Reckless through another world

Chapter 132 Curiosity Killed the Cat

Chapter 132 Curiosity Killed the Cat
"Thousand cuts!"

With a sound of "Boom!", Chen Mo jumped up directly.

"Eagle Step!"

"Come on!" Chen Mo shouted, and took out the door panel from the mustard bag.

"The meaning of evil - force to break mountains and rivers!"

(Break Huashan's arrogance, turn rivers, lakes and seas upside down)
At the same time as the long roar, there was a whistling sound, and the crazily condensed ghost energy instantly enveloped Chen Mo. The inner energy rushed through the meridians, and the Jiyang four-legged snake crazily exhaled the inner energy to protect Chen Mo's internal organs.

The characteristics of the extreme combat body allow Chen Mo to display 100% of his combat power even when he is injured, and with the blessing of unparalleled power and double quadrupole power, the coercion generated has already made the surrounding air The dust began to vibrate weakly.

Chen Mo's body was shaped like a crescent moon, and the huge door panel in his hand was thrown behind him with both hands, and the steaming black breath spread out in a large area.

"Ghost Eyes!" Seeing the lowered Shuijing female ghost raised her head, Chen Mo activated this skill directly.

A total of thirty scarlet ghost eyes flashed at the same time, and the scarlet light flashed past, and the female ghost who raised her head was immediately stared at by thirty scarlet ghost eyes. The expression in her eyes showed a trace of confusion, and then said, There are still some stunned, although it is only a breath, it is enough.

This is the ability of the Nether Ghost Eye. If you look at it, whether it is a person or a ghost, it will be affected.Of course, power comes from the eyes, with the current thirty scarlet ghost eyes, it is enough to affect the water mirror female ghost for half a breath.

"Shhhhh!" Chen Mo swung the door panel down from the sky, and when the Shuijing female ghost reacted, the door panel had already fallen!



This board went down, the sound was like thunder hitting a stone, the sound of the explosion even made the air tremble, and a wave of nearly three meters was stirred up, and countless water splashes splashed. At the same time, the female ghost in the water mirror was killed Shot directly into the reservoir.

The ghost energy shrunk crazily. Standing on the surface of the reservoir, Chen Mo could no longer feel the breath of the Shuijing female ghost, but Chen Mo did not believe that she would be killed so easily.

Destiny is undefeated, evil spirits are immortal.

Evil ghosts can't die, and it's impossible to say that they were seriously injured, because Chen Mo himself felt that he didn't hurt her, and the most important point, the other party is also a two-star tyrannical ghost, it is impossible to be beaten so easily become seriously injured.

"Missing?" Chen Mo frowned slightly, the ghost awakened from the body of the dead is too difficult to deal with, so Chen Mo has been treating it with [-]% caution.

Chen Mo didn't dare to plunge into the water. It might be more dangerous underwater, and the strength of water ghosts must be to fight underwater.

This ghost is really tricky, unless you use the ghost domain to trap her, but if you use the ghost domain and the two ghosts fight, even if you succeed in suppressing it, the three-eyed Yama will be injured, and it will even affect Chen Mo, making it impossible to suppress the monarch of Chiyan Land , or even die here, this is the last thing Chen Mo wants to see.

He came here for the ruler of Chiyan Land, not to eradicate the female water ghosts entrenched here. Of course, this is also an added value, and it can be eradicated if he can, but it is obviously not within his power now, and it has even threatened Chen Mo's follow-up plan. .

"Bang bang!" With the coffin wood door panel back, Chen Mo went up and down a few times, and Chen Mo returned to the ground from the water.

Released the blessings of Wushuangli and Sijili, and put on the robe with a whoosh.

"My lord, have you suppressed it?" The village chief asked hastily.

Deng Yingcheng and Liu Zhen also turned their gazes to Chen Mo.

"No, she ran away, and I have no way to suppress him." Chen Mo shook his head slightly. Although he had a way, Chen Mo was not impartial. His original plan was to subdue the monarch of Chiyan Land, not to suppress Nv Shui Ghost, so I just tried my best.

"However, he has been injured by me. He should have hid in the reservoir to recuperate. Tell your villagers not to go to the reservoir. Let's wait for the support of God's Catcher to come to discuss." Chen Mo didn't want to let people lose their minds, so He also said a few words of comfort.

Although no one spoke on the way back, they obviously looked much more relaxed.

Back at the house, there were still crying, it should be the crying of the person named Huang Xuan.

Chen Mo didn't care about it now, it continued to practice cross-legged.

"You...why are you so strong?" After hesitating for a long time, Deng Yingcheng asked this question that he had held back for a long time.

"Practice!" Chen Mo slowly opened his eyes, grinned and said, slowly closing his skills, the Jiyang four-legged snake also fell silent.

"Practice? Just by practicing, it's very difficult to reach this level. You are at least a golden seal." Deng Yingcheng obviously didn't believe it. He guessed that the big ghost stored in Chen Mo's body was very powerful, so he did it. To be so strong, and Chen Mo can release his ghostly aura, this is the means that only Jin Yin Shen catcher has.

Only then did Deng Yingcheng remember what Gu Peng meant when he said that if possible, he could go to Linshan City for help. At first he ignored it at all, even when he came to Maple Leaf City, he was a little arrogant when he heard that Chen Mo was coming.

Now, he is convinced. "Maybe it's because the big ghost he controls fits him well, or maybe it's because he has been controlling ghosts for a long time."

"You would rather stay in Linshan City as a backup arrester than to receive the official god arrest, why?" The resources are also huge.

"Don't be too curious. You must know that curiosity killed cats and people." Chen Mo grinned, with a flat voice, which was a kind of indifference that rejected people thousands of miles away.

Chen Mo can't stop others from guessing, but he is very tired of others exploring what he wants to do.

It's like when playing games in the previous life, people who don't know you well want to ask you what tasks you are doing and what the process of the tasks is, which is very inappropriate.

Deng Yingcheng shut his mouth knowingly. He realized that if he went deeper, he might die. The indifference that flashed in Chen Xianzhi's eyes couldn't be more clear.

After finishing speaking, Chen Mo walked out of the room.

He has no interest in probing others, let alone being probing him.Fortunately, Chen Mo is not a bloodthirsty person, and it seems that Gu Peng has some relationship with Deng Yingcheng, otherwise Deng Yingcheng's blood would be splashed on the spot when he said something taboo.

The drought-flooded village at night is quiet. It seems that every household, even without a dog, has already turned off the lights.


A scream woke up the village that was about to fall asleep. All the people lit their torches. The village chief hurried to find Deng Yingcheng and Liu Zhen, and they also rushed over here quickly.Chen Mo's eyes lit up, and he murmured, "She made a move."

"Evil intentions—walking on the snow!" Chen Mo had arrived at the screaming house in a few moments, and jumped over the wall and rushed in, but it was obviously too late.

A dead body was lying in a water tank, the kind of thick water tank that two people hug each other in a farmer's house. The head and upper half of the body entered the water tank, while the other half of the body was still outside.

(End of this chapter)

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