Reckless through another world

Chapter 126 A Hot Village

Chapter 126 A Hot Village
The bumpy carriage was driving on the official road. Chen Mo sat in the carriage and meditated silently. He really wanted to imprint the practice in his bones so that he would have more time to fight.

"Practice when you go out, so diligent?" Deng Yingcheng was a little surprised at Chen Mo's diligence.

Seeing the black internal energy on Chen Mo's body, Deng Yingcheng secretly said, "Demonic skills?" Deng Yingcheng really had a fixed mindset. He felt that there is no blackness in the orthodox skills, only some magic skills can look black.

However, Deng Yingcheng didn't feel the slightest feeling of coldness and violence. Chen Mo's practice looked like a magic technique, but he felt upright and peaceful, and it was definitely a first-class orthodox technique.

"As the old saying goes, don't be afraid of others being a genius than you, but be afraid that the other person is a genius and works harder than you." Chen Mo lowered his eyes and replied.

Although the eyes are lowered, the thirty ghost eyes on Chen Mo's body are distributed in different places, such as the forehead, the top of the head, the back of the neck, the back, the throat, the sides of the arms, the palms of the hands... etc., all places that may be attacked by the enemy , the surrounding perspective in his mind is an all-round three-dimensional surround 360-degree scene without dead ends.

So even when he was serious about practicing martial arts, the surroundings would fall into Chen Mo's eyes.

Deng Yingcheng thought for a while, and then began to practice sitting cross-legged. Although Chen Mo didn't feel good to him, he quite agreed with this statement.

Chen Mo looked at Deng Yingcheng in general, just as a rookie, although he is not a veteran, and he has very little interpersonal communication, whether it is this life or the previous life.

The carriage was provided by Maple Leaf City, a white snake-level magic horned horse capable of traveling thousands of miles a day.Moreover, the carriage is also spacious, which is more than enough for four people, let alone two people.

The two of them didn't say any more, they were serious practitioners, and the armored soldier of Linshan City who was driving outside couldn't help laughing bitterly. The grade point is not low, and he will not come back. This is a more terrifying thing to deal with.

Chen Mo has just run a small week, 36 points, and the carriage has gradually stopped listening.

"My lords, you've arrived." Liu Zhen said.

"Understood." Chen Mo and Deng Yingcheng replied at the same time, and they got off the carriage.

This is already the end of the official road, and the remaining official road is only enough for a carriage to drive.

"What a dry village!" Chen Mo felt a hot breath blowing towards his face.It's autumn now, Huaneng can feel the scorching heat, and Chen Mo feels that the air here is full of scorching heat, with tiny hot ripples.

"Could it be a dry ghost?" Deng Yingcheng also felt the heat in the air, but he didn't feel the slightest coldness, and he didn't have that kind of frightening mood, so he was also very puzzled.

"I don't know, it looks like I need to go in and see what's going on." Chen Mo shook his head slightly.

Deng Yingcheng stopped and said, "Let's talk about it first, I won't let you, and you don't have to let me. We both rely on our ability!"

"You are just a backup catcher. Even if you catch the evil spirit, you need to report to Julu City as yourself to be considered an achievement."

Deng Yingcheng said with a vigilant face, he came here this time for merit, anyway, he is a wild way, even if he is powerful, he can go there, but after all, he is an excellent hero from an aristocratic family, although sometimes he behaves like a rookie , but will not overwhelm others.

Using power to suppress people against ghosts is killing people. In the past, using power to suppress people was killing martial arts. The aristocratic families all advised their disciples to avoid troubles.

But although it is said to be less troublesome, it is not afraid of trouble. If others seek trouble, the family will support it, help out, etc., unless it is related to essential interests, it will support it, but if it is related to essential interests, it also needs Abandon the car to save handsome.

This is also impossible.

People of this age, and outstanding people from aristocratic families, basically have a strong sense of belonging to the family, not only those who came out, but basically everyone in the family will protect their family very much.

If it really caused trouble for the family, if it was really irreparable, or if it was impossible to resist, only a few defected, and most of them committed suicide.

"I can do it." Chen Mo grinned, the purpose of his coming was not this little achievement, he came to find the monarch of Chiyan land, and this is the most important thing.Since it is an epic mission, then this monarch is at least an epic quality ghost.

As for his title, in his previous life, Chen Mo had actually heard of a ghost called the ruler of Chiyan Land, maybe it was a new ghost.

"Who are you?" A villager asked.

"Call your village chief over here. These two are the god arresters of Julu City, and they are here to deal with your village's affairs." Liu Zhen shouted loudly.

When the carriage stopped and the two were talking, some discerning people in the village had already gone to inform the village chief.

"I am, I am the head of this village, I am the head of this village, and my name is Wang Fuxing." An old man on crutches came over, and the villagers automatically gave way.

"You are the village chief Wang Fuxing, and these two are the master catchers of Julu City." Liu Zhen played the role of running errands. He was sent here to play this role. After all, these two people are not familiar with Lin Feng. The son of the world.

"I've seen two master catchers." The village head said hastily.

"You're welcome, we're here to handle the case." Deng Yingcheng said with a kind smile on his face.

"Hehe, the image is maintained very well!" Chen Mo did not speak, but carefully observed these villagers with ghost eyes in his body. It may be because of the weather that they are all a little thin, and they don't seem to have much water. .

"It's too early, that thing hasn't appeared yet, and she will only appear at night." The village chief obviously didn't want to say too much in front of people, so he didn't elaborate, but the meaning has been expressed clearly, and now is obviously not the time.

"I arranged accommodation for the three heroes, come with me." Wang Fuxing led the three of Chen Mo to his house.


"Is someone crying?" Chen Mo heard a man crying.

"It's a joke, I have three sons, only one daughter, so I don't want to marry far away, so I recruited a door-to-door son-in-law. Who would have thought that the son-in-law would bump into that when he was out at night, and he would be insane, alas." Crutches sighed, hiding his face and saying sadly.

"The village chief's condolences?" Liu Zhen greeted without nourishment.

"Masters three, please come here. This is Yu's house, and please don't be disgusted." Wang Fuxing led the three of Chen Mo to a small courtyard, a main room, and a small room.

"It's okay." Deng Yingcheng shook his head slightly, expressing that he didn't mean to be disgusted.

"The boat and the car are tiring. I have prepared food and drinks for the three adults, and then have a good rest." The village head arranged it in an orderly manner, and did not make people feel neglected.

"A suspicious village with crying people? Interesting!" Chen Mo grinned.

 Thanks to "Forgotten Idlers"

(End of this chapter)

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