Reckless through another world

Chapter 114 You Catch the First Train from Huangquan

Chapter 114 You Catch the First Train from Huangquan
"Actually, I didn't come here to eat anything, I'm here to ask you to borrow something." Chen Mo shook his head with a smile, then grinned.

"The second son of the most powerful Chen family in Linshan City, what do you need to borrow from this old man?" The white-haired old man was terrified, and he was stunned for a moment, but then he laughed dumbly.Talking about it, the Pulsatilla made tea for Chen Mo, and then sat down opposite to Chen Mo very naturally.

"You have this thing, but I don't, so I need to borrow it from my old man." Chen Mo rubbed his nose and looked at the Pulsatilla opposite.

"I don't know what the young master wants to borrow?" Pulsatilla was a little interested, and looked at Chen Mo curiously.

Chen Mo grinned, "Let me use your head!"

"Mr. Chen is playing tricks on the old man." The pulsatilla, who was smoking a dry pipe, had neither joy nor sadness on his face, and his kindness had long since disappeared.

Chen Mo took Moxuan out of the mustard seed bag, but seeing Moxuan's miserable appearance, not to mention the rolling blade, there were still several incomplete parts, and the tip of the knife at the front was long gone. The weapon in the commander's hand was smashed.

Chen Mo put it back embarrassingly.

"The meaning of evil—turning a sword into a fist—determination!"

The extreme yang inner air flows through the 72 great orifices, and all the meridians of Datong burst out instantly with Chen Mo's outbreak.

"Boom!" The table and bench in front of Chen Mo shattered instantly, and Chen Mo's figure continued to attack, and went straight to the head of the old man with white hair.

Pulsatilla didn't expect Chen Mo to say this at first, so he shot violently, but he also felt it, and blocked it with the slender cigarette stick in his hand.


The fist hit the Pulsatilla's stem, and the emerald green stem didn't break, but the old man couldn't resist Chen Mo's full blow. With a puff, the blood in his mouth directly stained his clothes red, and he stumbled out a few times.

"What a power!" The white-headed old man's eyes were full of horror. Although he hastily raised his hand to block it, he was a jackal himself, so he didn't block Chen Xianzhi's punch.

Stabilizing his figure, Pulsatilla looked at Chen Mo who was not far away. The red ghost mist floated by Chen Mo's eyes. The knotted muscles should know how strong just by looking at the strong robe that was propped up, and finally What made Pulsatilla feel alarmed was that the aura of Qi and blood in Chen Mo's body was still rising rapidly.

"Are you human or strange!" The white-headed old man couldn't help asking, it was really the first time he had seen a human martial artist with such a huge amount of energy and blood. According to their understanding, the internal energy of a human martial artist is indeed powerful, but there should be no energy and blood. They are weird and tyrannical!
"Naturally it's a human!" Chen Mo clenched his fists, with a smile on his face, the black internal energy kept swimming in Chen Mo's body, so that those blue veins turned black.


The white-headed old man let out a long cry, his body began to change, gurgling, all the muscles squeezed out of his thin body, his face was full of ferocity, the four upper and lower fangs grew instantly, and his face was covered with fine white fluff , and white fluff grew rapidly on his body.

A two-meter-high gigantic ape-shaped monster appeared in front of Chen Mo. It was covered in white monkey hair, and its strong arms were thicker than Chen Mo's current thighs. Moreover, the arms of the white giant ape hung down to the knees. The position, the thick and wide fists are clenched enough to be as big as a human head.



【Open the Eye of Appraisal】

【Name: Armed White Ape】

[Race; Intelligent species—ape species—beast]

[Level: Level 23—Threat Degree: White Jackal]

[Template: Elite]

【Quality: Rare】

[attribute: ... abbreviated]

[Skills: All-arm divine power, madness, bloodthirsty]

"Ghost energy activates unparalleled power! Three times!" Chen Mo also activated unparalleled power in an instant, and the steaming black ghost energy rushed through Chen Mo's muscles and meridians like a giant dragon, and his 1.9-meter-long figure was instantly strengthened into two Mi Yi's height is now the same as that of Yiyi in terms of body shape.

"The meaning of evil - turning the sword into a fist - a thousand heavy cuts"

"Bang bang!" After running for two steps, Chen Mo jumped up with the help of the thousand heavy slash, his hands clenched into fists and hammers, and went straight to the white ape.

The etiquette of soldiers is to jump directly into the battlefield after turning on the power, either hammer the enemy to death, or be hammered to death by the enemy!

It's as fast as the wind, as fast as thunder, and as fast as fire!

Chen Mo's current body is the strongest body in the jackal class, and he can even take a blow from the peak of the owl class without serious injury in this state. His speed has surpassed the stage of the jackal class, not to mention that the white ape is just A white jackal!

"My life is over!" This thought was the last thought of White Ape.Although Bai Yuan saw Chen Mo's attack, his speed couldn't keep up. He could only watch as Chen Mo's fist landed on his body.


Chen Mo's hammer directly smashed the spine of the white ape, and with a bang, the body of the white ape was directly smashed to the ground, and he died suddenly on the spot!
"It's not too strong!" Chen Mo sighed, and then released Wushuang, and the extreme yang inner energy in his body also slowly fell back, and the four-legged snake lay down on the lower dantian again.

But this is also common sense. The Beacon Tower in Linshan City will not let too strong monsters in. The fact that the jackal class did not send out an alarm already shows that the jackal class is not strong, and the town hall in the city can handle it.

What's more, Chen Mo's own attribute point bonus is already very powerful, and with the blessing of the primary characteristics from those small bosses, Chen Mo with triple unparalleled power can crush these monsters at the jackal level, regardless of Is it a white jackal or a black jackal.

At the same time, Chen Mo also received a reminder in the lower right corner of the system bar.


[Beheading the white jackal-level elite strange arm-armed white ape, gaining 12030 experience points]

Chen Mo had already expected that only the fifth level would have the experience bonus of leapfrog killing, and the monsters of the same level as him would only provide their original experience points, "Save it, and you will be one step closer to the goal!"

"I seem to have forgotten to ask him where his friends are." Chen Mo slapped his forehead. The white ape, which seemed strong, was killed by a blow from him.

"Recklessness is a bad habit, but I can't seem to quit it!"

"But it's okay, there are golden rats here, it's only a matter of time before we find out the strangeness in the city!" Chen Mo chuckled, and put the body of the white ape into the mustard bag. Even the jackal-level corpse Chen Mo looked down on Yes, but after all, it is valuable and cannot be let go.


Looking at the white ape being hammered to death at a dark corner, the black shadow gulped and murmured tremblingly, "What kind of monster is this!"

However, the scarlet ghost eyes on the back of Chen Mo's head had already penetrated Chen Mo's hair, looking at the weirdness who was peeping at him from the corner, but the weirdness didn't seem to notice it.

He turned around, leaning his body against the wall, trembling a little, their small group had already existed in name only, three of them were killed by Chen Mo before Chen Mo had grown up, and now even the strongest White Ape After being killed, he also panicked.

A small and sharp voice spit out from his mouth, "No, no, I can't stay in Linshan City anymore, I must leave immediately, leave immediately!"

"Leave? It's not easy!"

Hearing that voice, he suddenly raised his head, and what he saw was Chen Xianzhi who was looking at him with a smile not far away!What kind of pair of eyes are those? There is a lot of malice in the eyes, and there is even a scarlet eyeball on the forehead.

"You..." The strange thing seemed to be stuck in the neck for an instant, and he couldn't speak.

"Am I so scary?" Chen Mo spread his hands helplessly, but he should be killed. Chen Mo smiled and congratulated, "Congratulations, you have caught up with the bus, the first train to get off Huangquan!"

(End of this chapter)

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