Chapter 74

His deep voice lingered in her ears, Yue Ran could only feel the hot air blowing in her ear sockets, crispy and itchy, and Yubai's ears turned red, it was obvious that he was teasing her, but she was willing sink.

The two immersed in happiness didn't know that the storm was coming, and it was so violent that they were caught off guard.

Not long after this, the case of Wei Qian kidnapping Qi Ye because of her mastermind was also settled, and she was sentenced to 15 years, which is a painful torture for a woman, especially a person who values ​​beauty more than life .When she came out, her flower powder had faded and her face was full of fine lines. For Wei Qian, this kind of ordeal was really like what Yue Ran said, life would be worse than death.

The media also wantonly published this news, accusing Wei Qian of conspiring to kidnap her own son, saying that tiger poison is not easy to eat, but she, Wei Qian, is so vicious that she used it for her own sake. Such a means of doing things.

In addition, Qi Ziyang will inevitably be involved. He is the culprit in this war between the two women. In addition, the first time he treated Yue Ran like that made the public hate and abuse Qi Ziyang. Added to his image, he is truly notorious.However, Yue Ran won more points of sympathy and praise. Regardless of previous suspicions, he expressed admiration for Qi Ye as his own child, and felt that such a good woman is rare in the world.

Qi Ziyang's Taihua Plaza project required a huge amount of funds. After this incident, he borrowed money from various banks, but found nothing. He couldn't believe that a person who couldn't manage his family well could do such a big project well. The important thing is It is a question of his character.

The shareholders held a meeting to put pressure on Qi Ziyang, who was attacked from three sides.

The Qi family made things worse, and people panicked.

After running around all day, Qi Ziyang finally collapsed from exhaustion. In the hospital, no one gave him a good face when they saw him. He was just a mouse crossing the street.

That night, Qi Ziyang didn't sleep well. He had a dream. The dream was so long that he didn't want to wake up.In the dream, Yue Ran and him were walking hand in hand on the school's tree-lined path. They were sitting under the century-old banyan tree beside the quiet lake. He kissed her, and the fragrance of gardenias on his lips made him fond of it for a long time.

Then when they got married, when he had just started his business, their wedding was low-key and simple. Witnessed by their relatives and friends, they exchanged rings and vowed to be with each other for the rest of their lives. What a beautiful day it was.

Later they had Xiaoye, she took care of her like their own, and later they divorced, he hurt her, he married Wei Qian, and she became a woman next to other men, they became strangers and enemies, until again Can't go back to the past.

When Qi Ziyang woke up, he was sitting alone in the living room, smoking a lot without saying a word.

Those past events washed his heart again like a tidal wave, and he even shed tears. The name of those tears is regret.

"Yue Ran, if I tell the truth, will you forgive me? Will you?" He tasted the bitterness of his tears and asked himself repeatedly.

Yue Ran looked at those reports with a strange calmness. Everyone should be responsible for the wrong things they did, and they deserved it.It's just that she was a little worried about whether Qi Ye would be taken care of by someone.

Worried, she accidentally cut her finger while cooking, and the blood came straight out, and she frowned in pain.Yue Ran bandaged the wound by himself, sat on the sofa, and looked at the courier he received at noon today. Inside was a stack of photos of Xiao Nan and Fang Jiarou eating together. On each of them, Xiao Nan had a faint smile on his face. There are kissing pictures.She knew that what she saw with her eyes might not be true, and she also believed in him, but there was an uneasiness in her heart that was so strong that she couldn't shake it off.

She knew something bad was going to happen.

I just hope it doesn't happen to Xiao Nan and Qi Ye, they are her last relatives in this world and the only relatives she worries about.

"Yue Ran." Xiao Nan came down from upstairs, "What are you looking at?"

"'s nothing." She turned pale and hurriedly installed the photo.

When did he come back, why did he come down from the second floor.

"It's fine, let's eat." Xiao Nan's eyes were unpredictable, and he didn't come over, but went to the kitchen.

Yue Ran breathed a sigh of relief.

Xiao Nan went out early in the morning, ordered a cup of coffee in a high-end coffee shop, sat down, raised his hand and looked at his watch.

At this time Fang Jiarou just came, sat down and smiled softly: "A'nan, what do you want me for?"

For so long, he never took the initiative to call to ask her out. Yesterday he called to ask her out in the early morning. She was so happy that she didn't fall asleep all night, and she woke up early to come here today.

Xiao Nan's expression was not right, it was as cold as rain: "Take a good look."

He casually threw the photos on the table. Fang Jiarou was obviously taken aback, and reached out to pick them up. One by one, they were all photos of them.

When he came home yesterday and saw the picture on the table, he had to solve such a problem.

"Did we kiss? The person you are looking for is really good at taking pictures!" Xiao Nan narrowed his eyes coldly, extremely cold, "I shouldn't be soft-hearted, I shouldn't have given you a chance. He even sent her the photo , I really don’t know how to live or die!”

Frost and snow sword-like coldness avoided Fang Jiarou's heart like a sharp blade.

"A'nan, I don't, I really don't. I didn't even know there were these photos, you have to trust me." Fang Jiarou hurriedly got up from the chair, and ran to grab Xiao Nan's arm.

Xiao Nan waved her hand and avoided her, as if she was scary and a virus: "It's not you, it's also the people around you. Do you think you can stay out of the matter and say you are innocent? If you want to hurt her, you are going to kill yourself, Fang Jiarou, You can’t blame me for being ruthless, it’s because you haven’t recognized the reality. This is my bottom line, you’ve touched it, and I have to do it. You and I are enemies.”

A stack of photos inadvertently changed some things, some people, and someone has to pay the price, feelings or lives.

Fang Jiarou pinched the photo tightly, her beautiful eyes were as dark as the night.She bit her lip, biting it hard, a shocking bright red flowed down the corner of her mouth, the pain pierced her heart, but this pain was not as painful as Xiao Nan said that they were enemies, which seemed to erase all their past secrets up.

He accompanied her on her birthday that day, and he gave her a cake. The scene of them sharing the birthday cake was still in front of my eyes, but in just a few days, he said such heartless words to her, as if he wished he could kill her.

"Anyway, I didn't do these things, Anan. It's obvious that someone else took advantage of us. Why do you impose such guilt on me? I don't accept it, I don't accept it." She retorted out of control, full of anger Shaking, "Although I hate her appearing to take you away from me, I also hate that a divorced woman can destroy the love I have been waiting for for more than 20 years. I hate her even more because she is nothing compared to me, but has The love I can't have, I hate her, but I know your bottom line, even if I can't stand up in pain, and I can't stand up in pain, I won't be so stupid to do such a thing, if I do this, I will lose you forever Anan, I don't accept it, I really don't accept it!"

(End of this chapter)

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