Five to five from one punch

Chapter 317 The Power of the Uchiha Family

Chapter 317 The Power of the Uchiha Clan
Sasuke and his coquette jumped to a position not far from Poros. He pressed his fingers on the center of his brows and asked, "The situation just now was all in my eyes. If I guessed correctly, you I already have a complete scroll in my hand."

Poros replied indifferently: "So what?"

"Hmph, don't you understand?" Sasuke put on a fighting posture ready to move and said, "I'm going to snatch the scroll in your hand, and I'll use my strength to speak. Scrolls can only be owned by the strong!"


Poros found himself a bit puzzled by what the little boy was thinking.
Does this little boy think he is qualified to challenge him?

Like this kind of ignorant speech from a trash fish, Poros only said one sentence: "Are you worthy?"

Sasuke was immediately annoyed, and his Sharingan stared out in anger, "Don't tell me you don't understand who you are facing when you look at my eyes?"

"In front of the Uchiha clan, you guys have only the fate of submitting!" Sasuke said more and more, and even the expression on his face became distorted because of anger mixed with unwillingness.

Sykes touched her lips with her index finger, and she whispered softly: "Sasuke Uchiha."

Then she walked behind Poros and said in a voice that they could hear: "This little boy has the courage to challenge you, so go and teach him a lesson, but remember not to kill him, this is Baiyu What the adults have explained."


Poros asked uncertainly, "Is it someone important?"

Sykes nodded with a smile, indicating that Poros was right.

"Hello? Are you muttering about tactics?" Sasuke smiled and said indifferently: "As you like, any conspiracy is useless in the face of absolute strength anyway!"

Poros grabbed the fragrant scale that was pinching the hem of his clothes, and threw it to Sikes: "Look at this guy."

Then Poros began to face Sasuke and said: "My master is often as arrogant as you, but he has the capital of this arrogance"

"But do you have it?" Poros' body appeared behind Sasuke, and at the same time, the mocking words fell into the other's ears.

The moment Sasuke heard this voice, his cheeks were in cold sweat!
When and by what means did the other party come to his back?

Sasuke hastily bit the tip of his tongue, and quickly moved away from Poros behind him. At this time, he was very sure that he had not been under the illusion.

But is this possible?

His Sharingan didn't even capture the movement of the other party, as if the speed of the other party's movement far exceeded the limit of the vision of Sharingan.

Sasuke found that this red-haired man wearing a skull mask seemed to be a formidable opponent. He finally put away his casual expression, swallowed hard and said, "Hmph, no wonder you speak so loudly. So you have some tricks too."

Poros was like a tall mountain standing in place, he didn't say anything. He just stood there and waited for Sasuke's shot.

The attitude of the other party made Sasuke very dissatisfied. What Sharingan brings is not just a simple imitation and excellent motion capture ability, but also a rise in Chakra and excellent skill bonus.

When he was talking to the other party, he used illusion. With the blessing of Sharingan, using illusion is like a fish in water, but the result seems to be a bit unacceptable for Sasuke.
Because illusion has no effect on this man at all!

Cracks began to appear on the ground behind Poros. One after another, light-colored phantoms belonging to Sasuke quickly passed by the opponent,
Sasuke exerted all his strength, and through the high-speed teleportation movement blessing and the precise capture of Sharingan, he kicked Poros hard on the chest.

Because of his height, Sasuke originally wanted to kick the opponent's face, but he changed it to the chest in time.

"How about it? Don't underestimate our Uchiha clan." Sasuke said proudly, but he kicked with all his strength, even if he couldn't beat the opponent, he should have been seriously injured!
Poros, who took a hard kick, still stood on the spot without retreating the slightest. He said to Sasuke very bored: "Put some strength, and you still say you are from the Uchiha family?"

Sasuke's eyes widened in disbelief, how could such a thing be true?
He tried his best, why did the other party act like a normal person?
Sasuke, who didn't believe in evil, retracted his legs, and after closing the seal at a speed of a few tenths of a second, a powerful fireball shot directly on Poros' body at close range!
The high-temperature and scorching flames instantly engulfed Poros, and even exploded towards the straight path behind.
Sasuke thinks it's okay now, right?
It shouldn't be possible for him to be unscathed if he ate his powerful fireball in person.

However, the facts were slapped in the face again. After the fire receded, Poros stood motionless as if nothing had happened.

Sasuke became numb, but he didn't give up just like that, several avatars that belonged to him appeared behind and beside Poros in this instant.

The lion even bombs! !
This is a physical skill that Sasuke created by copying Rock Lee's Biaolianhua using Sharingan, and kneading it with Biaolianhua's opening gesture - Shadow Dance Leaf.

But this physical stunt was stuck and blocked at the very beginning.

Because this kind of stunt must kick the opponent up to perform a series of crazy kicks and violent beatings.

But the problem is, Sasuke found that he couldn't kick the opponent, which was fatal!

Sasuke's legs began to ache and even swell, but he still didn't kick him. Poros also became impatient, and he said angrily, "I thought you would give me a different surprise, it seems that you That is, a guy who can only talk big and has no real material."

After saying that, Poros slapped Sasuke on the face and sent him flying far away.
From the beginning to the end, this was a joking and unfair battle. Poros thought that Sasuke could give him a little unexpected surprise, but in fact he thought too much after all.

Xianglin clasped her hands together, her eyes were filled with admiration, "Big brother with red hair, you are so amazing!"

Seeing Karin's stupid look, Sykes began to worry about the future of this little girl. If this continues, this girl will die sooner or later!
"Going about ten kilometers ahead, we should be within the range of Konoha Village." After Shizune finished speaking, she turned to look at Tsunade-sama, as if she was waiting for her next order.

However, Tsunade did not answer Shizune's question, but Bai Yu said, "Tsunate has fallen asleep. I guess she hasn't slept well these two nights."

Shizune showed a puzzled expression, and she asked a little uncertainly: "Could it be that you sneaked in at night when Tsunade-sama was asleep and did something bad, which caused her to be so listless now? "

Bai Yu turned her face guiltily and responded, "Haha, how is that possible?"

(End of this chapter)

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