Chapter 71

Yue Ran nodded in agreement: "You can look like a child in front of me."

He also nodded.

When he got up, Xiao Nan picked her up and went into the bathroom. Under the shower, they were entangled again. The heat and intensity were like a volcanic eruption.

Yue Ran had already prepared breakfast before Xiao Nan went downstairs.

The warm breakfast was served on the table, and the two sat opposite each other, watching their beloved eat, and felt a burst of happiness in their hearts.

He is so elegant and handsome even when he eats, attracting others to admire him.

They have become intimate together without knowing it, living under the same roof, she washes his hands and makes soup, and he protects her from wind and rain.

Time can turn her and Qi Ziyang from husband and wife into enemies, and make the strange Xiao Nan her lover. The changes in this world really catch people off guard.She couldn't help feeling emotional.

"Look at you, impatient again, learn from me, life is only for decades, why should you care too much about these things, as long as we are good, nothing else matters." His eyes were like a deep sea, which gradually calmed her down .

After breakfast, Xiao Nan drove Yue Ran to the airport first, this time she flew to Milan, Italy.

"Yue Ran, wherever you go from now on, bring me a postcard of the local scenery." Xiao Nan gently shook her hand.

"Yeah." She nodded with a smile, "Do you like collecting postcards?"

I remember that they met in a restaurant once, and he sat in front of her and took out a postcard from Athens, Greece, and wrote something. This was his hobby.

"No, it's to fulfill my mother's wish." He looked up at her beautiful and soft face, his eyes were soft, as if he had returned to his childhood memory, "My father promised her to take her to every corner of the world." corner, but he forgot in the third year after this promise was made. Sometimes she would go alone to the places they had talked about together, buy local postcards, and then write down her thoughts. After she passed away, sort out A lot of postcards were published, and she went to just 99 cities in eight years, hoping that the love between her and my dad would last forever, but things always backfired."

"She loves to travel, which shows that she still longs for freedom, so she finally uses suicide to free herself." Xiao Nan sighed quietly, and now he understands that his mother made such a decision at the beginning, "I will take the time to go abroad every year. She has traveled all over the world for her in places she hasn't been to, and now that I have you, you can help my mother and stay with her. Yue Ran, isn't that good? "

Yue Ran looked at him seriously, a shyness flashed in his eyes, and he blushed and agreed: "Okay."

Four days would not be too long, but now it made her reluctant to leave him, her eyes were moist.

When he arrived in Milan, Yue Ran called Xiao Nan to report his safety after getting off the plane, went to the street alone, bought two postcards, and just returned to the hotel when he met two men in black, and they were Chinese.

"Miss Yue, my young master welcomes you." They were respectful and polite.

"Who is your young master?" She has no friends here, who would want to see her.

"Miss knows, our Young Master Lan."

Yue Ran was startled, Lan Ao, it was him, how could he be here?Could it be that he came here to do business in the underworld, or to expand his sphere of influence?No matter what he wants to do, he shouldn't have anything to do with her, after all, she can feel that he doesn't want to see her.

He picked on Xiao Nan not being by her side, and wanted to meet her at such a distance, so there must be some kind of conspiracy, right?

When she thought of this, she frowned slightly, but the current situation did not allow her to say no.

I'm afraid she has become a corpse that can't speak even before she yells for help.

Yue Ran smiled: "I'll go." Then she lowered her hand and threw the postcard in her hand on the ground, and left with them.

Sitting in the black car, Yue Ran's heartbeat continued to speed up, as if she was about to burst out of her chest. She was flustered, but her surface was still calm and calm, without showing a trace of weakness. Soft laugh arc.

The car drove out of the urban area and drove in the suburbs, a large area of ​​green came into view, passed through a dense forest, and a river appeared, and not far from the bridge, a gorgeous European-style courtyard appeared in front of her eyes. What I thought of was that this other courtyard was built along this hillside, and the south facing side was the sea.

After entering the other courtyard, the car stopped in front of the main house, and the man who greeted her at the door was in the dark night of that day, and he always had that cold appearance that strangers should not get close to.

"Miss Yue, you are very welcome, the young master is waiting for you." Even his voice was so cold that there was no warmth, "Please follow me."

His footsteps were so fast that Yue Ran almost ran after him.After turning around and turning around, he finally stopped in front of a white double door carved with European classical patterns, pushed the door open, and there was a superbly handsome man lying in the middle of the sofa, which caught her attention.

He was sipping lightly from his glass, resting his forehead with one hand, smiling with phoenix eyes that flowed in ice and snow, sharp as a blade, looking straight at Yue Ran, with an unruly smile on his lips, cold, cruel and seductive.There were three hot beauties surrounding him, one stood behind the sofa and squeezed his shoulders, one knelt at his feet and beat his legs, and the other lay in his arms and kissed his neck.

He enjoys the service of all like a noble ancient emperor.

"Yue Ran, we meet again." The man chuckled, but without any warmth, his eyes were as cold as ice.

"Mr. Lan, I don't think we are familiar with each other. You invited me here in such a special way. Is there something important?" Her tone was sullen and polite, and she didn't believe that Lan Ao couldn't hear it.

He waved lightly to the beauties beside him, and the three of them retreated, the door closed again, and there were only the two of them left in this extremely gorgeous room.Sitting and standing, looking at each other, thinking to each other, the air is oppressive.

Lan Ao didn't answer her question, but gracefully put down the wine glass and got up from the sofa.He stepped in front of her, his black shirt was unbuttoned, and his bronzed skin texture was sexy and shiny.

Looking at his gloomy eyes, Yue Ran's whole body's nerves tensed up, the eyes were guarded against him.

Yue Ran was afraid to take a step back, Lan Ao took a step forward silently, his eagle-like eyes were as sharp as a leopard staring at his prey, until Yue Ran's back touched the door panel, and the carving on it hit her slender back Painful, and frowned uncomfortably.

"Yue Ran, you can't escape." Lan Ao's eyes were cold and sinister.

Yue Ran bit her lip, ignored his threats, turned around and pulled the doorknob, but Lan Ao grabbed her waist with one hand, gently picked her up and fell into the sand, before she had time to struggle, he immediately bullied her , put her under the body.

(End of this chapter)

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