Chapter 53

Chi Yushan glanced at Fang Jiarou with a cold and sharp gaze, and her gaze happened to collide with Chi Yushan who was looking this way.She quickly turned her head away, drinking the wine in her hand to hide her panic.

Chi Yushan was not willing to give up, walked through the crowd, stepped forward and stood in front of Fang Jiarou, smiled contemptuously and said, "Fang Jiarou, in order to attract my brother's attention, you actually use tricks like splashing red wine? It's really embarrassing for you to do that." The nymphomaniac has become an idiot, and you have no better means."

As soon as this remark came out, it aroused the eyes of the people around, and their eyes were full of novelty.

Fang Jiarou choked on her trachea after taking a sip of wine, causing her to cough, her face flushed like a pig's liver: "Chi Yushan, don't spit blood, I already have a boyfriend, he is much better than your brother, who Will you miss your brother?"

"It's not rare, but I deliberately poured red wine. No matter how bad my brother is, he is also the president of Chiyu Group. Do you think I will believe it?" Chi Yushan sneered at her explanation, "If you really have a boyfriend, why don't you bring him a boyfriend?" Come out and blow it."

Looking at Fang Jiarou's gloomy face and fiery eyes, she thought she was angry from embarrassment.

"I'll let you die." Fang Jiarou saw Xiao Nan out of the corner of her eye, as if seeing a savior, she pushed aside the crowd, walked away, and held Xiao Nan with one hand, "He Xiao Nan is me Boy friend."

The atmosphere of the originally lively banquet hall was frozen, the air was silent, no one spoke, only looking inquiringly, and they held their breaths waiting for Xiao Nan's answer.

Xiao Nan was also startled, and raised his eyes to look at Yue Ran who was not far away, she just watched him silently, her gentle smile was an attitude of trust.

He withdrew his eyes and looked sideways at Fang Jiarou, and gently opened his lips.

He withdrew his eyes and looked sideways at Fang Jiarou, and gently opened his lips.

Xiao Nan brushed away Fang Jiarou's hand and was about to speak when someone slapped him behind him, and it turned out to be Chu Wei.

"Don't offend the Fang family, you won't get off the stage." He lowered his voice and whispered in his ear.

"No one can make decisions for me, neither can you." Xiao Nan looked at Chu Wei coldly, "Don't make me hate you. Ah Wei, no one wants to have a dark childhood and a life controlled by others."

The strength in Chu Wei's hands increased a little, and he glanced at all the guests from the corner of his eyes: "You don't even look at today's occasion, there are so many people, how are you going to end up? Let's talk after today, can't you? Anan, I am For your own good."

Xiao Nan took a deep breath, remembering the stormy night 20 years ago, and remembering that it was also such a noisy occasion, he was unable to resist at that time, and now he will not be caught without a fight: "They don't move, but I don't move." , whoever moves will die!"

"Is it worth it for her?" Chu Wei was worried.

"It's worth it." Xiao Nan nodded heavily, his gaze as firm as iron.

The Xiao family was terribly quiet, taking deep and shallow breaths up and down in the air.

Xiao Nan took a step forward, ready to leave.

"A'nan, is it that difficult to admit that Rourou is your girlfriend?" A figure stood in front of him, Fang Jiarou's elder brother Fang Jiajie.

This person is cruel and merciless, and he has done countless irritating things.

The craziest thing is that he had an affair with the newlywed wife of a political figure and became pregnant with a child, but he actually planned to kill that woman; and he pursued a 15-year-old freshman in high school, and broke someone else's body in three days.

In his words, women are just for fun.

"It's not difficult." There was a smile in Xiao Nan's eyes, but they were cold enough to freeze people to death, and a dark storm was gathering in his eyes, "But she is not my girlfriend. I have to admit it."

The audience was cold and silent.

Who doesn't know that Xiao Fang's family intends to marry, after Xiao Nan publicly denies it, no one is not surprised, and they all want to see how the Xiao family can smooth things over.

Fang Jiarou was stunned on the spot, as if all the strength in her body had been sucked away, she fell limply on the ground, tears of distress rose from her beautiful eyes, and she was about to cry.

Fang Jiajie looked at his distraught younger sister with a cold look in his eyes, as cruel as a wild wolf.

"Xiao Nan, you are doing well!" He raised his eyebrows, curled his lips coldly, and extended a thumbs up to him, "Let me tell you, our Fang family is not to be bullied, and neither is my sister. It can be discarded at will, no one can humiliate our Fang family like this, including you!"

The air was oppressive and suffocating, and no one dared to exhale, for fear of being accidentally drawn into the vortex.

Xiao Nan smiled easily, without the slightest bit of tension or panic: "No one can threaten me, including you of course."

"A'nan, please don't say a few words." Chu Wei pulled him and signaled him to shut up.

The atmosphere between Xiao Nan and Fang Jiajie was so tense that it was on the verge of breaking out. The two looked at each other without giving in.

In the blink of an eye, Fang Jiajie swung his fist at Xiao Nan, Xiao Nan did not back down, and raised his fist to fight. The two who had been trained in fighting since childhood moved like flowing water, fast and precise.

"Brother, stop, don't hit me." Fang Jiarou got up anxiously and rushed over, blocking Xiao Nan's face with a determined expression, "Brother, I will settle my own affairs by myself."

Both of them stopped, Xiao Nan only had blood dripping from the corner of his lips, while Fang Jiajie had a nosebleed.

Fang Jiajie let out a cold snort, and turned his head away.

Fang Jiarou looked up at Xiao Nan, feeling that he was so strange at the moment: "No, Anan, it's not like this. We have played together since we were young, and in the eyes of everyone, we are a perfect couple. I have been looking forward to I can marry you when I grow up. They all want us to get married."

"Hope? But it doesn't mean I do too." Xiao Nan smiled gracefully and harmlessly, his pupils were dark and dull, like the darkness that engulfed all light, making people fearful and afraid to retreat, "It used to be, it is now, and it will be in the future."

"No—" Fang Jiarou cried out, tears streaming down her fair face, she was so charming, she grabbed his sleeve, "If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have come back today."

"I didn't come back for you." Xiao Nan pushed her hand away, but she held his hand instead, tears streaming down her face, begging, "A'nan, I love you, shall we get married?"

"Impossible." His voice was cold and determined, and his eyes looked across the crowd at Yue Ran.

Yue Ran in the crowd was wearing a moon-white chiffon dress that softly outlined her graceful curves. Under the soft light, she looked like a fairy coming from the clouds. She was so beautiful.

She strongly felt Xiao Nan's fiery gaze, she raised her head, and looked at him, as if only the two of them were looking at each other in this space, and the others were the background.

"A'nan, today's dinner is not only for me, but also for you." Xiao Zhengshan came slowly, "Xiao Rou is your fiancée from today on, the eldest granddaughter-in-law of our Xiao family, you can't be so rude, This is also the best present you gave me on my birthday."

(End of this chapter)

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