Chapter 56

"Then my father cheated again and again, and my mother kept being patient for me and Xiaobei, and she didn't dare to tell grandpa, nor would she complain in front of us, but Xiaobei and I woke up at night and saw her weeping alone. Until I was eight years old, my father had a good relationship with a young lady who was a politician, and my grandfather also intended to let her replace my mother to expand the power of the Xiao family. Divorce in a military and political family is harder than heaven, unless it is death, my grandfather hinted at my mother like this, and said: Threatened her with me and Xiaobei, so she committed suicide when I was eight years old and my grandfather's [-]th birthday." Xiao Nan spoke extremely calmly, but his eyes were dull.

"And my little aunt already had a lover at that time, and my second uncle broke them up with force. Aunt Xiaoshen got married and gave birth to Xiaoshuang, and she couldn't forget that person. My second uncle often beat and scolded her, looking for women, the so-called Love is just a novelty for a while. He got sick and died when retribution came. In the Xiao family, she had to be a widow for my second uncle until he died, so as not to disgrace the reputation of the Xiao family. But my aunt wanted to pursue her own love. Grandpa and father Arranged a car accident to kill her lover and her second aunt. The Xiao family is the most emotionless place with only cold power and false reputation.

She closed her eyes gently, and tears rolled down like crystal clear dewdrops in the morning.

Xiao Nan hugged Yue Ran, buried his face in her hair, and said in a muffled, nasal voice: "Yue Ran, being with me will be very hard, they will use various means to beat you and force you, You have to have a lot of courage and perseverance, and you must think about it. I allow you to leave now, but I cannot accept your withdrawal halfway, otherwise I will kill you with my own hands. "

"Xiao Nan, hear me clearly, I want us to be together." She turned around, smiled, with tears in her eyes, tiptoed and kissed his lips, "I don't want to die, I want to grow old with you."

How touching it was at that moment.

Sitting in Xia Fei's office, Xiao Nan thought of the shock Yue Ranjian received when he uttered these words yesterday, which was unprecedented.

He unconsciously raised the corners of his sexy lips, showing a hint of sweetness. Her cold chest was warmed up by her words. That wonderful feeling was like the warmth and heat when hot water brews tea. Echoes in the glass.

"What are you smirking at?" Xia Fei just walked in from the outside after a meeting, when he saw Xiao Nan sitting in the office, this big man rarely came to him recently.

I don't know what kind of wind brought him here today.

Besides, Yue Ran went to work in the airline company today, so he probably didn't come here for the beauty, so why did he come here?
Xia Fei was full of questions.

Xiao Nan was neither annoyed nor angry, he took a sip of tea calmly: "I heard that the Qi family is competing for the municipal project, the Taihua Plaza case."

"Well, I just had a meeting just for this matter." Xia Fei's mouth curled slightly, his smile was casual, but there was a serious look in his dark eyes, "Don't worry, I will never let the Qi family take this case away. If you want to use this case to bring the dead back to life, you have to ask me if I agree."

Recently, most of the clients of Qi's enterprise have been intercepted by Yue Ran, causing heavy losses. Both internal staff and shareholders have opinions on some of them, and Qi's stockholders have no confidence in the past, so they sold their stocks.Now Qi Ziyang has already fought his last battle, and he has devoted himself to the Taihua Square plan this time, trying to recover the lost situation, regain his strength, and win the hearts of the people.

"This case must go to the Qi family." Xiao Nan shook his head, but he had a different opinion.

"Huh?" Xia Fei raised his eyebrows, he didn't think Xiao Nan would let Qi Ziyang go, "What are you planning?"

The smile on Xiao Nan's cold and handsome face gradually dyed, the corners of his lips were slightly raised, and he was in a relaxed state: "Since he has such a big appetite, I will let him support himself to death. We just need to raise the reserve price a little bit." He doesn't have that much money to do this case at all, and he will definitely get a loan from the bank at that time, and I will have a way to let him in and out. Qi's stock will be affected, and it will fall again and again. I have already Buy all the scattered shares of Qi's enterprise, and buy some shares in the hands of shareholders, and you propose to the bank to buy Qi's, I don't think Qi Ziyang will be able to protect Qi's."

Xia Fei nodded in agreement, tapping his slender fingers rhythmically on the shiny black desk, and said playful words in his mouth: "It seems that you will never let anyone who hurt Yue Ran go. Qi Ziyang also Unlucky enough, fighting with you will only lead to death."

"It's an amnesty if he doesn't make his life worse than death." He held the tea with an elegant posture, pleasing to the eye, but indifference and cruelty were revealed in his bones.

"I'll settle this matter." Xia Fei's mouth gradually revealed a meaningful smile. Of course, he has to participate in interesting things, "But tell me how long you are going to play in school. Don't forget that you are in school. Xia Chao is the largest shareholder. I really want to take a long vacation for myself to travel and see if I can meet any romantic encounters."

Xia Fei is clearly in charge of the Xia Dynasty Group, but Xiao Nan is the one who actually founded the Xia Dynasty Group.

Xia Chao Group was established in the first place to preserve its own strength, and he didn't want the Xiao family to know that it was him, so he hired Xia Fei to take charge of the overall situation, and it lasted eight years.Xiao Nan will always remember the hard work of these eight years.

Therefore, the Xia Dynasty Group has never changed its name, and it is now the common cause of the two of them.

Now it has caught up with Xiaoshi Group and has become the largest commercial group in the city.

"Missing spring?" Xiao Nan teased him.

"You're already in love, and I'll make you jealous if I'm single." Xia Fei blinked her eyes, very ambiguous.

"I enjoy the current world of two people very much." Xiao Nan was extremely proud.

"Hahaha...that's a good answer."

One month later, the results of the Taihua Plaza's bidding case came out, and as Xiao Nan and Xia Fei wished, the winner was Qi Ziyang.

Yue Ran didn't understand, Xia Chao Group was clearly capable of winning this project, why Qi Ziyang swallowed a good project.If he does well, it will be even harder to shake him.When will she take revenge?

She was very unhappy, in a mess, full of irritability and restlessness, and felt more and more uncomfortable, so she went to the hospital.

The doctor said that she was too anxious and nervous, drink plenty of water, take a deep breath, and relax.

As soon as she came out, she saw a familiar figure. Even though she was wearing a hat and sunglasses, she still guessed that it was Wei Qian.

She followed up quietly, saw her enter the gynecology department, came out after a while, and hurried to the bathroom.

Yue Ran entered the doctor's office and asked anxiously, "Doctor, what's wrong with my friend? What's wrong with him? Does it matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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