Reckless through another world

Chapter 133 Let me take it myself

Chapter 133 Let me take it myself

Chen Mo frowned slightly, and then he remembered that the drowned female ghost was injured by himself, but if it was a human being injured, it would definitely take good care of it, and a beast would be even more vicious if injured.

It is not in vain that a trapped animal will continue to fight.

And being injured means that he wants to recover, and needs people to provide him with blood, which requires constant killing.

"But what is his law of killing? Even ghosts who wake up from the dead still abide by his law of killing and will not kill indiscriminately." Chen Mo scratched his head. All ghosts are remembered, at most some characteristic ones.

"Ghost eyes!" The vertical eyes on Chen Mo's forehead opened suddenly, not only the ghost eyes on his forehead, but also other ghost eyes on his body slowly opened. Chen Mo closed his naked eyes, and the world is in His eyes slowly dimmed.

But he could see the slightest black line, it was ghost aura, but whether it was from Chen Mo, judging from the aura emanating from the water tank, it should be from the drowned female ghost, and the other party should have passed through the water. to kill.

"You know it's a water ghost, but you still put a water tank at home. Isn't that looking for death?" Chen Mo sighed. Shuttle in the water, wouldn't it be a sure kill.

"What rules are used to kill people?!" Chen Mo rubbed the sun's key. This kind of research needs to be researched through clues, which immediately made him feel his brain hurt.

"What's going on?" The village head, Deng Yingcheng and his party also arrived, and saw the corpse at the same time.

"Hurry up, take him away and cremate him." The village chief ordered immediately after seeing the man in the shape of a mummy.

In an instant, several young and middle-aged men came up, wanting to take the mummy away and cremate it.

"Wait, there might be some clues on the mummy, and it can't be cremated yet." Deng Yingcheng stopped the young men who wanted to carry the mummy away, and they turned their attention to the village chief.

"My lord, it's not that the little old man wants to stop the investigation, but our village custom is like this. People who die must be cremated immediately, otherwise they will become lonely ghosts who will never return." The village chief hurriedly explained.

At the same time, the family members of the mummified family also came out of the house, an old woman, a young woman and a child.

The old woman said: "Please let the village head take the cremation, my lord. My son can't become a lonely ghost."

Deng Yingcheng wanted to say something else, Chen Mo came over and patted his shoulder and shook his head, Deng Yingcheng swallowed what he wanted to say abruptly, but looked at Chen Mo with a look of hesitation.

"We want to check the courtyard and the house, don't you mind." Chen Mo said.

"I don't mind, I don't mind, sir, just investigate the case." The young woman sighed and said slowly.

Chen Mo and Deng Yingcheng searched around but found nothing, which made Chen Mo more suspicious.

Back in the room, Chen Mo muttered, "It's weird."


"When a husband dies, women don't cry or make trouble, and old people and children don't feel sad." You died
"The person was directly sucked into a mummy, and the village chief wanted to be cremated quickly. I don't believe the excuse he said, but he had to be cremated quickly. It seems that terrible things will happen if you don't cremate." Chen Mo analyzed .

"Yes, I originally wanted to keep that corpse, but why did you stop me?" Deng Yingcheng asked.

"Hey, strong dragons don't overwhelm local snakes. What's more, it would be inappropriate for us to fight with others directly. I suspect that the village chief has hidden a lot of secrets. Tonight, I will go to find out what the village chief has to say." Chen Mo He shook his head slightly.

He is not really like this, but he thinks that the hidden things in the village should be in charge of the monarch of Chiyan Land, otherwise, it would be impossible. Could there be a third ghost in the village? If so, Chen Mo would run away immediately .

"I won't tell you." Deng Yingcheng sighed, all he wanted now was to protect himself and wait for the support of the gods.

"Maybe." Chen Mo laughed. It would take some supernatural means to get the village chief to speak up.

It wasn't until midnight that Chen Mo left. Deng Yingcheng didn't sleep at all. Naturally, he saw Chen Mo's departure, but he didn't say anything and didn't follow. He felt that Chen Xianzhi didn't deal with the drowned female ghost wholeheartedly. There was some plot, or conspiracy, but he didn't tell the truth.

To put it bluntly, maybe Chen Xianzhi will really kill him, and if he dies here, just push it to the evil spirits. Maybe even the God Catcher Sect will be happy because he got a gold seal God Catcher. Just some pensions and nothing.

The night was getting darker, Chen Mo took advantage of the night to go out, the quiet village was a bit scary.

Chen Mo went straight to the village chief's house without hesitation.

At the same time, the village chief was drinking water, gulping down water, as if he was very thirsty, very thirsty.

"Ghost Domain!" With a thought in Chen Mo's mind, a ghost domain quietly enveloped the entire room.Chen Mo controlled the ghost energy and snatched the water scoop from the village chief's hand.

"Water, water, give it to me!" The village chief saw Chen Mo only now, but he was obviously more concerned about the water ladle in Chen Mo's hand.

"Village chief, let's talk about what's going on in your village and what secrets are hidden." Chen Mo casually squeezed out two random ones with his ghost energy, and swept his hands away. The village chief with the water ladle sat straight down on the chair.

"What do you want to know." The village chief's eyes were red, a kind of redness suppressing anger, and bloodshot eyes were congested in the eyeballs.

"I want to know all the information about the monarch of Chiyan Land. You should know what I'm talking about. Since I came to this village, the village has been scorching hot, and every household of yours has a big water tank. Everyone It takes a lot of water."

"Oh, by the way, your son-in-law Huang Xuan also said that he once saw your daughter in a mummy state."

"I want to know where the monarch of Chiyan Land is!" Chen Mo asked with a grin.

"You are talking about Yanshen." The village chief sighed, "What should come will come after all, even the Yanshen, but even if the adults are unparalleled in combat power, the little old man does not recommend you to meet him." Flame God, everyone who has seen the Flame God... is already dead."

"My lord, are you interested in listening to the little old man tell a story?" The village head licked his dry lips, looking eagerly at the ladle in Chen Mo's hand.

"Forget it, I don't believe what you said, even if you swear, I won't believe it, I'd better take what I know!" Chen Mo grinned, his scarlet ghost eyes opened, The scarlet ghost eyes on the forehead slowly opened, and at the same time all the ghost eyes in the body also opened.

"Ghost eyes!" Chen Mo's scarlet ghost eyes looked straight into the eyes of the village chief.

 Today, the fifth watch will be released, the third watch will be released daily, and the second watch will be released by mistake last time.When I have the statistics, I will thank you for your speeches and votes. Thank you for your support. Without you, I would really give up, stop talking, and post the manuscript.

(End of this chapter)

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