Reckless through another world

Chapter 113 On the Role of the Blue Rabbit and the Golden Mouse

Chapter 113 On the Role of the Blue Rabbit and the Golden Mouse

When Chen Mo returned to his small building, Ling Kui lay on Chen Mo's shoulder without moving, quietly absorbing the inner energy and spiritual energy, while Jin Jiao poked his head, jumped out of Chen Mo's arms, and lay on his stomach. I went to play on the side.

"The Heavenly Demon's mission is completed, what's the news about the reward?" Chen Mo opened the mission log with his thoughts.

Above it hangs a purple mission [Lord of the Red Flame Land]


Huang Xuan woke up suddenly. He had a dream just now. Although the dream was very terrifying, he forgot what he had dreamed of. He just felt thirsty for a while. Looking at the sleeping daughter-in-law beside him, Huang Xuan slowly got up.

Carefully put on a piece of clothing and climbed off the bed.

A bowl of water arrived with a splash, and he drank it gulply, but the more he drank, the thirstier he became. Even after drinking all the water in the kettle, Huang Xuan still felt very thirsty, and he desperately searched for a source of water.

Straight out of the door, the water tank shimmered under the moonlight. Without hesitation, Huang Xuan walked over, picked up the ladle and started scooping water to drink. After drinking, he finally felt less thirsty.

Only then did he return to the house contentedly. As soon as he lifted the quilt, the pupils of Huang Xuan's eyes instantly shrank into pinholes, and his eyes widened, as if he had seen something very terrifying.

Of course, following Huang Xuan's line of sight, his wife turned into a mummy.

Withered body, without a trace of moisture, the dry hair was mixed into a mess like a broken fishing net.

His wife's eyes were completely opened, even the eye sockets were cracked, and she just quietly looked at Huang Xuan who lifted the quilt.

"Ah!" Huang Xuan yelled in horror, and fainted from fright.


[The Monarch of Chiyan Land] There is a yellow exclamation mark on it, Chen Mo opened the exclamation mark, and a message appeared in front of Chen Mo's eyes.

"The monarch of Chiyan Land owns his believers, and every time the sun is at its hottest, their believers will hold a ceremony, but now I don't know how many years have passed, his believers seem to have forgotten this custom, but the blood The forces within still affect them."

"There is a village nearly a hundred miles to the east of Maple Leaf City. There is a year-round drought there. It seems that there is a clue about the monarch of the Scarlet Flame Land."

Chen Mo stroked his smooth chin. The mission log had already pointed out the direction for him, but now is obviously not the time to find the Lord of Chiyan Land. It would be embarrassing if he couldn't suppress him.

Chen Mo had also heard of the prestige of this great ghost in his previous life, so he decided to wait, at least until the three-eyed Yan Luo reached the two-star strength, so that he should be able to take down the Lord Chiyan with great confidence.

"There is still more than 4 experience left. It seems that we still need to find out the hidden monsters in the city. Although they only have the snake level, they can only provide tens of thousands of experience." Chen Mo didn't think too much. He turned over and jumped up from the bed, and went straight out of the gate of the small building.

"My lord, have you gone out again?" Chen Sheng lived next to Chen Mo's small building, and he also chased after hearing Chen Mo's movements. The wall flashes past.

"Young master has a high cultivation base, besides, we don't need to worry about it in the city." Qingyue said as if she was comforting Chen Sheng and herself.

Chen Mo's speed is fast, and he has already left the Chen Mansion in a few steps. His small courtyard is quite close to the wall of the Chen Mansion, and it is convenient to go out. Unlike those wing rooms and lofts built in the center of the Chen Mansion, it takes One quarter of an hour.

"Ling Kui still has the golden horn, now it's up to you to find out those weird things for me." Chen Mo said.

Ling Kui's intelligence is not low, what's more, Chen Mo also told Ling Kui his thoughts through a contract, so Ling Kui can understand it very easily, but Jin Jiao, because there is no contract and his cultivation level is not high. , although the wisdom is not low compared to half of the strange, but still can't understand what Chen Mo said, can only rely on instinct.

At this time, Ling Kui's sense of superiority came. He raised his proud head, and the upper part of his head was covered with a mask-like horny layer. As a boss-level elemental species, he did have the capital of arrogance.

"Ling Kui, tell Jin Jiao what I mean." Chen Mo looked at Jin Jiao who was full of confusion in his small eyes, and couldn't help feeling helpless for a while. This little guy's intelligence is still not high enough, but there is no way, he can't help it. Knowing the language of beasts, maybe mice have different languages.

"Oh!" Ling Kui then conveyed Chen Mo's meaning to Jin Jiao, Jin Jiao understood Chen Mo's meaning, and screamed flatteringly, it's hard to imagine a mouse with a flattering look on its face, But that's reality.

"Squeak, squeak!" Jin Jiao made a sound.

"Ling Kui, what did Jin Jiao say?" Chen Mo looked even more helpless now. Although his perception ability is also strong, it is not as strong as that of the strange species. Stronger, after all, they rely on this for food.

"Will I be able to dig graves from now on?" Chen Mo had a sudden thought, if the treasures in the tombs of the mighty are all precious, wouldn't it be possible to dig graves and make a fortune by cultivating golden horns?

"Forget it, forget it, there must be a bottom line in life." Chen Mo shook his head and threw this method out.

"Oh, oh, oh!" Ling Kui didn't show his temper. After all, he was a partner under an equal contract, and he gave enough respect to both parties. Ling Kui translated Jin Jiao's creaking sound.

"Oh? Jin Jiao said to follow him." Chen Mo grinned. This habit has been maintained for a long time, and it is not a habit. It is a normal state. Whenever Chen Mo is interested in something, the corners of his mouth can't help it Grin, like a devil's smile.

Chen Mo has always felt that this is the very kind smile of soldiers towards creatures!It's just that in the previous life, some people always called this Yan Luo's smile.

Ling Kui, who was standing on Chen Mo's shoulder, nodded, and then lay down again. He had already told his combat partner what he knew.

Jin Jiao poked half of his body out of Chen Mo's chest pocket, but Chen Mo felt that he couldn't track it quickly, so he simply put Jin Jiao in the center of his palm to use as a compass.

Anyway, the place where the mouse's head is pointing is the place where the strangeness exists. As a member of the treasure hunter clan, Jin Jiao's perception of the strangeness must have surpassed Ling Kui, and even surpassed Chen Mo himself.

A scarlet ghost eye on the back of Chen Mo's head opened accordingly. Although he was still a little unaccustomed to the 360-degree viewing angle without blind angles, Chen Mo was slowly getting familiar with it. After all, this skill was against the sky. You can see all the attacks. As for whether you can block or dodge, it depends on your own ability.

After following Jin Jiao for about half an hour, Chen Mo found that Jin Jiao looked back at him, and then quickly slipped along his arm into his chest pocket, only revealing a golden mouse head.

Ling Kui also seemed to have discovered something, and returned directly to the contract array.

"Old man, it's so late to set up a stall." Chen Mo grinned, pulled a wooden stool and sat down, looking at the white-haired old man who was busy.

"The night stall has just been set up, and the guest officer wants to eat something." The white-haired old man wiped his hands with a rag with a smile.

 Thanks to "Tao Tong Buddha" for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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