Five to five from one punch

Chapter 334 Naruto Candidate?

Chapter 334 Naruto Candidate?
Ninjutsu is tough to destroy, it will be revived and continue to knock you.

Danzo hides in a secret place, and he will instantly move by your side.

Let the sealing class use the sealing technique. It was indeed quiet for more than ten minutes at the beginning, but it reappeared soon.

What's even more frightening is that it doesn't communicate with you at all, it just keeps knocking on your head and never rests!

Shimura Danzo hasn't had a good night's sleep for two days, this bastard spoon monster, even when he's sleeping, he won't let you go, he keeps knocking. Knocking endlessly!

Even this important canvassing speech was spoiled by it, and the villagers began to think that it was a ridiculous sideshow.
Well, it's not as good as dying at the hands of that woman two days ago,

When Shimura Danzo was in great pain, a discussion meeting was also taking place in the crudely built Konoha small building.

There are only two important items in the discussion meeting.

The first one is the candidate for the new Hokage, and the second one is... who is the enemy?

Mitomon Yan, Zanju Koharu, Jiraiya, Kakashi and others are the candidates for this secret discussion meeting.

At first they suggested that Jiraiya be the new Hokage candidate, but the Mt. Miaomu sage did not agree with this decision. He has always been at ease, so asking him to be Hokage would kill him?
But a very serious problem also came up, Jiraiya is not Hokage, and Kakashi is indeed a good candidate, but this time the opponent is Shimura Danzo, the man in the dark!

Compared with him, Kakashi may still be too young.

After thinking about it, they don't have a good candidate at the moment, no matter how you look at it, Zilai is also the most suitable candidate.

In the end, Jiraiya had no choice but to push his good friend, Tsunade Hime, who is also one of the Sannin, to go out and take the bag.

If it is Tsunade, in terms of qualifications, contribution, and popularity, it is indeed better than Jiraiya, and it is also a candidate for Shimura Danzo.

On the premise that Jiraiya patted his heart and said that he would definitely bring Tsunade back, Mitomon Yan and Zhuanju Koharu finally let Jiraiya go, and those who didn't drive the ducks to the shelves let the other party become the fifth generation of Hokage .

Now that the first topic has been identified, the second topic is the top priority of this discussion.

Who is the enemy?

Sand Shinobi has fully surrendered and confessed everything, what shocked everyone even more is that Kazekage was killed by Orochimaru!
Originally, this was a Konoha collapse plan conspired by Sand Ninja and Orochimaru, but Orochimaru killed Kazekage and disguised him to carry out this plan. What's even more chilling is that this third-party organization came from Kakashi Judging from Jiraiya's words and evidence, Orochimaru's real partner is not Sand Ninja at all, but this evil organization named "Akatsuki".

Including Jiraiya's information and Kakashi's words to judge.

The leader of this organization named Akatsuki is a mysterious man named Allen who is code-named Netherman. He is suspected of being able to manipulate time to a certain extent, and likes to wear a mouse mask.

The second is the red-haired man who killed the third Hokage face to face. It is said that this is a one-eyed red-haired man with a huge height. Code-named Payne, in the Chunin exam, the purpose of mixing into the candidates is unknown.

The third is a blue-haired woman who was disguised as a companion with Payne and mixed into the candidates. The code name is unknown, and the real name is unknown. According to the testimony of a certain eyewitness of Ninja Village, in this Konoha collapse plan, Their organization was attacked by this woman, which caused serious damage to the root organization, and even looted their belongings.

The fourth place is a wretched man with a black body and a white face. His code name and name are unknown, his ability can be split, and his recovery ability is extremely amazing. There is a hidden form, which can instantly transform into a golden terrifying posture, and its strength is immeasurable.
The fifth place is a huge unicorn creature, which is suspected to be a psychic beast. Its code name is unknown, its name is unknown, and its ability is unknown. Its characteristics seem to be very bad, and its power is extremely terrifying.
"Kakashi, you have been in contact with that underworld man Allen, has he ever said, what exactly does the Akatsuki organization want to do?" Mitomonyan asked a little restlessly.

Kakashi stroked his Sharingan, he recalled the conversation with the underworld man, after organizing the words, he said: "It seems that he once mentioned that the purpose of their organization is to realize the real Ninja world Peace!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone on the scene gasped.

Has Konoha been destroyed?
Tsunade sat in front of the table, unable to calm down for a long time.

Although her purpose of coming here this time was to feel vaguely what would happen to Konoha, but when the conjecture became a fact, it was really difficult for people to calm down.

"Is the news accurate?"

"It must be accurate. I sneaked over to Konoha to take a look. It is now in ruins, and even Konoha's towering fence has been blown flat." Jing Yin's description is as exaggerated as it is. exaggerate.

Bai Yu was really afraid that Jing Yin would catch his breath while talking, so he handed over the water cup thoughtfully and said, "Slow down, don't worry, drink some water first!"

As soon as the water was handed over, when it was about to reach Shizune's hand, Tsunade grabbed it and drank it all, "Ha~"

"Then Tsunade-sama, are you going back to Konoha Village?" After Shizune poured herself a glass of water, she asked Tsunade suspiciously.

Tsunade replied: "Why do you want to go back? Since I left that village, I have forgotten everything there. As for what will happen to Konoha in the future, it has nothing to do with me."
"But if that's the case. Why do you still come here, Tsunade-sama?", just after Shizune finished speaking, he immediately realized that he had said something wrong.

Sure enough, Tsunade squeezed the cup in her hand, and she asked Jingyin out of breath, "I remember that the homework I gave you a few days ago seems to have not been completed yet?"

Shizune's expression gradually turned into a bitter face, she already guessed what Tsunade-sama's next words would be
"Since you are so free and still have time, triple those homework, and I have to see your results tomorrow!"

After finishing Mute, I feel that my life is gloomy, and this kind of workload will kill people.

Bai Yu felt Jing Yin's eyes begging for help, the other party was very pitiful and miserable
This reminded him of the scene in his previous life when he failed the primary school English test and was detained by the teacher after school.

Subconsciously, when Baiyu wanted to intercede for Jingyin, Tsunade's murderous eyes stared at Baiyu as if to say, do you dare to intercede for her?
In the instant of 0.01 seconds, Baiyu immediately changed his words and said to Jingyin, "Live and learn, this is Tsunade-sama's encouragement and love for you. I hope you can understand the painstaking efforts, Miss Jingyin."

(End of this chapter)

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