Five to five from one punch

Chapter 344 Strange Ideas

Chapter 344 Strange Ideas
From the moment the opponent stood against Amaterasu, Uchiha Itachi knew that he had lost.

Itachi just wants to know what this man is planning and what he wants from him?
"I know that you are an undercover agent of Konoha Village hidden in Akatsuki's organization. I have already killed your boss, the Third Hokage. From now on, you must work for me." Bai Yu said her request forcefully.

However, Itachi thought about it for a while, but he didn't agree. Instead, he asked Bai Yu vigilantly, "You mean you want me to control the entire Akatsuki organization?"

"Amazing." Bai Yu clapped her palms happily. Sure enough, talking to a smart person doesn't need to be too tiring. She just showed a little sign, and the other party immediately understood the meaning behind it.

"Please allow me to refuse this request." After all, Itachi still did not agree.

But it doesn't matter, Bai Yu already knew about Itachi's weakness.

"If you don't agree, I will send someone to Muye Village to kill your brother right now, and send his head to you."

Itachi pretended to be calm and said, "Hmph, he's just a stupid brother. Do you think I care about his life?"

Bai Yu laughed, and then he said to Ashura Unicorn, "Now take Hei Jing to Konoha Village, and hand me the head of that Uchiha Sasuke."

After finishing speaking, Uchiha Itachi staged a face-changing Sichuan opera on the spot, "Okay, I agree to your request, but you can't interfere in the affairs between me and Sasuke."

"Hahaha", seeing this scene, Bai Yu laughed even more happily, and clapped his palms even harder.

The ear-shattering sound made Itachi who was close to him feel extremely uncomfortable physically. He believed that if the silver-haired man continued to clap his palms, he would be injured again.

"When your younger brother who loves you so much kills his parents, are you so willing to let go?" Bai Yu mocked this man who was in the dark and couldn't see the bright future at all.

"Don't talk about the righteousness of the country to perfuse me, I know everything about you and the darkness of Konoha."

Itachi rarely lost control of his emotions. He squeezed his palm tightly, and the memory of that night appeared in his eyes. The scene of his mother and father handing the knife to his hand. The look in his eyes under the knife has been entangled in his mind until now.

"I have no choice."

Uchiha Itachi who said these words seemed to be a few years older.

"That's why I don't like you." Bai Yu patted his pants and stood up.

"In the coming time, I will launch a terrorist attack on every ninja village. At that time, the eyes of the entire ninja world will be on the Akatsuki organization. You are going to help me take this blame."

"But, you will trigger a ninja war, even if it is, it doesn't matter?"

"It's your Xiao organization who wants to fight, what's none of my business?"

Itachi couldn't figure out what the silver-haired man was thinking, and his lips quivered as he said that sentence.

"Do you want to wipe out the entire Ninja Village, including the Akatsuki organization?"

"That's not something you can manage. I will let Hei Jing go back to Xiao Organization with you. You will continue to lurk and wait for the time I arrange before you act. In short, Hei Jing will convey my meaning to you."

"Then, what reason should I use to excuse Kisame's death?" Itachi seemed to understand that his undercover journey seemed to start a new chapter, but Kisame's death still had to be dealt with.

Bai Yu said to Itachi, "Wait a minute."

Then he closed his eyes, and his soul began to float to the kingdom of the dead that he had strayed into at first.

A familiar scene appeared in Bai Yu's eyes.

After experiencing the power of his body, Bai Yu found that his control over this place was still absolutely strong.

In this regard, he pulled out the charging treasure of the Sage of the Six Paths
When the Immortal of the Six Paths saw Bai Yu, he said angrily, "Let me out, outsider. This is not a world you can play with!"

"I just want to play around, come here and hit me." Bai Yu made a shy iron fist gesture to Immortal of Six Paths, and by the way, ntr all his abilities in front of him.

Bai Yu found Guixier's soul, and asked the King of the Deep Sea to link his head and body together. After waiting for the preconditions to be met, he sent Guixier's reincarnation to the real world directly, right next to Itachi's body. beside.
Immortal of the Six Paths saw his eyelids twitch, and he muttered like an old man: "It's messed up, it's all messed up, if you play with life and death like this, something will happen."

"I'll fuck you, if you keep talking like this, believe it or not, I'll kill you with one punch." Bai Yu pointed at the Immortal of the Six Paths and warned him.

Immortal of the Six Paths suddenly calmed down, and entered the magic stick mode again, pretending to be cold.

In the Naruto world, playing with life and death everywhere, isn't this a normal thing?
Otherwise, what would I do by copying your reincarnation eyes?
Let go of God Luo Tianzheng?

Itachi is a hell of a thing.

The dead Kisame unexpectedly descended beside him!

He knew that there was a forbidden technique that could resurrect the dead and manipulate the dead.
But the resurrection he understood was completely different from this kind of resurrection!
Bai Yu reappeared in front of Itachi and said: "Now you don't need to explain, Gui Jiao has been resurrected, he will go back to Xiao Organization with you, and the two of you will be my undercover agent together."

Itachi didn't care about this question, he just wanted to know how it was done?
How can a dead person be resurrected?

Compared with Itachi, after waking up, Kisame turned into an appearance deeply poisoned by xie religion. He knelt in front of Baiyu like a devout believer, expressing his loyalty and all his secrets.

Bai Yu knew these secrets a long time ago, but after hearing it, Itachi felt cold sweat on his back.

Perhaps it was a start, and Baiyu also followed Kisame's lead, exposing Obito and Uchiha Madara's plan together, lest Itachi and Kisame show their feet.

The Eye of the Moon Project?
Modified inscription?

Uchiha Obito!
This information made Itachi feel dizzy physically and mentally
She never thought that the biggest Lao Yinbi was actually by her side.

After explaining everything, the two members of the Akatsuki organization who were instigated to rebel + a black schizophrenia returned to the Akatsuki organization with an unknown conspiracy.

To Bai Yu, this is just a pawn arranged on a whim. As for the development, he really doesn't care much about it.

He is still more concerned about the development of Niu Ren village.

However, Bai Yu never expected that the fact that he patted Sykes on the shoulder three times on a whim would actually make the other party think strangely!

(End of this chapter)

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