Reckless through another world

Chapter 112 Please Trust the Court

Chapter 112 Please Trust the Court

After returning to Linshan City, the sky was also dark at this moment. The time for the battle was actually not much, only four or five hours, but it took two or three hours just to walk, so it was only when the sky was bright in the morning and the sky was dark at night. Come back after dark.

There are many people waiting at the gate of the city. They know that there will be a war today, so they are all waiting at the gate of the city. Not only those waiting for others, but also those who go out to watch.

It's just that seeing so many Bai Ling in that team, she was a little flustered for a while, as if she was afraid of hearing news about her family.

After all, it is the business of the Qingliang Division, and these heroes cannot be allowed to die at the gate of the city, so the dead bodies are all covered with white silk, and some injured soldiers did not make a sound, quietly waiting for these comrades to kill them. carry away.

And those people who were looking for their family members also followed the soldiers who carried them.

All the stretchers didn't stop until they returned to Qingliang Division.

"Master Bronze Medal White Tiger, they are back." A soldier ran in murmuring, panting.

"Back?!" Zhang Ling, the bronze medal white tiger who was waiting, stood up from his seat at once, nervously mixed with joy, and ran out in three steps at a time.

Seeing all the plains, Zhang Ling's expression froze all of a sudden, followed by a look of disappointment, but then he looked around again.

"No..." Zhang Ling blinked and murmured in disbelief.

"Bronze medal dragon head, didn't come back!" Huo Lie sighed, then said.

Zhang Ling froze for a moment, then came back to his senses, with a trembling voice, "Where's the corpse?"

"There are no bones left, this is the weapon and the mustard bag of the bronze medal dragon head." Huo Lie pursed his lips, untied a mustard bag from his waist and handed it over.

"Hey, this farewell is life and death!" Zhang Ling took the mustard seed bag. He and Zuo Zongyi were of the same age, so they naturally knew each other. They were both transferred from Julu City and they were also from the same hometown.

"I will hand over his belongings to his son." Zhang Ling hung the mustard bag around his waist, with a very complicated expression on his face, which probably meant that the rabbit died and the fox was sad, but after all, it was the path he chose, and the result was uncertain. I have already figured it out.

As all the stretchers fell down, those people who wanted to find their family members also rushed up, but they were afraid that they would see their family members under the white silk, so they slowed down a lot and hesitated. But after all, they need to go and see, because there are no relatives among the wounded.

"Daniu,..." A woman covered her mouth, but tears were already streaming down her face.

A trembling old woman was anxiously looking for her son, but she couldn't find her. As she was walking, she seemed to have tripped. When she turned her head, she found the peace talisman tied to her son's wrist. , The old woman was stunned for a moment, slowly possessed herself, and lifted the white silk, it was his son.

With a bang, the crutch fell to the ground, crying loudly, "My son..."



All of a sudden, the crying and howling gradually started. Some sons recognized their dead father, some younger brothers recognized their elder brothers, some old men and women recognized their sons, and some women recognized their husbands. The whole Qingliang Division became desolate.

"The imperial court will never forget any soldiers who sacrificed, nor their relatives. The imperial court is your strongest shield. If there are widows and loneliness caused by the sacrifice of relatives, the imperial court will take care of them!"

"The imperial court will not chill the hearts of the people!"

"This is a cruel world, and we must unite to kill monsters. We, Zhenji, are with you all!"

"Our Four Spirit Envoys of the Zhenchang Division will take the lead and charge forward. Please believe in us, folks!"

Zhang Ling shouted loudly, what he said was sincere, and Zhenjisi did the same. Otherwise, how could He De win the support of the people, let alone let so many people know that Zhenyisi is doing dangerous work? To participate in the Zhenyi Division, they all hope that even if they die, they will protect their relatives.


Chen Mo didn't stay for long, even if he stayed, it was useless. He separated from the troops of Qingliang Division directly from the city gate. He also needed to go back to report safety, sort out the harvest and find the monarch of Chiyan Land.

Moreover, he had to prepare for the promotion of Sanmu Yanluo. With [-] experience, he would basically be able to get two jackal-level monsters. Chen Mo planned to find time in the next few days to go out again.

In the final analysis, 'ghosts' are the most powerful force in this world, just like the nuclear civilization of the Earth Federation, truth is always within the reach of nuclear weapons.

Chen Mo was walking on the street, and after a few houses, he saw the white silk hanging on the door. It was only hung when someone in the family died.

Autumn is a bleak season, and the leaves are falling.

"However, it's a cool autumn." Chen Mo couldn't help but think of a line in Xin Qiji's ugly slave, but he accelerated the pace of returning home.

"My lord, you are finally back. This morning the Qingliang Division dispatched troops to wipe out Lin Shan's monsters. I thought your lord would follow along." Chen Sheng said fortunately. Fortunately, Chen Mo appeared in the small courtyard intact, otherwise he would really It's not easy to explain.

Chen Mo just took it with a smile, and he didn't say clearly that he went, but instead asked, "How's Black Claw?"

"Still sleeping, why haven't you woke up for so long?" Chen Sheng also asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, Black Claw's quality is too bad, and he has a lot of energy and blood. It takes a long time to sleep and digest." Chen Mo explained with a smile.

This is also what Chen Mo expected. Black Claw's aptitude is too poor, and the speed of digesting qi and blood is very slow. After all, aura needs to be very difficult to transform its body, unlike those who have good aptitude, they can directly advance .

This is indeed the case, the stronger the aptitude is, the stronger the digestion ability is, and the worse the aptitude is, the worse the digestion ability is, so it takes longer to digest the blood in the whole body, and the time of deep sleep is also very long. It is also a matter of course.

It's like Ling Kui, who was born at the snake level, and if he devoured the aura escaped from Chen Mo's body a little bit, he would go up a level. As Chen Mo broke through to the jackal level, Ling Kui would soon be able to catch up. This is the benefit of the precious quality of the boss level. up.

Unlike Black Claw, not only the template is at the bottom, but the quality is also at the bottom. In this life, you can only break through the snake level.Even with Long Yi's blood essence washing it, it would be very difficult to improve it.

"Let's go with the situation, aptitude is sometimes what you are born with, and it's hard to catch up with hard work the day after tomorrow. But it's not sure, maybe one day there will be a unique opportunity." Chen Mo didn't want to make Black Claw so much Strong, but even if it can only reach the snake level, at least it must be the strongest among them.

To play games is to win, to be the strongest at the same level, this is the belief that a fighter should have!

(End of this chapter)

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