Chapter 229

"Then you just guard him and leave us alone." An Zisu turned to face her, "If you still want me to forgive you, then come with me now."

"Mom, I'm sorry." An Weiyi bit her lip, the white bite marks were so shocking.

"You don't need to be sorry." An Zisu was calm, his eyes were dark and dull, and his heart was completely broken.

An Weiyi kowtowed three times to An Zisu, swallowing all the grievances and pains in his stomach.

Lan Ao looked at An Weiyi's thin back, seeing her persistence, couldn't bear it, and was moved like a tide.The eye sockets that hadn't been wet for many years were stinging at this moment, and his retreat showed that this little girl who was only in her twenties was so tough and tall, like a mountain on his heart.The pressure made him uncomfortable, and his chest hurt like tearing apart inch by inch.

He walked over, walked to An Weiyi's side, squatted down slowly beside her, supported her slender shoulders, and said solemnly: "Wei Wei, you are obedient, go back with Mrs. An. If I can live, I will go to your home to look for you, pursue you, and I will not accept you until I have a healthy body, so go back and wait for me."

An Weiyi's beautiful eyes were hazy, and she shook her head in disbelief: "I will never leave you for a second. I can't waste time, and I won't listen to your excuses. You just want to push me away. I don't want to go Wait, wait for your message to leave me. I don't want to."

She grabbed his arms, not daring to relax in the slightest, for fear that he would disappear before her eyes like this: "I know you just care that you have a heart attack, and you just fear that you will die before me, don't you?"

She smiled, with a hint of desolation and heartache, then slowly stood up, took two steps back, and glanced at everyone: "Then what if I die before you? Will you still want me and push me away? "

There was a cold and thin sharp blade in her hand, which rested firmly on her neck, and everyone was amazed.

"An Weiyi, don't mess around." Lan Ao's tone was cold and his eyes were serious.

"Xiaoyi, put down the knife, you've let me down so much." Seeing her daughter's mood of flying moths into the flame, An Hezhe finally became angry, "Didn't Dad support you? Dad is always on your side, you Mom just couldn't think about it for a while, how could you repay us in such a decisive and cruel way? If you are still the daughter of the An family, put down the knife."

"Sister, don't be so stupid."

"Only, put down the knife and be obedient."

"Since you don't want me anymore, my mother doesn't forgive me. I am in pain and hard work. The people I love are all around me, but I can't hold any of them. Why is my love so difficult? Mom, yours There is really no need to worry. In fact, no matter what I do, he will not accept me. I have exhausted all my strength and thought, but he still has not given me a smile. He knows that he cannot give me happiness. He runs away from me and chases me away. Come on, if he is a selfish person, how can I like him so much. Mom, you misunderstood him, he is really the best man in the world, at least he cherishes me a hundred times. He didn't touch me, even my I haven't even touched a single finger, isn't such a man worthy of my life's love?" Her eyes locked on Lan Ao's pale face.

Lan Ao stretched out his hand to her, his eyes were as clear as snow: "Give me the knife quickly."

An Weiyi took a step back: "You all don't come here."

Lan Ao's face was livid, he gritted his teeth, suddenly his knees gave way, and his tall body knelt on the ground on one knee.His hands clutched the shirt on his chest, and messy flowers bloomed under his fingers.He felt a heat in his chest, a tightness in his throat, he spurted out a mouthful of blood, spots of bright red wet his white clothes.

"Lan Ao, what's wrong with you?" An Weiyi ran up desperately and hugged his fallen body, "Brother Xiao, call an ambulance."

For a while, the room was in chaos.

They sent Lan Ao to the central hospital immediately, and after the hospital's diagnosis and treatment, Lan Ao finally turned the corner.

But this time, An Weiyi didn't cry like last time. Every time Lan Ao fell down, she was so strong and always waited for him with a smile.She was always optimistic. Looking at her daughter, An Zisu was filled with emotion and swallowed everything she said.

"His heart is getting more and more unable to bear the load, and he may fail and die one day." Chu Wei's face was dark and very ugly.

"Brother Chu, why is he vomiting blood?" An Weiyi's beautiful eyes were worried.

"He's out of breath," he said. "Are you pissing him off again?"

"I...I didn't." An Weiyi shook his head and explained, "I just don't agree to him leaving here. I want to stay with him, but he doesn't agree. I really don't want to be mad at him."

An Zisu blocked her daughter behind her: "It has nothing to do with her, I want to separate them."

"Mom." An Weiyi bit her lip uneasily, and tugged at her sleeve, "Lan Ao is like this, I won't go with you."

Xiao Nan patted Chu Wei on the shoulder: "Everyone, don't worry, the heart that Lan Ao needs has been found, and the operation will take five days. The only one, this time depends on God's decision, come on."

Heart found?
An Weiyi froze for a moment, is he saved?

Tears glistened in her eyes, like the brightest stars in the sky, she covered her mouth with her thin white hands, she was so excited that she couldn't restrain herself, she smiled, but there were tears in her smile.She is like a farmer who works hard in the field and waits for the autumn harvest, but finds a barren land. The despair and disappointment make her feel uncomfortable, but one day she suddenly sees the desolate land growing a lot of fruits. The joy is that What can't be described in words is the tears that are so frenzied to the extreme.

An Weiyi rushed to the end of the corridor, ran to the bathroom, turned on the faucet, and poured cold water on her face, trying to calm herself down.She also wants to accompany him through the most difficult last moment, and the operation must be successful.

She looked at herself in the mirror, wiped off the water stains on her face, and walked out steadily.

Everyone looked at her, seeing her crying like a child just now, and looking at her as strong as a mature person.

"Brother Xiao, can I ask Brother Chen to find the best cardiologist in the United States to consult with Brother Lan's attending doctor, and then participate in the operation?" An Weiyi's eyes were cold, and he tried his best to calm himself down.

"Okay." Xiao Nan nodded.

"Then I'll go and see Lan Ao." She smiled softly like silk.

She turned around and opened the door to go in. Lan Ao was lying on the bed, watching An Weiyi coming, and quietly watching her sitting on the chair beside the bed.

She also looked at him like this, her four eyes intersected, and let the eyes meet, so that the other party only saw herself.

"Lan Ao, I will never call you Brother Lan again. I will call him by his name like a woman calls her beloved man, and let your name be deeply engraved on my heart." After a long time , she slowly opened the mouth, "With a heart, we have hope. Lan Ao, you have no excuse to push me away. I will be with you, and you will be with me, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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