Chapter 54

"I think you should know that I'm not here to celebrate your birthday. I'm here to remind you that today happens to be the anniversary of my mother's death. I'm here to see the scenery of the Xiao family for her, but who knows how ugly it is behind the scenes Look at his heartbroken husband, and this cold prison without a trace of human touch. How did my mother and my aunt die, and you can still sit here and eat and drink with peace of mind? Do you want me to fight for my mother’s death? The murderer celebrating his birthday? What a joke." He tugged his indifferent lips, and there was no warmth in his eyes, "Don't think I'm still an eight-year-old child!"

The people around gasped, and everyone's eyes shone with suspicion and curiosity.

"Anan, be presumptuous!" Xiao Sa scolded his son, "What day is it today, how can you be so nonsense? Do you think you are still a child? Go down."

"The descendants of the Xiao family are really brave, but they use the wrong place." Xiao Zhengshan's tone showed regret, "It won't work in the Xiao family. If you are surnamed Xiao, you are a member of the Xiao family. You have to listen to the Xiao family." of."

"If I could, I would definitely choose not to be surnamed Xiao, even if I don't have a name, it's better than this surname." Xiao Nan looked back, as sharp as a knife's edge, "I came back today just to save face, don't touch my woman, otherwise no one will think about it day."

The powerful aura frightened the first person.

After speaking, he walked towards the crowd, step by step, and everyone consciously moved out of the way.

Xiao Zhengshan half-closed his eyes, the eyes were cold.

The only grandson he had eyes for was remarkable, but he was out of his control. Should he keep him or destroy him?

Chi Yushan's admiration was beyond words: "He is the eldest grandson of the Xiao family. He is not ordinary handsome, and his spirit is also top-notch. He is not afraid of the power of the powerful family. I appreciate it."

"But it will be very hard to be with such a man." Chi Jinfei pointed out something, and his eyes glanced over Yue Ran unintentionally.

"There is no word 'smooth' on the road to happiness. How can there be sweetness without bitterness?" Yue Ran retorted, "I'll go first."

"Xiao Ran, where are you going alone?" Chi Yushan grabbed her hand.

"Yu Shan, I'm going to accompany him, he needs me." Yue Ran pushed her hand away, "Don't worry about me."

"He?" She frowned, wondering who Yue Ran was talking about.

Yue Ran exited the hall, caught up with Xiao Nan, and saw him leaning against the Lamborghini sports car, his slender legs crossed, and the moment his stern face merged with her eyes, there was a warm starlight jump.

"Come here." Xiao Nan heard the slight sound of high heels, he turned around to look at her, and stretched out a hand to her.

Yue Ran ran over with the hem of her skirt, and put Yubai's plain hand into his big palm. As soon as he closed it, she fell into his embrace. The masculine smell filled her nose, and she felt a sense of comfort and peace. .

He held her tightly, with great strength, and was deeply attached to her, as if he wanted to embed her in his body.She felt his body trembling slightly.

Young children are helpless and tortured in the face of their mother's death.

Yue Ran hugged him, as if there was a hole in his chest, and a whistling north wind howled in, icy cold: "Xiao Nan, you are too young, you don't even have the ability to protect yourself, it's not your fault The matter is over, and I will be with you from now on." She hugged his strong waist and made up her mind, "Xiao Nan, you are actually very brave."

They are all people who have lost their mothers and affection, and they are close to each other, warm and loving each other.

"Let's go home." His deep eyes were rippling, like sea water on the beach, swaying layer by layer, warm as spring.

we go home...

So nice and really warm.

"Let's go home." Yue Ran's smile was as warm and bright as the sunshine breaking through the ice.

Then the Lamborghini flew out like a sharp arrow, and the night wind poured into the car window, blowing Yue Ran's long hair and white skirt.

Their hands were tightly held together, never leaving.

When he arrived at Emperor Zunyuan, Xiao Nan carried Yue Ran out of the car, and did not avoid the eyes of others. Since he had decided to pamper her, he should do it thoroughly and realistically.

"Xiao Nan, I can go by myself, let me down, okay?" Yue Ran raised his head from his arms, red tides appeared on his shy and delicate face, like rouge dripping in clear water, slowly fading away, very beautiful , Xiao Nan was slightly absent-minded.

His always indifferent lips raised a faint smile, still caring about me, and said loudly: "I haven't done anything like this for a long time, you just satisfy me once."

He tightened his arms again, and hugged her tightly, and she stopped talking, smiled softly, and put her head on his broad chest meekly, his embrace made her feel very safe.Through the thin shirt, she could feel his strong muscle texture, as well as his powerful heartbeat and scorching body temperature, which gradually warmed her cold body and heart.Incomparably warm, when she was the only one left in this world, he became the closest person in her heart.

That night, they embraced each other and slept, she was quietly pillowed in his arms and chest, and he wrapped his arms around her slender waist tightly.The light was not turned on, it was pitch black, he and he both closed their eyes, did not speak, only light breath flowing in the air.They are so pure that they have no entanglement between men and women, no impulse of lust, only tenderness echoing in their chests, slowly savoring this delicate feeling.

In the early morning of the next day, the golden sunlight penetrated through the dense summer leaves and sprinkled across the room. The breeze was refreshing, with the fragrance of green grass and soil, fresh and pleasant.

Yue Ran blinked his eyelashes a few times, and finally opened his eyes in the dazzling light, and there was no one around him.

She put her hand on the pillow next to her, where Xiao Nan's temperature and breath still remained, as warm as fine sand in the sea, swaying layer by layer in the atrium.She rested her head on it, took a deep breath, and smiled contentedly on her lips.

Since when did she actually fall in love with this man so much.

She wanted to hold hands with him so much, not afraid of the hurt in the past, and no longer silently evading her heart, she was also bold once, but she just hoped that this time would be the end of her ultimate happiness.

She believes that he can, she believes very much, because he is his belief.

Yue Ran went downstairs after washing up, and saw that Xiao Nan had already prepared breakfast.

"After breakfast, I'll take you to work." Xiao Nan poured milk for her and put it in front of her.

"Hmm." She nodded.

Xiao Nan drank milk, read the newspaper, and glanced at Yue Ran who was eating with his head down. Seeing that she was fine, he felt relieved.

To be together is not to live together, but to lean on each other's hearts tacitly.

Yue Ran, I believe you already understand.

(End of this chapter)

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