Reckless through another world

Chapter 120 A unique characteristic of Taoism 【Tickets】

Chapter 120 A unique characteristic of Taoism 【Tickets】

Chen Mo doesn't know how strong the multi-eyed ghost is now, but he should already be able to deal with the Houtian peak.

I just don't know what it's like to face an innate master.

Because Sanmu Yanluo was promoted to two stars with the attitude of one star supreme, he directly surpassed ordinary and excellent to reach the evaluation of tyranny.

If it is an ordinary evil spirit, if it is promoted to two stars with an ordinary posture, it is still ordinary even if it is a two star. The strengthening of the body, the use of ghost energy and a series of things are not as good as those evil spirits of the tyrannical level and the perfect level.

So to be able to go higher, we still need to try our best to have a strong ceiling, otherwise it will become a short board.

When the three-eyed Yan Luo returned to Chen Mo's body, Chen Mo clearly felt the power in his body surging continuously, one wave after another, just like a wave, but Chen Mo felt that even if there was a mountain in his body, He can split the mountain in front of him.

However, Chen Mo knew that these were all illusions, the illusion caused by the rapid growth of power, so he didn't care about it, but was slowly getting familiar with the power.

And as the three-eyed Yan Luo stepped into the second star, Chen Mo received more than half of the strengthening. This is two-way. He is strong, and the big ghost in his body will also become strong because of sufficient nutrition, and the big ghost will become stronger. Yes, it can also be fed back to him to strengthen his physique.

This is the benefit of the fourth stage of ghost control.

"75% fit, wait until 91% to start the fifth stage." Chen Mo laughed happily, the distance is far, far, not far, Chen Mo is confident that he will reach the fifth stage within a few months In this way, the combat effectiveness of the three-eyed Yama can be fully exerted.

Standing up, Chen Mo stretched his waist, and the muscles and bones in his body were creaking.

"It's time for me to raise my level!" Chen Mo said with a grin. The accumulated experience has not been exhausted. In addition to the aura empowerment just now, Chen Mo's level has also been raised by one level, reaching level 31.

Moreover, the three key points in the Guanqiao are also filled with abundant internal energy, and the Qi, blood and internal energy that can be converted by the jackal-level self-closing skill are also greatly improved, and because of this, the internal energy obtained is also increased. Increased, more than 50 ticks of internal energy were added to the first level, a full five-fold increase.

This is the case with magical skills, the more powerful they are, the conversion rate of qi and blood is stronger, and the conversion rate of inner qi is also stronger than the top kung fu, opening the gap from a small level, this is what those sect geniuses can crush One of the major elements of peer pressure.

"The monarch of the land of red flames?" Chen Mo opened the mission log on the system panel, looked at the missions flashing purple light, and grinned.

"Two-star three-eyed Yan Luo, no matter what kind of monarch or god you are, you should be able to suppress it!" Chen Mo laughed. At this stage, only those evil ghosts with low potential can reach the strength of two stars.

Many of those powerful ghosts are either under seal or have not yet awakened, and some are just born.

So it is very difficult for a big ghost to reach the strength of two stars, and of course special circumstances are not ruled out.

"Phew!" Chen Mo was lying on the bed, he seemed to have not slept for a long time, although Wuxiu Wuxiu didn't need a long rest, but he just rewarded himself and relaxed.Cultivation also requires relaxation, no, a short rest is for better progress!
Chen Mo fell asleep quickly, until a ray of sunlight slipped in through the window, and Chen Mo opened his eyes leisurely.

Getting up from the bed, putting on his clothes, and stretching his waist by the way, Chen Mo opened the door and walked out.

"My lord is up." Chen Sheng had already prepared all the washing water and so on, and Qingyue on the other side had also ordered the dining room to make breakfast.

"Get up!" Chen Mo nodded with a smile, he didn't seem to get up early at home, most of the time he went out all night, and even came back the next day, and he went out again soon after staying.

The time at home is also spent on practicing kung fu, maybe even the mansion of Chen's mansion has not been carefully walked around.

It's the same this time, I won't be able to stay for long and have to go out again.

"Wow!" Black Claw swooped over from the yard and circled around Chen Mo.

"It's not bad. It has grown by a half, and it has broken through to the snake level." Chen Mo smiled and patted Heicaw's head.

Moreover, Chen Mo felt some wildness from the black claw, but the traces of training are still very sufficient, so it is very good, it is good to have a little wildness, and there is no need to have too much, and the black claw is also raised at home, and it also follows the Not following Chen Mo's pace, the weirdo who was raised in the mansion is also kind to the servants at home.

"Oh roar!" Ling Kui ran out of Chen Mo's arm formation, ran to Chen Mo's shoulder, and lay down somewhere.

"Zhizhi." Jin Jiao, who had been hiding in Chen Mo's shirt pocket, also crawled out, baring his head and yelling twice.

Chen Mo couldn't help but burst out laughing, "It's become a zoo."

He didn't stay in the mansion for a long time, Chen Mo ordered and went out, and told Chen Sheng that he might have to travel a long distance this trip, at least two or three days, and at most seven or eight days before returning.

The self-closing skills in the foundation chapter were completed by Chen Mo. The Chen family used to be a family, and the family's heirloom skills are a set of top-notch skills. Chen Mo is not surprised by this at all. The top skills of the system, how can it be possible to achieve innateness by relying on those cobbled together.

Moreover, as a family that can only be called an aristocratic family with a food salary of two thousand stones, there must be top-notch exercises bestowed by the court. Although this exercise may stop at the tiger level, it is still a top-notch exercise that can break through the innate .

Congenital yin and yang self-closing skills (Building the Foundation) (4/5), now Chen Mo doesn't have to worry about the number of ways to practice at the jackal level, even breaking through to the owl level is enough, the rest is needed after the owl level top skills.

"Going to a hundred miles to the east of Maple Leaf City?" Chen Mo casually opened Renei's diary and saw the explanation on it. He didn't think too much about it. He planned to go to Maple Leaf City first. According to his footsteps, it would take about two hours. Arrived.

Running on the road is naturally boring, but Chen Mo did not give up practicing. He wants to be able to perform autistic exercises all the time under a certain state, and recently he is also thinking about how to do this.

It is said that many Taoist magical arts can keep the body in a state of practice and operation all the time, and you don’t even need to use guidance and control by yourself. This feature seems to be called Taoist magic. Chen Mo has never been in touch with Taoist magical arts, so he knows it well. But given the chance, he'd want that feature, too.

Linshan City is about two hundred miles away from Maple Leaf City. Chen Mo has enough internal energy to travel a hundred miles in an hour, galloping along the official road like a ghost shadow.

Originally, his physical fitness was high, and his strength was long. Coupled with the blessing of the strong non-attribute inner energy of autism, Chen Mo's endurance is extraordinary.

"Is this Maple Leaf City?" After traveling for more than two hours, Chen Mo also consumed nearly [-] moments of internal energy, but he has already seen Maple Leaf City not far away.

 Thank you for the rewards of "Hubatian is here, the heroine let me come o", "Early Summer Night", and "Only 10000 points".

(End of this chapter)

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