Chapter 57

The doctor gave her a suspicious look, and Yue Ran immediately added: "Her name is Wei Qian. I accompanied her to the hospital. Just now I saw her walking out with an ugly face. I was afraid of her..."

"She's pregnant for 45 days and she's developing well, but she doesn't want a baby, and she said the sooner she can have an abortion, the better. You can persuade her to stay," the doctor told her.

"It's a good thing to be pregnant. I will persuade her. Doctor, thank you." She withdrew.

Yue Ran frowned, and while thinking, Wei Qian should be proud of being pregnant, and she has the bargaining chip to secure Mrs. Qi, so why not want this child?Unless this child is not Qi Ziyang's, seeing her pale face just now, it must be like this.

She was certain in her heart.

Qi Ziyang must not have known that Wei Qian had cuckolded him, so she was in a hurry to get rid of it.

She must find a way to let Qi Ziyang know.

When she walked out of the hospital lobby, Xiao Nan called: "Where is it?"

"Where is the hospital?" She walked to the bench in the green garden and sat down. Occasionally, a few leaves fell, fell on her shoulders, and fell to her feet.

"wait for me."

Not long after, Xiao Nan came, and she waved to him from afar.He found her, walked over, sat down next to her, stretched out his arms and held her in his arms, caring softly: "What's the matter? What's wrong? Have you seen a doctor, is it better? If Still no improvement, let's go to Chu Wei."

With a series of questions, he cared deeply about her.

Yue Ran only felt warm physically and mentally, and smiled softly.

"I'm fine. I saw Wei Qian just now." She took his hand and played with his slender fingers.

"Is she in trouble with you again?" He held her hand behind his back and wrapped it in his big palm.

"No, I found out her secret. She's pregnant. It shouldn't be Qi Ziyang's." Yue Ran leaned against him, listening to his strong heartbeat, "Didn't she say she loves Qi Ziyang? Didn't expect her to cheat too It's ridiculous to be pregnant with a wild species and talk about love. I want to see how Qi Ziyang will react when he hears this amazing news?"

Xiao Nan clasped his fingers with her: "It will be as you wish."

He thought of what he heard from Xiao Bei last time, the person who was insulted by those gangsters should be Wei Qian, who is still pregnant now, it's true that evil comes with evil.

Thinking of this, he was still afraid, and a chill ran down his spine.

If something happened to Yue Ran, he didn't know what would happen?
Xiao Nan gradually tightened the strength of his arms, wrapping her in his arms.

"What's wrong with you?" She felt a faint sense of fear in him.

"It's nothing, I thought you were angry about the Taihua Plaza." Xiao Nan still decided to hide Wei Qian's plan to persecute her, he didn't want her to bear too much hatred, it would be too tiring.

Yue Ran sat up from his arms: "When I mentioned this, I was really angry. But this is Mr. Xia's decision, and I have no choice."

"Why are you angry?" He looked at her gloomy face, bent his fingers and scratched the bridge of her pretty nose, "Why are you so hard on yourself, you think that the Ren Qi family can handle such a big case in Taihua Square?" Next? This is the decision of Xia Fei and I, believe us, this time Qi Ziyang will definitely fail."

He paused and looked at her beautiful eyebrows carefully: "Do you think we would be so kind to give him such a good thing? Now Qi Ziyang is a hungry beggar, and Taihua Square is a heavenly place. It's a big pie, Qi Ziyang greedily wants to eat the whole pie, what do you think will happen? He will die if he doesn't choke to death."

His firm tone faintly reveals the power of firmness in the heart, and the corners of her soft lips slightly rise. She believes in him, and there will be a day when all those who humiliate her will not end well.

Without saying anything more, she nodded tacitly.

"Let's go and eat, I'm hungry." His eyes gradually turned into a smile, and he took her hand and left the hospital together.

When I arrived at the West German restaurant, I sat in the lobby and chose a corner seat by the window.

"What do you want to eat?" Xiao Nan flipped through the menu.

"It doesn't matter what you eat, the important thing is to eat with you." She said sweetly, with a smile floating in her crystal pupils, so beautiful and so touching.

Xiao Nan pulled his lips, and took a sip of water gracefully: "You are getting better and better at making me happy."

Then he ordered a few of the dishes he wanted.

The food came out after a while, Yue Ran poured the red wine for him, and Xiao Nan took the food for her, the two were considerate to each other, a warm atmosphere spread in the air.

While they were eating happily, a slender shadow was projected on the table.

Both Xiao Nan and Yue Ran looked up, it was Fang Jiarou.

Her long hair fell smoothly over her shoulders and curled inwards.A pink tulle shirt with white suspenders inside, and a black miniskirt underneath, very fashionable and beautiful.

"A'nan, I saw you coming at the door just now, so I wanted to come and see you." She stood there quietly, with her hands folded in front of her body, her appearance was not as quiet as Yue Ran's enthusiasm when she first saw her Unrestrained.

It's only been a month since I saw her, but she seems to have lost a lot of weight. Looking at her obviously enlarged eyes, Yue Ran's eyes flashed with sympathy.A woman who wants to love but cannot wither withers the fastest, like a plant without nutrients, gradually withering.

"You've already seen it." Xiao Nan turned his gaze back to the dishes on the table, and gently held the dishes for Yue Ran.

The implication is that you can leave after watching, he doesn't want anyone to disturb their world of two.

Fang Jiarou's big bright eyes dimmed in an instant, flashing a hurt expression, biting her lips, clutching her fingers, Yue Ran couldn't bear to hurt her with such a pitiful appearance.

Yue Ran stretched out his foot under the table and lightly kicked Xiao Nan, signaling him not to be too cold and hurt others.

Xiao Nan frowned in displeasure. A good dinner was ruined, and he was very upset. Asking him to make false payments to a woman he doesn't like, isn't it torturing him?

"Go back." Xiao Nan held the wine glass lightly, his tone softened a little.

She still bit her lip, as if she had something to say, but she tried a few times before blurting it out, and just glanced at Yue Ran lightly.

Yue Ran also understood a little bit, she probably wanted to talk to Xiao Nan alone.After thinking about it for a moment, she decided to give them space, after all, some things need to be clarified no matter whether they end or continue.

She got up and stepped aside: "Miss Fang, sit down. Xiao Nan, I'm going to the bathroom."

"There's nothing you can't listen to, sit down." Xiao Nan held her hand, his gaze was like a torch.

"Xiao Nan, I'll be back soon after I go." Yue Ran couldn't break free from his hand, so he could only tell the truth, "Xiao Nan, have a good talk with Miss Fang. I think Miss Fang and you both need this opportunity, don't let regret each other."

(End of this chapter)

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