Chapter 231

She was very nervous, and her little hands tightly grasped his arm: "Lan Ao..."

"Only, don't move, it will always hurt the first time. I will be gentle."

" hurts so much?"

"Then you were so brave to seduce me last time?" He lovingly kissed the tip of her nose and put his arms around her waist.

An Weiyi lowered her head and her ears were burning red: "If I knew it would be such a pain, I wouldn't be beaten to death."

"Regret?" The two breathed entangled, and their figures shook.

"Yes." She put her arms around his neck and smiled sweetly, "I regret not taking you down earlier."

She took the initiative to send her the only one who is strong and safe, and kissed her forehead: "Sleep."

Finally, their bodies and minds merged together.

The only one, you are my only one, and I have finally become your only one.

The only one, I love you, all my life, life after life.

Later, when Lan Ao took An Weiyi, Xiao Nan, and Yue Ran to pay homage to his mother, he saw a row of tombstones with the word Xiao Sa in the middle of his mother, and he stopped him. On it were Xiao Nan, Yue Ran and their children. Xiao Ran's name, Xiao Bei's name and An's only name that he had used.

"Brother, what's going on?" Lan Ao frowned puzzled.

Xiao Nan looked at him and told him seriously: "He passed away."

"How did you die? Isn't he fine?" Looking at the date of birth and death above, it was just before his surgery.

"Xiao Bei, your heart was donated by your father." Xiao Nan's eyes fell on the stele, and he stretched out his hand to caress it, "Dad said he owes you the most. If it wasn't for his mother, he wouldn't have died, and you wouldn't have been born." He had a heart attack, and now his own heart is given to you to make up for you."

"Does he want to use this heart to atone for his sin? Why didn't you tell me, if I knew it was his, I would never accept it." He was still so angry and did not forgive his father.

"He told me not to tell you, but I know you have the right to know. That's why I asked you to go back this way today and let you see him." Xiao Nan sighed, "He didn't ask you to forgive him, he just I want to give you a longer life, and let you have the happiness that he never had. Do you know that when he knew that you could not find your heart, he came to me from the old house of the Xiao family and said he would donate his I was shocked when I was heartbroken. He said that you are his son. How could he watch you die and give up the happiness he got. Let us have what he can't have. He used to be sorry for his mother, but now he wants to be worthy of his son. He said that he was tired from work, and he wanted to reunite with his mother. This is the happiness he wanted. I didn’t agree with this at first, but my father had made up his mind, had an examination, and could be matched with you. After your operation I got the news of his death during the previous illness, so I said there was a dirty source."

Lan Ao's heart was like a surging sea, setting off a huge wave, which caught her off guard.Unable to accept such a result, he staggered back, his face pale.

There was a subtle pain in his heartache, and the heart of his father, the man he had hated for so long, was about to beat in his chest.

"How can he do this, what is he doing this for, is he doing this to want me to owe him? Is it impossible for me to repay him in my life? Thank him for letting me be with the only one, and I can give my beloved like a normal man Are women happy? I really have a great father, isn't it too late to talk about love now?" He chuckled slightly, a little ironically.

"Xiao Bei, everything is over, let's live on behalf of Dad." Xiao Nan looked at the blue sky from a distance, and it was clear, "You still have the only one, you must give her happiness, don't you?"

An Weiyi was standing not far away, and he heard their conversation clearly. She walked over and took Lan Ao's hand: "Lan Ao, he is always your father. I gave you your second life, we should thank him very much, if not for him, how could I have this happiness, how could I hold your hand. I am not afraid that you will leave without dirty source, what is afraid is that you have always refused to accept Me, you have been unable to get out of your own hurdles like that. If it weren’t for Dad’s sacrifice, how could we be together. As my brother said, those pasts are past, and thinking about the past is just to make life difficult for yourself. Why is it you? You Can't you understand this heavy father's love? He loves you, but he loves you too late, which does not affect the sincerity of this love."

Then she turned to face Xiao Sa's tombstone again, bowed respectfully three times, then knelt in front of his tombstone with a sincere face: "Dad, I am your daughter-in-law An Weiyi, you haven't seen me yet. But I want to thank you Give Lan Ao to me, and give him a second life, let him accept me, love you, I will definitely love him with the love you gave, and only love him in this life, you know and bless us Everyone. Dad, I have good news for you. I am pregnant and I have Lan Ao's child. I am really happy. Thank you."

"Pregnant?" Lan Ao was startled, why didn't he know?
He immediately helped An Weiyi up and looked him up and down carefully: "When did it happen?"

"Just now, Sister Yue and I vomited when teasing Xiao Ran, and Yue Ran knew I was pregnant." An Weiyi smiled like a little mouse who stole honey, "Lan Ao, I have a child, not Dad How can we be a family of three? So stop hating, think about me and my child and be happy, promise me, be happy and be happy. Then our child will be able to laugh happily as long as he is born."

Lan Ao's hand was pulled by her and placed on the lower abdomen, making him feel that the life is still an embryo, how miraculous life is.

Lan Ao hugged An Weiwei with one arm, and hugged him tightly: "Yes."

Yue Ran also came over and stood beside Xiao Nan, the two looked at each other and smiled.

"Of course I'm going to have a younger brother or younger sister soon." Yue Ran smiled, "The only one, work hard."

An Weiyi broke away from Lan Ao's embrace, Lan Ao said nervously: "Be careful, don't fall."

An Weiyi pissed mischievously and waited, ran to Yue Ran's side to tease Xiao Ran, who had just been born for three months, the baby burst into laughter, and everyone laughed too, the clear and crisp laughter echoed among the lush flowers and trees, There is an eternal happy smile on the face.

Happiness is hard to come by, as long as you are brave, love will fall by your side.

Happiness has come, please hold it with open hands.

(End of this chapter)

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