Chapter 75

Xiao Nan looked at her with cold eyes, the blood red curled around the corner of her lips, bright red and dazzling.

Maybe she was not wrong, but for Yue Ran, he would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let anyone who tried to hurt her go.He can't give her anything, he just wants to give her a warm and safe love, if he can't even do this, then what qualifications does he have to say that he loves her and owns her.

He didn't allow his love for her to become a sharp blade to hurt her, it would be better to kill him first.

The tragedy of their parents, the tragedy of Yue Ran and Qi Ziyang must not be repeated on them, absolutely not.

"Jiarou, I only care about the person I love in this world. It doesn't matter to me whether other people live or die, innocent or disobedient." Xiao Nan's thin lips uttered such words that hurt her lightly, but to Yue Ran, it was in every possible way. It's maintenance, "As long as she's alive, she's smiling, she's happy and safe, that's fine. It's fine where I can see it, and in my arms. If someone really has to pay for it, it should be Otherwise, how can I let others know that she is more important than myself."

Fang Jiarou opened the corners of her lips, and smiled bitterly, sadly and heartbreakingly, it seems that she still underestimated Xiao Nan's seriousness in this relationship, she thought he was infatuated with her, such infatuation always has a When it's over, she can wait quietly until he gets tired of playing, and she can still marry him and live with him forever. After all, only she with such a good background can become his most beautiful bride .

Now it seems that he has integrated Yue Ran into his life, and letting her go is killing him and hurting him.

"Anan, you have changed. You have become only able to see her alone. Do you only see love and only her in your eyes, and turn a blind eye to friends and friendship? You have to give up even Ah Wei and expel him to the Is it outside your world?" Fang Jiarou's heart was so cold and painful, but she was powerless to reach out and grab him, and could only watch him go further and further away.

"It also depends on what kind of friendship it is. If Ah Wei wants to hurt her, I will not give up. This is the path I chose, and I will stick to it. I have the right to control everything I have. I don't need others to treat me badly." I should do this, I should do that, or I was wrong, if falling in love with her is also a mistake, then I just hope that I am wrong to the end." Xiao Nan no longer wants to say more on this topic, "In short, let's do it myself."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and was about to leave. Fang Jiarou took a step forward, grabbed his hand, and begged bitterly: "A'nan, I have absolutely no intention of hurting her. Please don't be so indifferent. Don't just see her good in your eyes. What about it? I waited hard and loved carefully. Why did you give me a heartbreaking ending? I don’t want such an ending. My heart hurts and I can’t breathe. Anan, give her the good points you gave her Give me even one percent, one thousandth. I really don't want to be in such pain, I'm so uncomfortable."

Fang Jiarou's tears swirled stubbornly in her eyes, she looked up at Xiao Nan with earnest eyes, and depressive, painful, broken, and heart-piercing cries came from the depths of her soul, and finally the tears couldn't be stopped Surging outwards, full of wantonness.

"Jiarou, I can't be your antidote." Xiao Nan sighed faintly.

"I beg you." She knelt down straight at Xiao Nan's feet, begging humbly for this love, leaving her dignity and pride behind.

If dignity and pride can be exchanged for a look back at him, a trace of sympathy for him, and a little tenderness for him, she is willing to do so.

"Jiarou, giving up is your best relief and your only choice." He couldn't give her a love response, couldn't give her hope, "Goodbye."

"A'nan, don't go, don't." Fang Jiarou's heart was shattered again.

She hurriedly stood up and hugged him from behind, her slender fingers intertwined tightly, thinking that as long as she hugged him tightly enough, he would not leave her side.But she forgot that love is the invisible and strong rope that makes people stay willingly.

This kind of insistence will not bring any love in return, it will only make Xiao Nan feel more disgusted.

"Let go." His voice was indifferent and could not be refused.

"Let me hold you, it will be fine in a while. Anan, it only takes 1 minute." She was shivering, so cold that she wanted to get more warmth from his body.It's just that this warmth never belonged to him.

He still chose to turn a blind eye, chose to ruthlessly tear her hand away.

Fang Jiarou felt that her arms were empty, and her whole body was extremely empty.

Xiao Nan's figure was blurred in her broken teardrops, she lay on the ground crying bitterly, her body trembling unceasingly.

She beat the ground as if venting, and kept asking why?
But no one can give her a good and clear answer.

After crying for an unknown amount of time, Fang Jiarou got up and picked up the photos one by one and put them in an envelope.She wiped away the tears on her face, walked out of the coffee box with firm eyes, her knees were numb.

She walked out of the cafe, and within a few steps she was so sad that she almost fell to the ground.In the end, due to exhaustion, he passed out in front of the Ferrari that just stopped in front of the cafe.The photo in his hand fell to the ground, revealing a corner.

The owner of the car happened to be Chi Jinfei, so he immediately got out of the car and stepped forward to support Fang Jiarou: "Miss Fang, wake up."

Seeing her motionless, he had no choice but to carry her into the car, picked up the photo, and rushed to the hospital.

After the doctor's examination, she said that she was greatly stimulated emotionally, and she fainted from exhaustion. The patient needs to rest well, and must not be stimulated too much, otherwise the condition will worsen.

Chi Jinfei nodded repeatedly, and sent the doctor away. He went back to the ward and sat on the sofa not far from the bed, picked up the stack of photos, took them out and looked at them one by one, narrowing his eyes slightly, it was as dark as night.

Did Xiao Nan get together with Yue Ran behind her back?
Thinking of such a result, Chi Jinfei wished to tear up these photos that could hurt Yue Ran, and then beat Xiao Nan severely.

He has been waiting for so many years but has not won Yue Ran's heart. Why did he hurt Yue Ran like this after he got it? How is this different from Qi Ziyang?
But should he tell Yue Ran, is it a good concealment or a real harm?
Chi Jinfei was at a loss.

Because there was a trace of longing in his heart, if Yue Ran separated from Xiao Nan because of this, would he have a chance?

He looked up at Fang Jiarou's pale face and couldn't help feeling a little pity.It's really not easy for a woman like Fang Jiarou to do this for Xiao Nan.Love really hurts people to the bone, but there is no pain, and there is no cure.

(End of this chapter)

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