Five to five from one punch

Chapter 314 Is This a Human Question?

Chapter 314 Is This a Human Question?
"Do you think it's fun to do this?" Poros, wearing a skull mask, asked indifferently.

Sykes didn't think there was anything wrong with what she just did. She took out a small glass jar and fiddled with it, and the red liquid in it began to flow left and right in the jar, "This is the liquid I accidentally discovered in another experiment. After processing, it can become a perfume that can greatly attract the opposite sex. The little boy named Uzumaki Naruto just now should probably fall in love with me by now. As the protagonist of this world, I think this is a very necessary investment. "

"Investment? It's a boring thing. Asura Unicorn is right, you are a bad woman!" Poros expressed his point of view disdainfully.

"Little boys will always be attracted to bad women. This is an eternal truth." Sykes put away the special bottle of perfume in her hand. It's very attractive, but why doesn't it have an obvious effect on Lord Baiyu?"

"Maybe you are not the type that the master likes." Poros gave the villain a critical blow, but when he finished saying this, the super powerful cosmic overlord seemed to be poked by what he said What a joke, he started to hold back his laughter.
The voice of suppressing laughter reached Sykes' ears, she gritted her teeth and called out the other's name, "Poros, you bastard!"

On Sykes' black book, Poros has been included in her revenge area. If possible, she hopes to teach this guy a profound lesson!

The cup slammed onto solid ground, and fragments began flying nearby.

Shizune asked in disbelief: "Master Tsunade, are you serious?"

"Why is your reaction so strange? I'm not planning to go back to Konoha Village. I just want to take a look outside the village and not go inside!" Tsunade drank a glass of white wine boldly, then Putting down the cup and preparing to leave the room, when the door was finally closed, she confessed to Jing Yin: "Now pack your luggage and leave tomorrow!"

Afterwards, Shizune asked Bai Yu nervously: "What happened, why did Master Tsunade want to go back to that place?"

"It's not like going back to Konoha Village, it's just that Tsunade intends to pass by there, and occasionally take a look at that village from a distance." Bai Yu thought for a few seconds about the metaphysical setting that Tsunade would die if he won money. Still did not tell Mute.

Will Tsunade see the moment when Konoha Village is destroyed?

But that's fine, Bai Yu's Akatsuki Organization 2.0 will shine brighter in the ninja world, and I don't know what Obito and the others will think.

It is estimated that no one would have thought that the person doing odd jobs by Tsunade's side would be the head of the Akatsuki organization that is about to spread its reputation far and wide, right?
Thinking of this, Bai Yu felt that things seemed to be getting interesting.

From the next day, Baiyu, Tsunade and others moved towards the location near Konoha Village. At the same time, the Chunin Exam in Konoha Village officially began.

Decipher the following codes and summarize their contents!

Naruto moved his eyes along the bottom of the question. After a few seconds, he decided to give up and finish the question.

Hmph, it was just a mere question, which didn't affect Naruto's self-confidence at all, so he skipped this question and moved on to the next one!
Hmm. What's the topic?
A tree with three lines of unknown meaning?

Ninja A appeared on a tree with a height of seven meters, which is the maximum range of his shuriken about to be thrown.
Answer requirements: predict and answer the maximum distance between the shuriken thrown ellipse and the plane when the ninja fights, and predict the characteristics of the opponent's ninja, and explain what the basis is.

Title hint: The height of the tree is 50 meters, and the root of the tree is [-] meters away from the enemy ninja. The three points form a right triangle with each other
Naruto:? ? ?
It's over. Naruto found that he was not as simple as leaving out a question. It seemed that in the entire paper, there was not a single question that he knew!
How to do?
Could it be that the future Hokage, Uzumaki Naruto, is about to fall down here?

Naruto secretly looked at Sasuke's position, he was surprised to find that the other party was actually cheating! !
This is obviously relying on the outstanding copy ability of Sharingan to imitate the answer of the seat in front!
Damn Sasuke, relying on such a dirty trick, I curse the guy in front of you for scribbling.

In fact, Naruto is not the only one who can't answer such a question, but almost 99% of the candidates can't answer it correctly, including the overlord of the universe who came in disguise.
There is no direct answer to the concept of exams in Poros' mind, and the questions on the exam papers make him even more baffled!
Shuriken?What the hell?
I can blow up the enemy with a punch, and I still throw a hidden weapon on the tree?

If it weren't for the fact that the master seemed to have something to ask for here, Poros would have turned over the table and jumped into the sky to shoot a village-collapsing roaring cannon here!

Although the subject is difficult, there is always an exception.

For example, Sykes whose IQ far exceeds that of normal humans!
She was banging on the table, thinking about the subject of this shuriken
This is a typical flat throwing motion model. The title gives the horizontal distance and the vertical distance. Assuming that the air resistance is ignored, it can be obtained from the horizontal uniform speed motion and the vertical acceleration formula, S1+Vo*t, S2=1/ 2*g*t^2, so that the initial velocity of the shuriken is 41.84m/s
But Sykes thinks that this question itself has very serious problems and loopholes, because in order to obtain the maximum range of the shuriken, theoretically, it is the farthest to throw the shuriken upwards at an angle of 45 degrees, but in this way, there are problems with the question conditions up.

Even more nonsense is another question, which is to predict the characteristics of the enemy ninja?

Answer according to the smiling black-spotted figure described in the test paper, that is, black clothes and black skin. Referring to the height of the opposite tree, this little black man is 1.06m tall and his head is 33cm high.
Sykes has already begun to seriously doubt whether the brain of the person who asked the question is filled with cement!
Then the next question made Sykes start to ruin the three views. My good guy, this is actually an English question!

Sykes began to translate these English words, and she began to sink into deep doubts.

[When the minute hand points to 12 and the hour hand points to 5, what time is it? 】

【How many commandments did Moses have? 】

[Can you explain Einstein's theory of relativity? A can, B can't]

Sykes can naturally answer such idiotic questions, including whether he can explain the theory of relativity with confidence, but these questions are too weird, right?

You can explain the theory of relativity, why go to the Chunin?
In this way Sikes continued to answer the last question.

After a brief browsing, Sykes concluded that this problem is an organic chemistry problem, which is probably to dissolve all the phosphorus compounds in ethanol, add dilute hydrochloric acid and mix. After dividing and extracting the ethanol, please write the final result What are all the compounds contained in the ethanol layer?
The conditions are very simple, even lacking, but soon Sykes assumed that several solutions with quick answers appeared on the examination paper.

A simple test paper contains ancient Chinese, mathematics, physics, history, English, chemistry at the beginning.
Sykes suddenly gave a thumbs up to this talented genius!
 These questions all appeared in the Chunin exam papers. There are indeed English ones, and even the translated questions are those questions. After a candidate answers the password for the first question, it is translated from Japanese to a bunch of things similar to classical Chinese in China. Finally One of the questions is indeed a chemistry question that I didn't add out of thin air, including the theory of relativity, so Sakura can answer these questions carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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