Reckless through another world

Chapter 110 The path under my feet is chosen by myself

Chapter 110 The path under my feet is chosen by myself
"It's bad, we worked a lot, but we were taken aback by that kid in the end, and we didn't even look at the weapons in the meteorite!" One of the martial artists who went down the mountain patted his head and said with annoyed expression.

"I just said I forgot something, really, I forgot the weapon in the meteor, and we also have credit for such a big meteor, the benefits can't just be taken by Zhen Yisi." A man from the Iron Fist Sect frowned. , he just remembered that they clearly wanted to grab weapons.

"Even if you go back, you won't be able to grab anything."

"If you can't grab it, you can divide it, or else you will work hard for nothing?"

"Go back, go back..."

The black and white group of people went back again.

"Hey, they're back again." Chen Mo found out those martial artists who came back first, and after a while, they all came back again.

The people who are catching up with Zhenxiu want to open the meteorite.

"What are you doing back here?" Xuanwu, the Bronze Medal of Lin Shancheng, asked with a frown.

"I was bluffed by that kid just now. No matter what we say, we participated in the war and died. Anyway, we also have credit for it. The magic soldiers can't grab it, but such a big star gold, after all, we have our share Let's go." One of the martial artists said.

Naturally, Chen Mo had no objection. Since he contributed, he should get a share, but it mainly depends on whether Zhenyisi wants to give it. However, Chen Mo feels that since it is an institution of the imperial court, he will definitely not eat alone.

"You will share [-]% of the star gold. As for how you divide it, it is your own business." The two commanders did not intervene. Although this was the decision of the leader of the Maple Leaf Division, it was also a common decision of the two towns. The decision is also the decision of the court.

It's also some compensation. After all, they were dragged in without the other party's knowledge. The people in the two towns are still very humane, and they didn't choose to take it all alone. This made the grievances of the martial arts practitioners much less .

A group of casual cultivators and martial cultivators from non-traditional sects discussed it, and they felt that it was completely acceptable, and it exceeded expectations, so they accepted it directly.

After all, the other party still had two commanders who were eyeing them, and the other party's offer was indeed generous. The meteor was nine meters high, and it contained a lot of star gold. Giving it [-]% was indeed beyond their psychological line.

No matter how much you want, you can't come out. It's good to be amiable. If you don't deal with it, both sides will be unhappy. There is no good fruit to go against the court. This is the default truth of all martial arts.

Besides, a dead Taoist friend is not dead, even if he is an acquaintance, or a senior brother of the sect, he is worthless when he is dead. You can still get benefits.

In fact, sometimes casual cultivators are the most affectionate and ruthless. They hug each other tightly, but if there is any interest involved, they will fall apart in an instant, and the disciples of the sect at least have the friendship of brothers and sisters, even if they have interests. The sect will also handle disputes, with a bit of human touch.

To say that the most ruthless is the imperial court, but the most sympathetic is also the imperial court. People in the imperial court have their own beliefs, and being in the imperial court, the benefits are better. After death, the family members will be protected by the imperial court and have pensions.

Although those great powers in the court may use a small number of people as pawns, it is always for the interests of most of the Qianyuan people, and this kind of thing cannot be avoided.

Here, after all, it is a world where the weak prey on the strong. Everyone has different choices. The path under their feet is chosen by themselves. Made a decision, right?

Chen Mo watched coldly. He had already made his choice and made a decision. Although the sect has the most human touch, it does not rely on talent alone. Those who have talent but do not have a sense of belonging to the sect will basically not Increase efforts to cultivate, how to cultivate a white-eyed wolf.

It's like Chunyang Sword Sect, who trained a disciple, and that disciple was also very powerful, all the way from the snake level to the heavenly man, who would have thought that when the heavenly man settled down to the soul, the memory of his previous life awakened, and he was originally Shushan of an elder.

This is interesting now, both Shushan and Chunyang Sword Sect are peerless sects that use swords, and the elders of the people directly returned to Shushan with the sect's skills. Yang Jianzong's peerless technique.

So much so that Chunyang Jianzong became a laughing stock during that time, they all laughed at Chunyang Jianzong for raising a child for someone else, quite a feeling of being occupied by others.

The senior executives of Chunyang Sword Sect didn't know what it was like, but Chen Mo felt that the psychological shadow must be very large. He was a great master of heaven and man, or a seedling of sword cultivators, and finally found out that he was not his own child.

It's like raising a child, the child is still very good, and I had hoped that the child would be able to glorify his ancestors.Then the children still remembered where their hometown was, and then they patted their butts and left, leaving everyone depressed.

It is simply the shadow of life.

Since then, these two peerless sects, who were originally in harmony, are now in dire straits.

When the disciples of the two sides met, they would definitely be at war, even if they didn't fight, no one would pay attention to the other.

Ask Chen Mo to say that this matter was originally Shushan's fault, but there is no way to do it. This kind of matter is a matter of morality, and there are no express regulations.

Later, the Zongmen recruited disciples not only needed talent, but also a sense of belonging, and more importantly, to test whether they had roots in the previous life, and whether they were reincarnated and recultivated. It's too bad, it's just training the other party to be a great master for nothing.

In fact, many people are obsessed with the first life, that is, the impression of the first life. Chunyang Jianzong also cultivated him, and he did his best, but in the end he awakened his memory and returned to Shushan. I have to sigh, people like this In fact, the impression of the first life is very important.

Even Chen Mo is not exempt, he is also obsessed with the first life, but he has to be kind, he may not have a sense of belonging, but he still has responsibility.Chen Mo can't do things like pat his ass and leave.

If he could do it, he would have left the family and Linshan City long ago. In the final analysis, although they are cheap parents, they are parents after all.

But people are different, Chen Mo can't control what others do, it's enough for him to be himself.

Flying to meet Jin Jiao and Ling Kui, Chen Mo almost laughed when he saw Jin Jiao with a disgraced face and a swollen nose. Spread your hands.


Accompanied by several loud noises, the huge meteorite slowly opened.

This meteorite does not look like a naturally occurring meteorite. It is hollow inside, and stands a three-foot-long sword emitting yellow light.

This meteor is not original, Chen Mo remembers that it should be something on the node, it is artificially made, and the magic weapon in the middle is naturally put in by people.

However, Chen Mo couldn't tell what the specific plot was. There were not many expansion packs, and the fifth chapter was only updated when he died. The time flow in the game is three times faster than in reality, and it is said that the time limit will be increased. The speed of flow is to achieve immortality in the game, but Chen Mo directly traversed it before experiencing it.

 Grab Lingshan's thief car!By the way, if you have a train ticket, vote a little, and the thief mountain is about to open the hearse.

(End of this chapter)

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