Chapter 127
It took two months and seven days to publish the book on August 30, with a total of [-] words.

That is to say, it will be on the shelves tomorrow, October 18, at twelve o'clock in the morning, there may be a delay in the system.

For more than two months, Lingshan has accompanied everyone through the public life. Here, Lingshan would like to thank you first.

Thank you for your company, so that this thief car in Lingshan can be driven until now. To be honest, without your support, I would not have survived. Thank you, my dear passengers.

Thanks to my editor in charge, the pointer boss, who saw Lingshan's book in the vast sea of ​​books, and gave Lingshan the affirmation of signing the contract.

Although he didn't say a few words, there were only a lot of recommendations for Lingshan. Without the support of the boss, the results of Lingshan's book would not be as good as it is now.

It's quite disappointing to the boss, with so many recommendations, it doesn't even exceed [-], and of course the flge of Lingshan women's clothing is also eliminated.

Lingshan is very satisfied, 160 collections, more than [-] daily recommended tickets, very satisfied!

thank you all!Thank you Lingshan.

It's going to be on the shelves tomorrow, and I'm a little flustered, and my heart is also raised.

Subscription has a lot to do with it. My dear passengers, the subscription is not only linked to the manuscript fee of Lingshan, that is, whether Lingshan can afford food, but also linked to the recommended location in the future. Therefore, Lingshan asks for a first order, please give Lingshan a first Order it.

As the author of Mu's girlfriend, Mu's money, and Mu's feelings, whether this hearse in Lingshan can drift depends on everyone's subscription.

Finally, I wish you all wishes come true, happy family, smooth work, superb game handles, and as much money as possible.


Well, beyond the acceptance speech, we come to the exciting rules.

On the day of the shelves, five more! ! !
In the future, the daily fixed update will be three shifts.

According to the ratio of 300 to [-], the first order should be [-].

Then take 300 as an example, and add one update for every 100 more.

Of course, if the first order has four digits, haha, is it possible to sell Lingshan to you?

Ten thousand rewards plus one more.

(Rewards are not recommended. This is not Lingshan hypocrisy, but too expensive! It’s all small money. It’s great for everyone to use it to read this book. Only a reward is added. Lingshan is inhumane. So I don’t recommend it Rewards, of course, are not recommended or not, if there is, Lingshan will definitely give it an update.)
(Moe master ten more, don't expect too much, Baiyinmeng is just a dream, don't fantasize.)
I'm not sure about the monthly ticket, so let's temporarily add 100 to one update.

(If it is less than [-] in the current month, it will be accumulated to the next month, so you can’t let everyone vote in vain.)
If the recommended ticket exceeds [-] plus one update.

After it was put on the shelves, the recommendation votes were of little use anymore, after all, Lingshan couldn't be on the list either.

By the way, we still owe everyone two more updates to the Omen battle that day.

How Lingshan's hearse can drift is up to everyone, Lingshan also wants to explode!
The author's codeword rhapsody?
So, beg for subscription, beg for take-off, beg for support.

Give Lingshan a chance!Before I had no choice, now I want to be a good writer.

Thank you Lingshan! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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