Chapter 230

Lan Ao pulled his lips: "The only one, I'm sorry."

He hurt her, he didn't have as much courage as her, and he owed her too much after all.Such a pure and beautiful woman ignited miracles and warmth in his life one after another.

An Weiyi shook his head, smiled and shook his hand: "Actually, I'm so afraid of you leaving me like this, because you haven't told me that you like me. I'm waiting for your words."

"The only one..." He held her hand back, his affection was hard to repay her, and suddenly he realized that he was not as strong as her, "Wait for me."

"I've been waiting for you." She thought softly, soft as water.

She stepped forward, leaned over his chest, lowered her eyes, and her slender eyelashes were clearly visible in the sunlight.Her breath was full of his smell, which made her feel so at ease: "I have always wanted to lean on your chest like this and listen to your heartbeat. This is the greatest happiness."

Lan Ao stretched out his hand to caress her watery blue hair, and put a kiss on her hair.

An Zisu didn't let her daughter go home again, An Hezhe and An Junyan went back, and she stayed to take care of the only one.Although she was so opposed to her daughter being with Lan Ao, her daughter's determination made her helpless, and the operation was also risky.She just wanted to help her share and give her a little more warmth.

In the past few days, An Weiyi personally made soup and sent it to the hospital to feed Lan Ao to drink. Everything was so peaceful, but everyone knew that surgery was the most important thing.Authoritative cardiologists from the United States and doctors from the Central Hospital have repeatedly consulted for Lan Ao's operation, and hope is very high.

"Come on, drink the soup." An Weiwei blew the soup from the cold spoon and brought it to Lan Ao's mouth.

"You feed me." He smiled darkly.

"Aren't I feeding you?" She coaxed him gently.

"Not this." Lan Ao glanced at the spoon in disgust.

An Weiyi frowned, looked at Lan Ao staring at her somewhere, and finally realized, her ears turned red: "Lan Ao, don't push yourself too hard."

"Then let's consume it, and see who can consume it more than the other." He picked up a magazine and flipped through it, looking at her angry little mouth through the edge of the book.

She drank the soup into her mouth in one gulp, snatched away the magazine in his hand, leaned over, held his face, kissed his mouth, and gave him the soup.

At this moment, the door opened, and it was Yue Ran who came to visit. Seeing this unsuitable scene, she said, "Don't overplay it." Then she left.

An Weiyi broke away from Lan Ao's arms and raised her head, her face turned even redder: "You have ruined my fame in the first life. It's really embarrassing to be seen by sister Yue."

"It's too late to worry about this at this time?" Lan Ao jokingly smiled, bent his fingers and scratched her pretty nose lightly, "I remember that you said you were my woman in front of everyone. Scared now?"

"Who is afraid of whom. I, An Weiyi, have never been afraid of anyone since I grew up, hmph." Xiaoyan, with a confident and proud face, really resembles someone.

An Weiyi stretched out his hand to hold his hand, and the two interlocked their fingers, looked at each other, and smiled knowingly.He pulled her against his chest.She nestled in his arms obediently, happily raising a sweet smile.

The green ginkgo leaves are fluttering in the breeze, and the sound of blessing is heard
These five days passed so quickly that no one could sleep well the night before the operation.

The next day, An Zisu accompanied An Weiyi and arrived early. Xiao Nan and Yue Ran, Xia Fei and Xiao Shuang, Chu Wei and Yang Yi, Ling Yun and Chi Yushan who were married within the past two years all came to cheer them up. , everyone wished them happiness with blessings.

"Lan Ao, I'm waiting for you outside, don't be afraid, just think about me, okay?" An Weiyi held his hand tightly, the palm of which was already wet, "The first thing you see when you come out saw me."

"Don't worry." Lan Ao took her into his arms and pressed an affectionate kiss on her forehead, "Wait for me."

"Well, I've been waiting for you outside." An Weiyi nodded heavily, raising the brightest smile, which was fixed in Lan Ao's eyes.

He was pushed into the operating room, and An Weiyi and his interlocking fingers were forced to separate.

She stood quietly in front of the door, repeatedly telling herself to wait for him to give her the best happiness.

"Only one, sit on the chair and have mom accompany you." An Zisu stepped forward to help her sit down, quietly waiting to be delayed by the cruel time.

Anxiously waiting for the passage of time is painful, waiting for an unknown future is even more painful.

Although An Weiyi sat quietly on the chair with no expression on her face, An Zisu and Yue Ran, who were sitting on her left and right and holding her hands, could clearly feel the cold sweat constantly pouring out of her palms. tremble.

Her pupils couldn't see the focal length, like the surface of a lake with thick fog, and she looked confused.

"Xiao Yi, don't worry too much." An Zisu shook her hand.

"Only, Lan Ao will be fine, he knows you are still waiting for him, waiting to give you happiness, he will not let himself down like this." Yue Ran took a piece of tissue from Xiao Shuang, He gently wiped the sweat from his palms for her.

An Weiyi wanted to speak, but found that she didn't even have the strength to open her mouth, so she could only nod her head.

She kept praying in her heart that God would be more lenient to Lan Ao and love him more, even if she traded her life for it, it didn't matter.As long as he is safe and sound.

"Only, let me tell you something interesting about Lan Ao." Yue Ran wanted to distract her, "When I first met Lan Ao, he was very arrogant and didn't take anyone seriously. , I remember one time when I went out to Italy, he asked his subordinates to treat me as a guest, and even sent wolves to threaten me..."

Yue Ran's clear and soft voice was like sweet spring water flowing through An Wei's heart, gradually calming her restless, irritable, painful heart.

Everyone looked at Tian here, at An Weiyi.

The relentless passage of time, bit by bit, is like poison infiltrating on the tip of everyone's heart, causing pain.

Finally, the red light went out, and everyone's nerves collapsed to the highest point at this moment, as if they would break with a light touch.An's only pupil shrank, and then a bright starlight flashed, then she stood up abruptly, walked over, and surrounded the doctor with everyone.

"Doctor, how is my brother's condition?" Xiao Nan's brows were heavy, and his voice showed a trace of unsteadiness.

Everyone dreads hearing the worst news, and a heart thunders like a drum.

The doctor took off his mask and wiped the sweat from his forehead as if he was relieved: "The operation was successful, but it needs to be monitored for 48 hours. As long as the patient passes through the critical period, the patient will be fine. From now on, he will pay attention to psychological care, regular checkups, Diet control, etc."

(End of this chapter)

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