Five to five from one punch

Chapter 318: Pure Love God of War Naruto

Chapter 318: Pure Love God of War Naruto
Sasuke, who was shot flying afterwards, lay on the solid mud.

Until now, he still doesn't understand why he lost?
It was the same with the thick eyebrows before, and it was the same with the man wearing the skull mask just now. Is Taijutsu really that much stronger than ninjutsu and illusion?

It was just a "swoosh", and he was slapped and flew here. Sasuke, who couldn't figure it out, stood up annoyed, and walked back to meet Naruto at the agreed place.

What happened afterwards was just like the original track. Sasuke, who had a swollen face, was attacked by the transgender Orochimaru after returning.

Sasuke, who was resentful for losing to Boros, vented all his anger on the transgender Orochimaru, but unfortunately.
On the contrary, this affected Sasuke's normal performance. In this battle, Orochimaru's evaluation of the bloodline of the last Uchiha in the nominal ninja world has been repeatedly lowered.

Orochimaru is really suspicious, are Uchiha Sasuke and Uchiha Itachi really brothers?

Could it be that Fuyue is having an affair?

Although Orochimaru was very disappointed with Sasuke's performance, this did not prevent him from spying on the blood of the Uchiha clan. Since he couldn't get Itachi's body, it would not be impossible to do it all at once.

Orochimaru began to confuse Sasuke in this way, and left the so-called gift, curse mark on him!
Afterwards, after Sasuke personally tasted the power of the curse seal, an evil seed was quietly buried deep in his heart. Only he who has mastered this power is qualified to kill that man, right?

After a series of turmoil, the second Chunin exam also quietly came to an end, and after entering a period of training, they will enter the third Chunin exam, which is also the last moment!
"Oh, so you mean to say that Orochimaru has been controlled?", Baiyu sneaked into Konoha quietly, eating the three-color ball in his hand.

Sykes sat next to Bai Yu and massaged him very intimately, "Yes, Dashemaru has surrendered to us on the surface, but he must have known about his colorful intestines. Once he finds out Chances are, this guy is bound to bite us back or backstab us."

"It doesn't matter, our strength is beyond what he can imagine, no matter how hard he tosses, we won't be able to make waves." Bai Yu handed another string of three-color meatballs in the plate to Sykes and said, "Come on, you too Eat some, this is a specialty of Konoha Village."

Sykes took the three-color meatball from Baiyu's hand in surprise, and after she opened her mouth and bit one lightly, she murmured softly: "I heard that the three-color meatball here is very popular with the couples nearby. I think the two of us look like a couple."

"That's right." Bai Yu replied casually after biting off a ball.

But at this time Sykes' tone began to cool down and asked: "Master Baiyu seems to have two fragrances belonging to other women, one is relatively light, and the other is more mature, but according to what I said, these are both Perfume for a lousy woman."

"Master Baiyu should stay away from this kind of woman, don't you think so?"

Facing Sykes' dangerous speech, Bai Yu tactfully changed the subject: "Hahaha, Sykes, you are really amazing, you can smell it.

That's right, where did the black spirit and the unicorn go? "

Sykes licked her lower lip. She knew that Bai Yu was trying to divert the question, but she said indifferently, "They are lurking in the forest of death. It is said that they accidentally eliminated several groups of candidates."

After finishing speaking, Sykes' body got closer and closer to Bai Yu, and her blue hair began to grind and grind on Bai Yu's left face, not to mention the very alluring soft body
Feeling a little itchy on the nose, Bai Yu asked a little embarrassedly: "Isn't it a bit bad in broad daylight?"

"What are you afraid of?" Not only did Sykes not flinch, but she became bolder. She sprayed her warm tone on Bai Yu's ear: "Do you want to go to a place where there are no people after eating?"

Baiyu had to admit that the perfume on Sykes' body smelled really good, and it smelled much better than Tsunade and Shizune's.

Damn it!Who can stand this?

Facing the challenge from Sykes, how could Bai Yu be afraid?
"Hmph, do you think I'll be afraid?" Bai Yu put down the three-color ball in her hand, and said to Sykes, "Come on, I'll let you experience my strength for yourself!"

Sykes, who got the response, showed a knowing smile.

But at this moment, the yellow-haired boy Naruto has been on the opposite street, staring intently at the situation inside the meatball shop, no, it should be said that his eyes have been on Sykes.

At this time, Naruto met his favorite big sister, this is a very happy thing, there is nothing wrong with it
But why would my beloved beautiful big sister be with a silver-haired man?
What is their relationship?
Damn it, why is this silver smelly man so close to the beautiful big sister?

Get the hell out of here! !
Jealousy made Naruto lose his mind, and anger made him burn with anger. When his beloved big sister was about to go away with others, Naruto's eyes were moist
Painful emotions filled Naruto's heart, and this pain was a hundred times or even a thousand times stronger than when Kakashi-sensei threw him to Ebisu, an unreliable guy!
Sykes took Bai Yu's arm and walked out of the meatball shop intimately.

A thunderbolt seemed to hit Naruto's head, maybe it was his illusion
Naruto always felt like he was wearing a green hat on his forehead!

"Wow, no, it can't be like this, I must prevent this from happening." Naruto stared at Bai Yu's back viciously and said, "I don't want to be the sufferer in the novel!"

Just like that, Naruto began to quietly follow behind Bai Yu.

He wanted to find a chance to sneak attack and knock out the silver-haired man, and then leave here with his beloved big sister.

As for why the eldest sister is so close to this silver-haired man?
Hmph, it must be because the silver-haired man used despicable means to threaten the eldest sister, there is nothing wrong with that!
Just when Naruto was about to pray for the mantis to catch the cicada, he didn't know that there was already a yellow bird hiding behind him.

This oriole is one of the famous Sannin, the Immortal of Mount Miaomu himself!
Jiraiya had a big fight with the third Hokage just now, and the center of the quarrel was naturally because of Naruto.

He had just returned to the village not long ago, and at the same time he had heard a lot of things, such as the demon fox.
When Jiraiya began to learn about Naruto's childhood life because of curiosity, he began to angrily approach the Third Hokage, and naturally there were subsequent quarrels.

(End of this chapter)

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