fell into doubt. Is Baiyu, a brat, so powerful?

How could he easily slap her palm away?

"Hmph, is it really that simple for you to practice the three-body technique?" Tsunade asked suspiciously, and she turned towards Bai Yu's body a few times like a famous detective: "I don't know I feel that under my nurturing, you brat and the tools of crime have grown so big, I am not at ease to let you be alone with Jing Yin."

How could Tsunade doubt Baiyu's character?
This is simply a slander and an insult to his personality!

If he was really the kind of crazy pervert, he would have already manipulated Fubuki and Sykes into eighteen shapes and poses!

As for the tornado?

Hehe, good fellow, Bai Yu refuses to answer this question.

Although Tsunade slandered Bai Yu's character, he still asked generously, "So where are we going now?"

(End of this chapter)

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