Five to five from one punch

Chapter 333 Shimura Danzo's Speech

Chapter 333 Shimura Danzo's Speech


In the 60th year of Konoha, too many things happened on this day. An accident happened in the Chunin exam. Sand Ninja Village, Orochimaru and a third-party organization teamed up to attack Konoha, and the property loss in the village was serious. All the properties of the root organization were taken away, and more importantly, Hokage died in the hands of the enemy in public! !
The entire huge Konoha Village was destroyed by the enemy using a powerful forbidden technique called Crashing Star Roaring Cannon.

Fortunately, before the start, all the people in the village and the weak ninjas were evacuated to the outside, otherwise the number of casualties would be even more difficult to see directly.

Three days after the Chunin exam day.

Naruto was walking on this familiar street, he looked at the completely destroyed buildings around him, and the group of crying children on the side of the road.
He secretly clenched his fist, and an inexplicable anger gradually grew in his heart.

Three generations of grandpas died in battle, and Muye Village was destroyed. Naruto never even dared to think about these absurd things in his mind.

Until Naruto wanted to walk to the plaza where Konoha's damage was still acceptable, a voice sounded from next door to him.

"Oh, isn't this Naruto?" Uncle Yile smiled and called Naruto to stop, he opened the gate of his shop and said to the other party: "I haven't seen you for two days, I thought you did something wrong It's over, don't look depressed, why don't you come in and eat a bowl of ramen. It's free!"

Seeing the familiar face, Naruto felt a little bit better. He smiled and said, "It's great to see you, I'm still worried that something will happen to you."

"Haha, it's nothing, it's just luck, the terrorist attack that day is still vivid in my memory, but maybe it's because my store is in a better location, and it survived the terrorist attack. It’s good.” Uncle Yile greeted Naruto to come in and eat noodles.

After Naruto showed a "hee hee hee" smile, he walked into Yile Ramen Shop, "Uncle Yile, then I'd rather be obedient than respectful!"

The sky is occupied by the mood of haze, from time to time small water droplets will gradually descend on this lifeless place, the Konoha Consolation Monument.

Kakashi put a bouquet of flowers in front of a certain tombstone, and said softly, "I know today is not that day, but I don't know where else I can go."

"Konoha Village was destroyed, and the third Hokage died. These things were like the last straw that broke the donkey. It made me feel exhausted. What shocked me even more was the fact that the nickname was Hell. The members of the Human Akatsuki organization told me that Obito is still alive."

"Lin, if this is true, what should I do?"

The dead can't answer any questions, and Kakashi also understands this truth, he just subconsciously came here to find someone to vomit his bitterness to.

Crisp chirping sound, from top to bottom
An ordinary songbird was located on Nohara Rin's tombstone. After calling out to Kakashi a few times, it flew to Kakashi's head and knocked hard a few times, and then the songbird flew back to the sky , gradually disappeared from Kakashi's field of vision.

Kakashi was a little overwhelmed, and then he seemed to understand something, "Lin, is this a reminder you sent me from heaven?"

At this moment, Kakashi made up his mind, he must find Obito, and investigate what happened back then, whether it was a conspiracy or not, he must find the real answer.

Who exactly is involved in Rin's death and why Obito keeps faking the fact of his death.

Assuming that everything is as the underworld man Alan said, if he could see through that it was a conspiracy at the time, he would be stronger, wouldn't Lin be dead and see that scene?
What is the truth?
Kai lightly patted Kakashi on the shoulder and said, "Let's go, Kakashi, there are more important things waiting for us to do."

Kakashi came back to his senses, he nodded to Kai, "Yes, Hokage is dead, the most important thing now is to establish a new Hokage candidate as soon as possible, and stabilize this messy situation as soon as possible."

Speaking of this, Kai quietly said to Kakashi: "If you choose Hokage, there seems to be a person at Konoha Plaza who is trying to give a speech."

The Muye Square was filled with crowds of people at this time, and at this time, on the high platform in the center of the square, a certain politician was giving a canvassing speech wantonly.

This person is Shimura Danzo who has a special desire for the position of Hokage.

"Everyone, this is the moment of crisis for Konoha. The death of the third Hokage means that the enemy is extremely ferocious. Our organization rushed out to stop it at the first time in this crisis, even at a huge price. No matter what, as long as I can protect Konoha, even if I, Shimura Danzo, are heartbroken, I will have nothing to say!"


For today's speech, Shimura Danzo has worked hard and practiced for a long time. In addition, their root organization is indeed involved in this battle, and innocent people have been affected. This makes him even more lyrical and passionate to give the speech.

The Konoha villagers were all emotionally affected by Danzo's speech, but there is a more important reason why so many of them gathered here.

That is.
A guy in a big black robe with a bat, just next to this politician, kept hitting his forehead with a spoon. After Danzo gave a passionate speech, he would be hit on the forehead with a spoon.
Compared with being moved, this miraculous scene made the villagers of Konoha even more amused.

They even think that this is not a speech before canvassing votes at all, but a funny activity to inspire people!

Having been knocked on the head like this all the time, and it was this important speech, Shimura Danzo is really popular among Buddhas.

He threw down the speech angrily, pointed at the unknown creature holding a spoon and yelled: "Enough, how many times do you bastard want to knock on my forehead, you didn't see that my forehead was almost swollen ?"

Shimura Danzo, who couldn't bear it anymore, quickly formed a seal, and the fierce wind escape ninjutsu directly hit the mysterious creature holding a spoon.

Under the wanton hurricane, the mysterious creature was quickly torn into pieces, and then gradually disappeared into the air.
Although Danzo eliminated the unknown creature holding a spoon, he deeply understood that this is not over at all!

Sure enough, just as Danzo expected, the back of his head was hit again and again with a spoon a few seconds later!

Shimura Danzo felt extremely bitter and sad, he yelled at the creature holding the spoon in pain: "Please let me go, can you knock it with someone else?"

Shimura Danzo, wearing a mask of pain, really has no choice.

Since he woke up, this ghost thing has been knocking beside him for three days. It keeps knocking and never stops!

Do you know how Danzo spent these three days?
(End of this chapter)

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