Chapter 111

"A weapon of rare quality." Chen Mo knew the quality of the yellow light, and it was a sword weapon. Chen Mo didn't like it. If it was an epee, he could make up for it, but ordinary swords were far behind.

Chen Mo also doesn't like rare quality weapons. His previous weapon in the game was a red perfect quality weapon. Although now there is only a green high quality weapon, and this weapon is scrapped, but Chen Mo doesn't think so either. Rare quality weapons can make him so greedy.

"It turned out to be a sword weapon of rare quality." Although those casual cultivators and martial cultivators from low-level sects were also envious, they had no chance with them in the end.

"This weapon is the reward for inviting the two commanders." Maple Leaf City's bronze medal Qinglong Lin Feng looked at Chen Wenyu and Jing Lao and nodded.

"Well, this is the rule of the Zhenyi Division." Rare weapons are also very expensive, but it is true that only such precious things can invite two owl-level commander Wuxiu, if there is only a total, there is no substance As a reward, the commander of Julu Township will not leave either.

Chen Wenyu stepped forward and took down the rare quality sword from the center, injected the inner air, cut the huge meteorite in front of him into ten pieces, took away two pieces, and then put the rare quality sword into it. in a bag of mustard seeds.

"It's time for us to leave. Your achievements will never be forgotten by the imperial court." Chen Wenyu looked at Lin Feng and said solemnly.

"That's right!" Jing Lao also nodded and said.

"Wait!" Chen Mo stopped with a grin.

Immediately everyone looked over.

"This is inappropriate! You Zhenyi Division has contributed, but you can't take the rare quality sword for nothing. It stands to reason that this sword should belong to me!" Chen Mo's voice was not loud, but his voice was loud.

Commander Chen and Elder Jing didn't speak either, and the rest of the martial artists couldn't speak either. It's obvious to all that Chen Mo's combat power is terrifying, not to mention his cruel methods.

"This..." Chen Wenyu looked at Mr. Jing, as if he didn't know how to answer.

"To put it bluntly, even if I kill you all and take everything away, you will not have the slightest resistance!" Chen Mo grinned, the blood mist from the corners of his eyes still emanating faintly, While speaking, the three-eyed Yan Luo slowly crawled out from Chen Mo's back and stood behind Chen Mo.

Some martial artists are already retreating, and everyone knows the horror of that monster. They killed the leader of the demon with two punches, and a group of wounded people, like what Chen Mo said, were all crushed to death here.

"Then what do you think we should do?" Chen Wenyu took out the rare quality sword from the mustard bag.

"How about this, my friend, our Julu Township Division will give you a rare quality knife as compensation, and it will be exchanged, and you don't look like you use a sword." Jing Lao hurried out to smooth things over, and it was indeed Chen Mo who helped The biggest thing is that he killed all the demon commanders and saved so many people. It is really inappropriate for them to have nothing.

"Okay, I'll stay in Linshan City for another month or two, and I'll go to the Zhenyi Division to get it when the time comes, just don't forget." Chen Mo nodded slightly. .

After fighting the monsters, naturally the loot should be divided according to meritorious service. Even if he doesn't like this rare quality sword, he should give compensation to the sword of the same level. Otherwise, don't blame Chen Mo for being reckless.

"Okay, I also agree, so we can go now?" Chen Wenyu nodded, and it's okay not to nod. The big ghosts have been released. Although they are young, it doesn't mean they are easy to bully.

"Okay. I have no objection." Chen Mo waved his hand, and the three-eyed Yama behind him immediately fell into his body.

Everyone present breathed a sigh of relief at the same time!

"It's time for us to go down the mountain." Lin Feng nodded with a smile. In this world, it doesn't matter if you have a broken arm. As long as you have achieved merits, there is still a elixir that can kill human flesh and bones.

Lin Feng took away one and a half of Meteorite, and Huo Lie stepped forward to take away one and a half of it, and the remaining three need to be distributed to the rest of the martial artists.

Everyone tacitly allocated [-]% of the meteorite to Chen Mo.

With a wave of his hand, Chen Mo put away the two pieces of meteorites. They belonged to him, so he should take them. After all, no one has any objections.

"Go down the mountain!"

With a sound down the mountain, all the soldiers lifted up the simple stretchers, including the wounded and corpses. People in this world also pay attention to bringing the corpses back to their roots. They think that people who die outside will become Lonely ghost.

Moreover, it is even more of a shock for relatives not to see the bones. Death is already enough to make people sad. If even the bones do not come back, the feeling cannot be described in words.

And as a comrade, he has the responsibility and obligation to take his comrade's body back, because maybe one day he will die outside, and he also needs his comrade to take his time home.

"Let's sing!" Lin Feng, the dragon head of the bronze medal, let out a long cry.

The soldiers carrying the corpse on simple stretchers behind them opened their voices and sang.

"I am not alone in the land of Qianyuan, there are tens of thousands of armored soldiers guarding the territory."

"Throw your head and sprinkle your blood,"

"The man draws his sword and cuts the monster."

"Yellow Spring Road, should be buried,"

"Go down to Jiuyou to beat the war drum."

"Little lady, don't cry,"

"I'm the husband of Marquis Wanlilu."

"A real man, seek meritorious service,"

"Enter my temple and forget the rivers and lakes."

"Soul returns, soul returns!"

"Listen to the sound of the drum again."

"Soul returns, soul returns!"

"Goodbye to that beautiful woman waiting for you."

"Brother is here for you today, tomorrow you and I will not be alone in Huangquan."

"Soul returns, soul returns!"

"Look at the thousands of miles of mountains and rivers you guard, but it's still satisfying! But it's still satisfying!!!"


Singing and singing, everyone's eyes became red, their throats were blocked, and tears rolled in their eye sockets.

Even the corpse that was being lifted felt so heavy, and the brilliant soul-calling song echoed in the mountains and forests.It seems that the strange sounds in the mountains have been quieted down, suppressed by the singing, this is the last farewell given by the comrades, for the soldiers of the imperial court.

This world is like this, people are dying all the time, even if they live under the protection of the court.

Even Qingliang Division's Bronze Medal Dragon Capital died in a fierce battle, and there were no bones left. For Weiqi, the corpse of a powerful martial artist can provide them with more nutrients, so naturally they are vying to snatch it, even if it is the Bronze Medal Xuanwu and the Bronze Medal Suzaku He tried his best to stop him, but there was still no bones left, only mustard bags and weapons were left.

I have already asked before going out, the only son in the family is not allowed to participate in the war, the father and son stay in the town, the son stays, the father joins the battle, the brother joins the army, the younger brother stays, the elder brother joins the war, this has been the case since ancient times.

"This is a cruel but very passionate era. There is no such thing as a quiet time, but someone is carrying the burden for you." Chen Mo sighed, no matter how many times he listened to it, the Soul Requiem Song of Zhenyi Division was still so impressive. His heart throbbed, living in such an era, he didn't know whether to be lucky or upset.

Chen Mo resounded a sentence that was circulated on the Internet in his previous life, "There is no such thing as quiet time, but someone is carrying the burden for you." When he heard the soldiers of the Zhenyi Division sing the song of the soul, Chen Mo felt a lot of emotions.

Chen Mo also hummed a few words. The creation of this soul-calling song was very early. In the game world of the previous life, it was also very early. When I first listened to it, the players seemed to feel good, but after sneaking in the game for a long time , It seems that even I can't tell whether I am in the game or in reality.

Naturally, the feelings became different, and gradually understood the meaning of the lyrics, and it was also sung among the players. Sometimes when the union was fighting, it would also be sung when there were a large number of dead people, but the most important thing was to sing it in person. Listen to those npc's singing when dealing with large strange bosses.

Chen Mo is not too clear about the total number of words in the Qianyuan Song of Soul Relief. It seems that the original version does not have many words, but bards will always add it. The song has filled in the lyrics.

There was also a competition in the fantasy world game, and all poets can contribute. Although Chen Xianzhi can't compare with those poets who are seventy, eighty, or one hundred, he is still a poet who is close to thirty.

So Chen Xianzhi has also contributed to many poetry competitions, but it seems that there is only one winner, and he is the third runner-up.

Chen Xianzhi's poetry talent is indeed not high, he has written for most of his life, and only won the prize once, and he was only the third runner-up. This really made Chen Xianzhi understand that he seems to be only talented in fighting!

Chen Mo is a soldier, he doesn't know much about songs, but he dabbles in lyrics and music, and sometimes hums a few lines, probably only a few lines.

Because of the insufficiency of the pentameter, the singing is really not very good. This is not uncommonly complained by the players in the union, saying that if Bakui Yan Luo's singing is half of his fighting ability, the champion of the Federation's good voice will change hands.

Chen Mo just laughed it off when he heard it, he shouldn't be too arrogant, half of what he said was too much, maybe [-]% of it, if his singing skills were [-]% of his fighting talent, maybe the champion of the Federation Good Voice might really be won.

 Thanks for the reward of "People are ugly and talk a lot".

(End of this chapter)

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