Five to five from one punch

Chapter 345 Sykes' monkey understanding

Chapter 345 Sykes' monkey understanding

Why did things turn out like this?
Bai Yu couldn't comprehend the situation and the changes he was facing now!

Bai Yu pulled the quilt to cover her smooth skin like snow, and then he stroked the latter's blue hair, so why did things turn out like this?
It seems that the source of everything can be traced to the three times he accidentally tapped Sykes on the shoulder
Recently, Hei Jing seems to be obsessed with reading the famous Journey to the West, and Sykes has always wanted to instigate Hei Jing, a weirdo, to defect from the camp of Asura Unicorn to her side.

So Sykes also began to familiarize himself with Journey to the West, in order to be able to find similar topics with Black Spirit to instigate rebellion.

Probably due to familiarity with Journey to the West, she seemed to have mistook Bai Yu's unintentional encouragement three times as a hint.
For example, the three hints that Bodhi Patriarch patted on Monkey King's head suggested that Sykes also couldn't understand the meaning of white jade.

In fact, Bai Yu patted Sykes on the shoulder three times because the weirdos under him were hard to manage, signaling her to continue to work hard and work hard.

But Sykes misunderstood the meaning of these three clappings as coming to my room at three o'clock in the middle of the night!
Good guy, after sending Uchiha Itachi and the others away, Bai Yu naturally rested here, never expecting that he was attacked by Sykes at night!

How can a normal man resist such an attack?
No, no one can stand it!

Therefore, Bai Yu naturally fell into the opponent's soft offensive, which is actually very reasonable and logical.
At least that's how he hypnotized himself, but once he thought about it seriously, he was attacked at night. It seemed that he couldn't save face.

Thinking of Bai Yu here, he stretched out his hand to uncover the quilt that Sykes had just covered, then he picked up the other party's weak and boneless body, and had a new exchange

The world's time will not stop flowing because of happy moments, even Baiyu who has mastered the ability of time is no exception.

This is the past few days?

Bai Yu rubbed her shoulders as she walked along the path in the forest.

I don't know, what happened to Tsunade, would he worry about him, or blame him for not returning home at night?

Bai Yu, who was thinking wildly, gradually walked outside the familiar forest hut.
Bai Yu stopped walking, he was thinking about what excuse he should use to cover up the fact that he disappeared for the past few days.

What should I use?
This is really a world problem!

Just when Bai Yu was still thinking of an excuse, there was a "creak" sound from the door of the wooden house
Tsunade walked out staring at a pair of dark circles under her eyes, she saw Baiyu standing not far outside the wooden house, meditating
Immediately afterwards, Tsunade's expression seemed to be relieved, at least nothing happened to Bai Yu.

If it wasn't for Bai Yucheng's excellent performance in hanging and beating her, Tsunade might go crazy and turn over this forest and outside when the other party disappeared these days.

The dark circles on her eyes are also due to the white jade.
Thanks to him not coming home at night, Tsunade can't sleep all night now, and often suffers from insomnia and can't fall asleep!

After seeing Bai Yu who was thinking about it day and night, the corners of Tsunade's mouth began to twist, revealing a cold and cruel smile.

She approached Baiyu at an unprecedented speed, and although the latter also saw the menacing Tsunade, Baiyu found that he had nothing to do now!
Tsunade hugged Bai Yu. The kind that was very strong!
Fortunately, Baiyu's physical attributes have long been transcendent, and he would not be directly strangled to death by Tsunade.

As long as his physical attributes are not good enough, it is estimated that he will be killed by Tsunade's desperate hold.

Although this posture is very painful, Baiyu has to admit that Tsunade is really very predictable.
Well, she is a very old lady!
"Oh, how dare you stay out at night!" Tsunade let go of Baiyu, and then punched his handsome face.

Naturally, Tsunade's anger would not stop there, he directly grabbed Baiyu's feet and began to slap him on the ground like a towel.

"What's the matter with the smell of perfume on your body?" Tsunade's angry face couldn't hide the anger in her heart at all, and she began to experience more and more experience.
Tsunade couldn't satisfy Tsunade's desire anymore, she started to send a "Kimura lock" to Baiyu, and then asked him: "Quickly tell me, what's the matter with the perfume smell on your body?"

"As soon as you smell it, you know it's from a woman with very low taste. I don't remember that you knew other girls besides Jing Yin and me!"

Tsunade's anger continued.
Baiyu was really curious, why what Tsunade said was so similar to the words that Sykes had satirized the other party.

Poor perfume, one smells it and you know it is a woman with low taste.

The ninja world is extremely huge, and there are boundaries that cannot be covered on the ninja world map.

The person who can split into a black essence with a unit of trillion will naturally be given great attention and high hopes by Bai Yu, because the split body with a unit of trillion can easily do things that ordinary people cannot do.

Anyway, the black spirit can split so many individuals, so it's not for nothing.

For example, investigating the situation, or investigating the field everywhere, sometimes there will always be some unexpected gains.

Just like now, Black Spirit found a white sneaker in the wild.

He quietly walked behind the other party and sighed, "Oh, what a rich source of protein nutrition, the other party seems to be a little absent-minded, why don't we just give the other party from the beginning to the end."

Bai Jue suddenly felt an inexplicable malice covering it!
who is it?

Who is spying on its white ass?
The terrified Bai Jue turned around in an instant, and he looked at the black spirit who was releasing desire behind him: "What are you?"

A smile appeared on Heijing's wretched face, and he asked Bai Jue, "Hey, I don't think you look like a human being. Master Baiyu said that I can selectively devour animals other than humans."

(End of this chapter)

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