Reckless through another world

Chapter 128 A Chapter of a Madman 【Subscription】

Chapter 128 A Crazy Word 【Subscription】

After eating and drinking, Chen Mo leaned on the kang, ready to practice.

"I feel something is wrong. Why didn't the village chief let us investigate the terrain first?" Deng Yingcheng frowned, sat on the edge of the kang, looked at Chen Mo and said.

Chen Mo is the only one who can talk to him on an equal footing here, and Liu Zhen is just an errand runner, so it may not be useful at that time.

"He didn't say why you didn't ask." Chen Mo laughed.

"I thought you were going to ask." Deng Yingcheng was on a mission for the first time, so he was a little nervous. He forgot about this and forgot to ask, but he didn't say it clearly. It's too embarrassing to say it.

"No rush, he will definitely take the two of us there." Chen Mo shrugged, his main purpose was not the evil spirit, so he didn't care.

Besides, whoever he is, Huang Quan will cover him directly, close the door and release the three-eyed Yama, and force him to subdue him.

"I'm going out for a stroll to refresh myself, do you want to go?" Chen Mo turned over from the kang and fell to the ground to look at Deng Yingcheng.

"No, I'll ask the village chief about the situation." Deng Yingcheng shook his head and got up from the Kang.

Chen Mo didn't wait for him, and went out directly. Of course, he didn't come out to digest food, let alone take a walk, but to inquire about information. This kind of epic mission, if one is not good, it is likely to trap himself.

And it is very likely that you will get stuck and don't know what's going on, so that the mission will fail.

"I have a hunch that there is something wrong with that son-in-law. He didn't go crazy early, he didn't go crazy late, but he went crazy two days before I came here." Chen Mo narrowed his Danfeng eyes slightly.Chen Mo firmly believes that all suspicious points are the breaking point of the mission.

"It happened that Deng Yingcheng dismissed the village chief, so I went to see the son-in-law who was locked in the house." Chen Mo enveloped himself with a ghostly aura, and came to the door of the house.

The room was locked by a lock, Chen Mo did not choose to go in rashly this time, after all, now that the enemy is in the dark and we are clearly aware of everything, random destruction will definitely cause problems, even if he wants to be rash, he must be sure when.

"Ghost Domain!" Chen Mo cast Ghost Domain and sent him directly into the house.

The room was unexpectedly bright, and a young man was being chained. Surprisingly, this man looked good, and his clothes were also very neat. He sat quietly on the edge of the bed, showing no signs of madness at all.

The young man was taken aback by Chen Mo's arrival, as if he wanted to shout.

However, Chen Mo directly covered the young man with the ghost domain, no matter how the young man shouted, no sound could be heard.

"Don't shout, I'm the catcher of the God's Catcher, and I'm here to deal with the strange things that happened in this village." Chen Mo showed the young man the token of the God's Catcher's candidate.Chen Mo grinned and said, "Even if you shout, it won't get out. This is my domain."

"Are you really crazy?" Chen Mo was a little surprised, maybe he was really a lunatic, he couldn't do anything except choked up crying, and he didn't make any other movements. He sat there quietly and became silent.

Chen Mo frowned slightly, this matter is not easy to handle.

"What did you see that made you crazy?" Chen Mo asked. "Don't be afraid, just let me know if you have anything to say."

Chen Mo had no experience in dealing with lunatics, and after the lunatic found that shouting had no effect, he sat so quietly, as if he had even ignored Chen Mo.

This is what troubled Chen Mo the most, he didn't say anything, and he didn't answer any questions.

"It looks like there's something else going on, forget it, what's my rivalry with a lunatic." Chen Mo turned around helplessly.

When Chen Mo turned around, Chen Mo found that the young man was looking at him, and he seemed hesitant to speak, but who would have thought that Chen Mo had eyes behind his back, so he happened to see it.

"Not crazy?" Chen Mo was a little surprised, it seemed that this young man was pretending to be crazy.

"It looks like you're not crazy."

"You don't believe me!" Chen Mo turned around and grinned.

"Three-eyed Yan Luo!" Chen Mo shouted, and San-eyed Yan Luo walked out from Chen Mo's back and stood behind Chen Mo.

The 3.21-meter three-eyed Yan Luo has thirty scarlet ghost eyes and is full of ghostly aura. Although the appearance of the three-eyed Yama is not scary, as an evil spirit, no matter what, it will induce fear in people's hearts, and lunatics are no exception. Besides, the person in front of him might not be crazy.


A thing called fear grew in the young man's heart, and the hairs on his body immediately stood up in his eyes.

"I know you're not crazy!" Chen Mo gathered the three-eyed Yama into his body, and looked at the so-called lunatic with a smile on his face.

The young man took a deep look at Chen Mo, and then began to speak.

"I know everyone here. You are a stranger, and you can come in quietly. Unless the old thing lets you in, you can only come in by yourself."

"And I believe that old thing can't control a strong man like you." The young man also laughed.

With a relaxed smile, he already knew that the young man in front of him was not sent by others.

"Are you interested in telling your story? Or what have you experienced and what have you seen?" Chen Mo casually molded two chairs with ghostly aura, and asked the young man opposite to sit down too.

"My name is Huang Xuan. I am a married son-in-law with no status. I have been married for about a year. When I woke up four days ago, I found a terrible thing. My wife... turned out to be a mummy."

"You won't believe it. My wife turned out to be a mummy. She just stared at me with wide eyes. I was so frightened that I passed out."

"When I woke up the next day, my wife was alive again. I was very panicked, so I told my husband, but my husband said that I had lost my mind, and the most terrifying thing was that my wife I turned into a mummy in front of my eyes, threatening me, if it spreads out, I will be killed."

"So I can only pretend to be crazy." Huang Xuan said as if recalling.

Chen Mo listened quietly, it was too simple, a simple plot, without even the slightest twist, the simpler the plot, the fewer loopholes, Chen Mo was sure that the young man in front of him must not be telling the truth.

But Chen Mo didn't expose him directly, and continued to listen to him.

"I want to go out, can you help me? As long as I go out and escape from this place, I can do anything." Huang Xuan looked at Chen Mo expectantly.

"I see, I'll check it out, but you still have to wait, you can't go out yet." Chen Mo nodded, then stood up slowly.

The kind smile on Huang Xuan's face suddenly disappeared, he sat quietly, stood up abruptly, and shouted ferociously, "Why——!"

"Why lock me up, I'm not crazy, I want to get out, I want to get out! Please, woo woo, I beg you, I'm going crazy." Roaring, Huang Xuan suddenly Choked up and cried, pleading all over his face.

"I'll startle you, I won't send you out." Chen Mo shook his head, the expression on his face was not moved at all, if he didn't tell the truth, he just waited.

"Come here, there's one more thing I didn't say, you come here, the voice is loud, they will hear you." Huang Xuan curled up, with a suspicious expression on his face, and looked around in a panic, as if the walls really had ears, he He could only greet Chen Mo in a low voice.

"What's the matter?" Chen Mo leaned down, not to mention weird in his ghost domain, even ghosts can't make waves, so it's natural for someone with a high degree of art to be bold.

"I saw it, something called me out that night, and I knew it."

"What is it?"

"It's a ghost!"

"It's a ghost who came to pick me up, come to pick me up. Hahaha, it's a ghost!" Huang Xuan suddenly laughed out loud.

Chen Mo also laughed, this is indeed a lunatic, maybe he was normal just now, but obviously, he is crazy!

It's just not completely crazy!
Without staying for long, Chen Mo teleported out directly through the ghost domain.

(End of this chapter)

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