Reckless through another world

Chapter 122 Let's talk about conditions

Chapter 122 Let's talk about conditions

The spiral hell was empty!
The astonishment in Chen Mo's eyes flashed away, and the ghost in front of him who couldn't see clearly met Chen Mo's full blow.

"Whoosh!" With a sound, the ghost turned into a faint shadow and moved quickly.

"Want to run?" Chen Mo followed.

The speed of the ghost is not fast, but it feels like it is slowly opening up the distance. Although Chen Mo only feels that the other party is walking, he can't catch up.

"The meaning of evil - walking on the snow! (ghost)"

The ghost energy filled Chen Mo's legs in an instant, and the black veins spread rapidly on the legs. Chen Mo's speed also increased, chasing the erratic ghost in the night.

At the same time, the vertical eyes on Chen Mo's forehead also stared closely at the ghost who looked like a normal person in the front.

However, to Chen Mo's surprise, there were still many soldiers watching him secretly. Others didn't know that he also had eyes behind his back, so the soldiers behind Chen Mo were a little slack.

"Something's wrong." Chen Mo murmured, it seemed that these soldiers knew something.

With a sound of "Huh!", Chen Mo stepped directly on the roof. Now that the soldiers knew about it, Chen Mo simply let go of the pursuit, and didn't care whether he would cause confusion among the Maple Leaf soldiers in Maple Leaf City.

"Bada, bata!" With a light touch, Chen Mo turned over in the air and landed gently on the ground.

The connection to the house in front of him was five feet away. Chen Mo jumped up and launched the skill "Eagle Step!"

"Zhi~!" A hawk chirped from Chen Mooh's body, like a falcon fighting in the sky, he received another force in the air and leaped two feet high.

"Woohoo! What kind of light work is that, that you can borrow strength in the air?"

"It's impossible to catch up!" Another soldier who tried his best to catch up with him felt extremely strenuous.

"Hurry up, the handover will be over in a mile, let's bite him tight!"

"I can't bite at all!"

After performing the snow stepping exercise, Chen Mo's lightness kung fu level has risen in a straight line, he can jump three feet away in an instant with his energy raised, and he can turn around in the air by virtue of inertia, and then move forward two feet.Moreover, it can also rely on the eagle step to borrow strength again, and can jump two feet high, and can fall four feet just by sliding down.

With every kick, Chen Mo can leap 30 meters.

"Finally handed over!"

The two following soldiers were panting and swallowing with difficulty, even most of their fear of the ghost disappeared.


Chen Mo staged an alien version of Assassin's Creed directly above Maple Leaf City.

"Boom!" Chen Mo's feet landed on the ground, frowning, he had completely lost the breath of the ghost, in front of him was a hut, and the ghost disappeared from the door panel.

"A locked hut?" Chen Mo wanted to push the door open, but found that the door of the hut seemed to be locked.

"Looks like we need to open the door!"

"Brute force method!"

Without the slightest hesitation, with a sound of "Boom!", Chen Mo kicked open the door of the hut.

The door panel shattered in an instant, and was directly kicked in by Chen Mo, exposing the whole hut to Chen Mo's vision.

It's dark, but Chen Mo can still see clearly with the scarlet ghost eyes on his forehead. There is nothing inside, and it seems that no one has lived in it for a long time.

"There is nothing, where did you go?" Chen Mo walked into the hut without turning his head. There were scarlet ghost eyes on his head and neck, which could be seen from all angles except the ground.

"Even the breath has disappeared, and there is no scary feeling anymore."

"Did he go in?" Lin Feng stood on the observation deck and asked Mr. Jia beside him.

"Go in, and there is no movement yet."

"Wait a while, when he comes out, we'll meet him." Lin Feng nodded.

Originally, this incident in Maple Leaf City was weird enough, and the call for help did not arrive, but it happened to coincide with Chen Mo's arrival.

In the battle against the Hundred Demon Corps, he fully understood the fighting power of the man named Chen Xianzhi, and he also understood that there was a powerful evil spirit living in this man's body, and even the leader of the Demon Demon was beaten to death with two punches. horrible.

"It seems that I need to ask someone who knows." Chen Mo grinned a little, he is confused about that ghost now, but someone must know, Chen Mo is not stupid, from the actions of the Maple Leaf City soldiers probably Some understand what's going on.

Chen Mo turned and walked out of the hut. There should be no need to check here. The ghosts are too weird and erratic. Unless they catch their patterns, it will be really hard to find a needle in a haystack.

"Bronze medal dragon head, Chen Xianzhi has come out."

"Then go and meet." Lin Feng flew down from the watchtower.

"We meet again, Chen Xianzhi." Lin Feng walked over with a warm smile on his face.

"I remember you, the Dragon Head of the Bronze Medal in Maple Leaf City, Lin Feng." Chen Mo grinned, he recognized this person, and Chen Mo glanced at the delicate arm made of mechanical techniques.

"You know about this, right?" Chen Mo looked at Lin Feng, the bronze medal dragon head of Maple Leaf City, with a half-smile.

Although Chen Mo knew that Maple Leaf City probably let him get involved passively, but it seems that Lin Feng is also dedicated to serving the people here, and even lost his arm in the Battle of Heavenly Demon. Chen Mo didn't care too much, he was originally an open-minded person.

However, the benefits that should be taken must not be missed, otherwise it will make people feel easy to bully.


"I want a copy of the top jackal-level exercises, and I also want a ghost cage made of star gold. Do you know what that is? I don't believe you, Maple Leaf Division, don't have it. If you give it, I will help you solve this matter , if you don’t give it, we’ll pretend we haven’t seen it!”

Chen Mo laughed, the smile on his face should be as kind as possible, using people's money to eliminate disasters, not wanting to give nothing to white wolves, that's out of the question.


"I'll think about it." Lin Feng was a little hesitant, Chen Mo really didn't want much, but it was precious, and they had already asked for help from above, maybe they would be able to come to the God Catch Sect soon.

"It's not that I didn't remind you. I don't need to say more about what ghosts are. Every time you hesitate for a moment, one person will probably die." Chen Mo regretted not keeping the evil ghost cage that Gu Peng lent him last time , so if you want to fool one, even if there is only one single room.

"Okay! But there is one more thing, that is, there is an issue in the dry and flooded village eighty miles to the east, and it needs to be resolved. If you agree to go, then these two things will be given to you." Lin Feng pursed his lips.

Chen Mo's eyes lit up slightly, and he secretly said in his heart, "Coincidental!"

But his face was still normal, "Yes, I agree."

"Then let's go, catch him tonight, and I can sleep peacefully." Chen Mo grinned.

"Go back to the headquarters of the Maple Leaf Division first. I didn't bring the evil ghost cage with me. By the way, I will tell you about the pattern we discovered." Lin Feng also let out a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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