Chapter 72

"Lan Ao, let me go." Yue Ran knew that struggling was futile, so he could only warn in a low voice, "Don't forget that Xiao Nan is your friend, you will feel sorry for him if you treat me like this."

His eyes were full of indifference and contempt, and then he stretched out his index finger to gently lift her chin, his gaze streamed carefully on her face, and suddenly his eyes shone, as if a sharp knife pierced her back.His chin was pinched in his hand, and it hurt so much that she resisted such a touch.She tried to struggle, but the more she struggled, the tighter he squeezed, as if he wanted to crush her before giving up.

He only heard him say lightly: "You are pretty, how about following me?"

"Impossible!" Yue Ran blurted out immediately, breaking his delusion.

Her fair face was stained with rouge, she was ashamed and angry, dare he treat her as a casual woman?

"Yue Ran, you are already a dead flower and a willow tree. It is your blessing that I can see you. Don't toast and not eat fine wine." His eyes are dangerous, covered with cold snow, making people dare not look at him, "Ah Nan won't be serious. He really likes you, he is only using a divorced woman to get angry with the Xiao family, he can only win for a while at most, in the near future he will return to the Xiao family, inherit everything that belongs to him, and a noble If a pure woman gets married, even if it’s not Fang Jiarou, she won’t be you. So, Yue Ran, don’t rely on him anymore, why not follow me early, so that it’s not worthwhile to avoid being abandoned when you get it. Everyone understands the principle of accepting as soon as it’s good , don’t play dumb for me. You have only one choice, to be my woman.”

Yue Ran smiled, ironically.

A man like Lan Ao is proud and conceited. He is as pure as ice and snow, but has a cruel heart.In his world, everything must be carried out according to his consciousness, and he has the confidence to control everything in his hands.

"What if I don't?" Her eyes sparkled.

"Then don't blame me for not giving you a chance, I can crush you right away, so that you don't have the face to face Anan again." Unworthy people, things, things, his method is to destroy them.

With a "hiss", Lan Ao had already torn the clothes on Yue Ran's body, and the blood on Yue Ran's lips faded instantly, leaving only a shocking paleness, and the triumphant and sinister smile on his lips were clearly reflected In her terrified eyes, the emotion called fear made Lan Ao even more rampant.

"Look at you, what ability do you have to fight me?" Lan Ao was able to fix her thin wrists with one hand, and raised them above his head.

This man is quite cruel. He has to expose her weaknesses bloodily and then step on her hard?She was desperately trying to control her trembling body, the humiliation and powerless pain whizzed by like a strong wind, her heart was as cold as ice.

"Let go, let go." Yue Ran yelled frantically, "Why do so many of you want to prevent me from being with Xiao Nan? Don't I have the right to be happy again if I'm divorced? Do you want something? I also hope that when I am born, the first man I meet is Xiao Nan, and then I fall in love with him, get married, and have children. I also want everything about me to be so simple. I don’t care what you say or do, I I won't give up on him, unless he himself tells me that he doesn't need me anymore and he's just playing with me, then I will leave, I won't be reckless at all, and I will definitely not leave under your threats."

"Lan Ao, no matter what reason you have for treating me like this, you have no right! Don't think that you can cover the sky with one hand and the sun shine through your fingers. Even if you possess me today, I will not give in. I will let Xiao Nan know that it is shameful to have a friend like you."

Lan Aoyin curled his lips: "You won't have this chance!"

"Unless you kill me!" She tilted her head slightly, clusters of angry flames ignited in her pupils, but her eyes were extremely sharp, piercing the depths of her heart, causing Lan Ao's ice-like pupils to shrink a little.

His eyes moved slightly, and a strange light flashed in his eyes, and then he smiled coldly: "Well, I will help you."

He pulled her up, clasped her waist from behind her with one hand, and wrapped her shoulders with the other, and brought her to the floor-to-ceiling windows, and opened the thick and dense curtains. It was already dark outside.

"You have no chance of escaping here. There are a group of wolves that I raised outside. They are real wolves. They haven't eaten for a few days. As soon as you go out, your face will be completely changed. You won't even have to ask Anan to collect the corpse for you." Way. It’s also easy.” Lan Ao squeezed her chin to force her to raise her head to look at the green beasts shining in the bushes.

"I'd rather die than leave him." If it was her only choice.

"Your mouth is really hard...hehe..." The ice and snow in Lan Ao's eyes flowed back, and the laughter became more indulgent, "Such people are usually very unlovable, and I don't like such people the least."

With a "bang", the door was knocked open by an angry visitor.

Lan Ao and Yue Ran both turned their heads, and it turned out to be Xia Fei.

Yue Ran's pupils dilated from the shock, and she also had the joy of escaping from death. She believed that Xia Fei would definitely help her.

"Ao, let her go!" Xia Fei's face was very gloomy, and his eyes were burning with flames, he was completely different from the usual evil and unruly him.

As soon as he came in, he saw the picture of Lan Ao hugging Yue Ran behind him. From his perspective, it looked like a lover talking softly and kissing silently, which was extremely ambiguous.Besides, based on the identities of Lan Ao and Yue Ran, he couldn't help being surprised.

He was on a business trip to Italy earlier, and when he heard Xiao Nan say that Yue Ran was in Milan, he decided to come over and have a look so that they could go back to China together.When he found the hotel, he couldn't find anyone, only saw two postcards, he knew it was Xiao Nan's habit.After questioning, a cleaner seemed to have seen Yue Ran being invited away by two men in black, and there was a black flame under his earlobe.

He immediately guessed Shang Lan Ao, and he couldn't help but feel unpredictable worries, because Lan Ao is the most unpredictable person among the four of them, he never plays cards according to common sense, only according to his personal interests and will work.He was afraid that something would happen to Lan Ao that would hurt Yue Ran, because she, Xiao Nan, had an illness after all.

He went straight to this other courtyard, and no one expected to see this scene.

"If you do this, Anan will definitely be angry. If he hates you, what do you want to do? Is Yue Ran suitable for him? Is it his happiness? Only he knows. We don't have the right to intervene. After all We are not him and cannot replace his feelings. Ah Ao, don't destroy the relationship between you and Anan, it's not worth it." Xia Fei frowned tightly, trying to persuade, "Or you want to die in Anan's hands , and then let him face all the loss alone in pain?"

(End of this chapter)

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