Chapter 121
Maple Leaf City is similar to Linshan City, but the building style is different from Linshan City. The painted red city gates and even the city walls seem to have the red color of maple leaves. A veritable Maple Leaf City.

"It's all here, let's go in and have a look!" Chen Mo, as an amateur poet, will not forget his profession. When he encounters such a strange landscape, he naturally has to take a good look at it.

Chen Mo planned to rest in Maple Leaf City for a whole day without delaying the journey.

Line up and wait for the people in front to enter.

There were quite a few people coming to Maple Leaf City. Chen Mo took a look and saw that there were more than 20 people in front of him, but more than half of them were snake-level, "It seems that the soldiers recruited by the villages around Maple Leaf City are of good quality. !" Chen Mo couldn't help sighing.

Maple Leaf City also lost a lot of soldiers in the battle against the demons, so it needs supplements from the surrounding villages, not only the surrounding villages, but also the strong men from many families in the city, otherwise there will be insufficient manpower.

This is also what Lin Shancheng is doing. Generally speaking, once the 16-year-old coming-of-age ceremony is over, the vitality and blood begin to take shape. The qi and blood exercises that come out can reach the black worm within half a year.

However, these new recruits will definitely not be taken out. At least one year in the city will allow him to break through the snake level before he will be slowly sent out to share tasks. It is also the model of old people leading newcomers to quickly train new soldiers.

"People from Linshan City, what are you doing in Maple Leaf City?" When he arrived at Chen Mo's place, the soldier guarding the gate was a little surprised. There was no such a huge coercion of Qi and blood when he was a spirit envoy.

"My name is Chen Xianzhi, I'm from Linshan City, I'm here to practice." Chen Mo grinned.

"The Talisman." The soldier took out a Talisman from his sleeve and stuck it on Chen Mo's body, but the Talisman did not respond at all.

"Huh!" The armored soldier also breathed a sigh of relief. This man is not easy to provoke at first sight. Although he is a young man with such a powerful blood pressure, his cultivation level must not be low. In his opinion, he should at least be a jackal. It would be really bad if it was possessed by Weird.

Chen Mo then calmly entered the city.

"That person is so powerful!" The city guard on the tower always looked at Chen Mo, and felt a little unbelievable. He could only feel that powerful might in the body of the commanding god who came to help from the Julu City of the imperial court. pressure.

"Qi and blood are indeed powerful. The soldier said he was from Linshancheng, named Chen Xianzhi. Do you need a four-spirit envoy to tell me?" The soldier on the side asked suspiciously.

"Report!" Boss Jia on the city tower nodded solemnly, no matter who they are, if they are powerful or suspicious, they will report to them.

Chen Mo didn't know that his arrival had caused such a big commotion in Maple Leaf City, but even if he knew, he wouldn't care too much, he really just came to see the scenery.

"Wait, there are strange lairs in the four major districts of Linshan City, and Maple Leaf City probably has them as well." Chen Mo suddenly remembered something.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to kill them, let them live for a while longer." Shrugging his shoulders, Chen Mo didn't want to bother to find the strange move anymore, the strange move in the city is too poor and weak to arouse people's desire to fight .

"Hey, guest officer, do you want to be a top player or stay in the inn?" The waiter at the inn hurried up to greet him.

"Stay in the hotel, give me a room." Chen Mo threw a tael of silver to the waiter.

"Guest officers, please. There is one guest officer staying in the hotel, and one room is required."

"By the way, let's have some good wine and good food." Chen Mo paid the shopkeeper 50 taels of silver.

"Guest officer upstairs, please!" The waiter hurriedly led Chen Mo upstairs.


"Is it him?" Lin Feng, the bronze medal dragon head of Linshan City, looked at the soldiers under him and asked.

"Yes, his name is Chen Xianzhi, a native of Linshan City, his qi and blood strength should be above the jackal level, and he didn't hide it." The soldier replied with a salute.

"What is he here for?" Lin Feng's arm was broken, and a mechanical arm was reconnected. He moved his arm and frowned slightly.

"But it's okay, just come here, he is also a ghost emissary, maybe he can solve this matter in the city." Then Lin Feng put on a relieved smile, as if someone sent him off when he fell asleep. The feeling of the pillow, there is a different kind of light in the eyes.

"Chee!" Chen Mo rubbed his nose. It is impossible for a jackal-level martial artist to catch a cold. It will be sensed, but Chen Mo's cultivation base is not high, so he doesn't care.

It's useless to care about this kind of thing, I don't know who said it, it's no less than finding a needle in a haystack!
After eating and drinking enough, Chen Mo sat cross-legged on the bed and performed the autism exercise,
I don't know how long it took, Chen Mo suddenly felt a sound

Open your eyes slowly.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

It was the sound of knocking on the door, heavy and muffled, not like someone knocking on it, as if something heavy had been slapped on it.And Chen Mo felt that even his heart seemed to vibrate with the knock on the door.

A creepy feeling of trembling came from Chen Mo's back, directly from the base of the tail, and the goosebumps climbed all the way to the top of the head.

Chen Mo knew that the one outside was not human at all.

Moreover, it must be a 'ghost' who can cause a sense of horror even as a jackal-level martial artist.

There is a ghost knocking on the door outside.

No matter whether the other party wants to come in or wants Chen Mo to go out, this is a very scary thing.

"I've hit a ghost!" Chen Mo grinned, just now it was his body's instinctive reaction, when encountering a ghost, Chen Mo is very excited now, it can arouse jackal-level cultivation, his blood is like an oven, he feels fear, The strength of that evil spirit should not be low.

Chen Mo tiptoed off the bed, the knock on the door was still ringing, it seemed to be getting more and more urgent, something outside wanted to come in.

Chen Mo moved slowly, and moved to the door of the room. Now there is only a thin door between the person and the ghost. Chen Mo is standing inside the door, while the 'ghost' is standing outside the door, hurriedly Knock on the door.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The scarlet ghost eyes on Chen Mo's forehead slowly opened, and a circle of scarlet eyeballs opened directly on his head, maintaining his 360-degree viewing angle without blind spots.

Slowly raising his hand, Chen Mo could feel his heart beating.

Ghost energy quickly condensed in Chen Mo's hands.

The ghost outside the door seemed to sense something, and stopped knocking on the door, but Chen Mo felt that He was still there, still outside the door, and did not leave.

Imagine a ghost with an unknown expression in its eyes, maybe lying on the door and peeping at you, how terrifying it would be.

"Spiral Hell—!" Chen Mo let out a long cry, and the black spiral hell in his hand slapped on the door panel. With a bang, the door panel was smashed apart in an instant, and at the same time, Chen Mo also saw this 'ghost' outside!
 Thanks to "Ice Soul 8 Fire Soul" for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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