Five to five from one punch

Chapter 315 On or not on?

Chapter 315 On or not on?
In front of this kind of heaven-defying test paper, Naruto couldn't answer it even with a few more brains, but this level is not really for this group of candidates to answer successfully, but to test whether they have the next step. The determination and courage to go on.

However, under Naruto's powerful mouth escape and the protagonist's halo, after all, he passed this level without any risk, and is ready to enter the next chapter, the forest of death! !
Just during the preparation time before entering the forest of death, the female ninja named Red Bean threw a handful of kunai and directly scratched Naruto's cheek, and at the same time cut off a strand of hair from the Kusanagi ninja dressed as Orochimaru .

This move even started to surprise Orochimaru who was disguised as Kusanagi?

Did this former disciple discover his true face, or did he self-defeating and accidentally hurt himself?

Hehe, Orochimaru is not too interested in this, because Uchiha Sasuke's alluring body is only ten meters away from him at this time.

The greed for Sharingan makes Orochimaru occupy this vibrant body all the time!

Soon about the content of the second Chunin Exam and the clearance conditions, all reference personnel will be informed.

Exam content: There are 13 sky scrolls and 13 earth scrolls, which are randomly divided into 26 groups. Each group gets a pair of sky and earth scrolls and passes through the death forest to reach the destination within 5 days.

Somewhere in the dead forest.

In Menghuo's mind, it was as if someone had been madly stirring it with kunai, and the pain from tearing his soul made him fall limply to the ground.

He was helpless in front of this woman wearing glasses. Menghuo looked at his teammates beggingly. He hoped to get help from his teammates, but despair doesn't happen because of human wishes. will stop.

Oboro and Bon were all lying on the ground, their life and death unknown, and all of this was thanks to the man wearing the skull mask.

"It's really a boring game." After Poros finished speaking, he looked at Menghuo. The murderous aura gradually spreading from him began to suffocate Menghuo
Menghuo passed out without any action from Poros.

"Miscellaneous fish, don't you even have the courage to face me?" After Poros finished speaking, he turned to look at a certain big tree, and began to ask in a low voice: "Then as a partner, do you also have the courage to deal with this tree?" Like a fish, not even facing me?"

"Hehe, how could such a thing happen?" A female voice came from behind the tree, and Orochimaru, who had changed into a woman's body, began to come out from the shadows, "Master Poros is teaching a lesson here with great interest. Junior, of course a small person like me can only obediently stand aside and wait."

The strong and powerful palm directly held the woman's white throat, and the force that made people feel desperate drove Orochimaru into the dead tree.
"Don't give me yin and yang, why do you think I am Poros? I am willing to cooperate with ants like you!"

This strong aura that seemed to turn into gravity made Orochimaru's chrysanthemum tighten. Extremely dangerous signals flickered frantically in his mind.

But Poros's power is not something that Orochimaru can resist at all. The murderous aura gradually spreading out of the opponent's body reminds Orochimaru of the man he faced with Hanzo before. No, it is even more exaggerated than the opponent!
How many creatures did this man named Poros kill to create this thick and viscous murderous aura?
Sykes had already stepped back a few steps. She knew that Poros was so upright and it was easy to guess why. It was probably because the test paper made this alien disgusting. The big snake who didn't know The pill just hit the top of the gun.

The burning smell began to appear, and Poros' palms gradually turned red, which was a sign that the energy began to condense and overflow. After Da Shemaru felt the unreasonable energy of the other party, he slapped Poros' arms and body frantically, But because the other party was locked on her throat, it was difficult to say even the words of begging for mercy.

Orochimaru is not afraid of dying here with his own body, but now it is part of the plan, and it will be very troublesome if he is killed by Poros here!
Especially when Sasuke Uchiha is still in this forest
Sykes began to persuade Poros, she was really afraid that the reckless alien would be instantly annihilated into ashes by the transgender Orochimaru.
Baiyu's task for them is to cooperate with Dashewan to cooperate with each other in implementing the plan, that is to say, they just cooperate and serve as the last link of insurance, and Dashewan is always the most important person.

Poros began to calm down, and then threw Orochimaru aside like garbage, "Recognize your position clearly, you have to be grateful to that adult for expecting you, so you can let me spare your life, Do good work with this gratitude in your heart!"

Orochimaru, who escaped from the dead, stretched out her sexy tongue and licked her lips. She began to feel the chakra in her body gradually recovering
It's really scary. At the moment of being caught by the opponent, Orochimaru can clearly perceive the chakra in his body as if being threatened by the energy from the opponent's body!
Typical adults beat up kids.

What exactly is that energy in the opponent's body?
It is more violent and powerful than chakra. Is it the blood succession limit or the new energy of higher quality?

So what is this energy more powerful than chakra called?
The one called Hei Jing, the Unicorn and this woman are all headed by this guy named Poros, so who is the adult in his mouth?
What kind of power will a guy who is convinced by such a horrible guy have.

Awesome. Orochimaru began to be fascinated by it. In this group of guys, perhaps the mystery of eternal life can be found.

If this is the case, Orochimaru doesn't mind treating them as the so-called Akatsuki organization. Anyway, they can't resist each other, can they?
"Master Poros, can you give me a drop of your blood?" Orochimaru asked the man over two meters tall frantically. He had already figured out the bottom line of both sides. It seems that there is an attempt on him, so in any case, it is impossible for Poros and the group to really kill him.

Orochimaru is frantically testing the bottom line, of course. If he can really get a drop of Poros' blood, it will be a big profit!

Sykes seemed to have seen some rare treasure. This transgender man named Orochimaru was really a greedy guy. She began to silently watch how the situation would develop.

Poros raised his arm to Orochimaru, he raised his head and said, "Take your sword out and try it, I will stand your attack without moving, if you can take it away from me One drop of blood, then it's yours!"

Orochimaru excitedly licked her lips again, and she touched the Kusanagi sword on her waist.
Up or not?this is a problem!
(End of this chapter)

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