Reckless through another world

Chapter 129 Big Brother Covers You

Chapter 129 Big Brother Covers You

"The story is good, but it's not enough. He said his wife is a mummy, but we saw it when we came and had dinner. I didn't feel anything wrong with his wife."

"He keeps too many things, and I'm not even sure if what he said is true or not." Chen Mo said, the scarlet ghost eyes on his forehead slowly opened, he looked at the surrounding scene, or with his naked eyes Same, nothing out of the ordinary.

Then he closed the ghost eyes on his forehead.

It's just that the ghost eyes on his body are not closed. He needs to get used to the 360-degree viewing angle slowly.At the same time, it is the most important thing to prevent others from stabbing the knife. Chen Mo is now almost familiar with the control of ghost eyes.

"After watching the ghost tonight, the mountains are high and the road is far away, so I don't have to worry about anything." Chen Mo grinned, he was very patient.

And he doesn't believe in anything, he only believes in his own strength.Originally, he was not a person who liked mental activities. Naturally, he could use force to solve it, so he had to use force to solve it.

After wandering around, Chen Mo found that the drought and flood village was not big, but it was not small either. There was a reservoir to the east of the village, with a lot of water. Chen Mo took a rough look, and it was about five miles around.

There is no one on the reservoir, but there are many boats docked beside it, and it seems that people usually go up.

A standard dam blocked the reservoir, and a drainage channel was opened in the lower east corner. Chen Mo followed the channel and found that it was still a small waterfall. brook.

"Drought and Flooded Village? The name is quite weird. It is a hot village, but there is also a big reservoir, tsk tsk." Chen Mo clicked his tongue.

This side already belongs to the edge of the village. Chen Mo did not follow the source and end of the stream. If he did, he might not be able to come back tonight.

After not staying for long, Chen Mo left here. The terrain here has been investigated clearly, and he wants to go to other places to have a look.

After getting acquainted with it quickly, Chen Mo found that it was actually no different from a normal village, and it looked quite normal.

After finding nothing, Chen Mo decided to go back.

"How, what did you ask?" Chen Mo walked into the house and saw Deng Yingcheng who was thinking.

"Have you gone to the reservoir?" Deng Yingcheng nodded, looked at Chen Mo and said.

"Go, it won't happen in the reservoir. Although we are competitors, you won't be stingy with information." Chen Mo grinned.

"I, Deng Yingcheng, am not that kind of person."

"Let me tell you, the ghost this time doesn't seem to be easy to deal with. It should be a drowned water ghost." Deng Yingcheng's face was serious.

"A drowned water ghost?" Chen Mo raised his eyebrows. He has never heard of an example of someone being able to become a ghost.

This has never happened in the previous game.Although I don't know where ghosts were born, humans cannot become ghosts. Humans can at most become aliens, or even lose all human characteristics and alienate into monsters.

It should be said that ghosts are definitely not human-made!

"Could it be that a person turned into a ghost?" Chen Mo asked knowingly and pretending to be confused.

"Are you a fledgling ghost controller? How can someone become an evil ghost? Didn't Mr. Gu tell you? Although I don't know the reason for ghosts, it is definitely not a human change. This is The God Catchment has been researched a long time ago." Deng Yingcheng looked at Chen Mo with strange eyes.

"Yeah, I've been despised by a rookie." Chen Mo shrugged without explaining. "Then how do you say it's a drowned water ghost?"

"According to the information I inquired about, she should be a ghost slayer, that is, the woman is a ghost slayer, but the ghost in her body backfired on her, so that now the evil ghost is alive and living in the reservoir."

"And I went to the reservoir to see it, and I couldn't feel the breath at all, either it was too weak to feel it, or..."

"It's so strong that I can't feel it. I guess the latter is most likely, because this ghost has killed at least twenty people. You don't need to think about its strength to know it!" Deng Yingcheng's face brightened. Dignified, to be honest, he is a little scared, he is just a ghost envoy with a bronze medal, this task is definitely beyond his ability.

The more Deng Yingcheng thought about it, the more gloomy his face became, and he slapped the edge of the kang with his palm, and he even yelled, "His old mother, I'm fucked!"

Chen Mo didn't ask, most likely it was someone who he didn't get along with and waited for him to get into the urn.

"You can leave overnight." Chen Mo said.

"I can't leave anymore. Anyone who enters the village will be targeted by that drowning ghost, and will even be killed first. Otherwise, the people in this village would have moved away long ago. They were killed after someone went out."

"Even if I leave, half a day is enough time for me to be killed." Deng Yingcheng took a deep breath, then looked at Chen Mo and said, "Now we are tied together as grasshoppers, as long as we hold on, we will wait until the gods of Julu City catch me." With the support of the sect, there is still some work to do, otherwise it will be a dead end."

"I have already asked for help from Julu City's god catcher, and I will send Jinyin catcher to come quickly. We just need to hold on."

"Besides, we all have ghosts around us, and we will definitely not die too early." Deng Yingcheng's face was filled with hope again.

"Look at the ghost at night." Chen Mo didn't say much, he still wanted to see how strong the ghost was.

"By the way, you also have two evil ghost cages on you. Lend me one. I'm a backup and I don't have a cage. I'll return it to you when I go to Julu City to get it." Chen Mo grinned. To be honest, he didn't Don't be afraid, even if there is real danger, he can leave if he has Huangquan.

"I'll give you one. If you can go back alive, you can pay me back, but I feel like I'm going back alive!" Deng Yingcheng looked disappointed. I did it on the spot. Isn't this a scam? Deliberately concealing important things is simply deliberate murder.

If he reported it properly, he would definitely send gold seals to come quickly. The current situation is the most embarrassing. He admits that he is a bronze seal. Although he is about to be promoted to a silver seal, it is the first time he has faced a living evil spirit. .

"What are you panicking about? When the time comes, big brother will cover you." Chen Mo was even amused by Deng Yingcheng's little expression, which gave people the feeling that he was about to make a heroic sacrifice.

"You're covering me? I'm covering you. It's almost the same. You get closer to me when the time comes. We have a care." Deng Yingcheng glanced at Chen Mo and sighed again.

It's not that he really wants to take care of Chen Mo, but because he is afraid!Originally, a living ghost is scary, if Chen Mo dies again, and the ghost in his body comes back to life, let alone a gold seal, two or three will not work, so we can only leave it to Hongyi to deal with.

If there were two living ghosts, he would definitely die here without being rescued.

"It's fine if you don't believe it." Chen Mo shook his head helplessly and said, it's fine if Deng Yingcheng doesn't believe it, and then just speak with facts, anyway, facts speak louder than words.

Deng Yingcheng only thought that Chen Mo was talking big, or that he had never seen what the real horror was. He turned his head and found that Chen Mo was immersed in practicing again.

"It's really hard work, but it's a pity that it's not enough to hold Buddha's feet temporarily. Such a short time will be of no use." Deng Yingcheng sighed secretly.

(End of this chapter)

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