Reckless through another world

Chapter 134 The whereabouts of the emperor of Chiyan land

Chapter 134 The whereabouts of the emperor of Chiyan land

After the eyes of the village chief were illuminated by the ghostly eyes, he immediately lost his mind, but the irritability engraved in his bones had not been eliminated. The village chief was still moving around, and his body seemed to be gradually shriveled due to dehydration.

"Where is the whereabouts of the monarch of Chiyan Land?" Chen Mo asked.

The ghostly ghost eyes are enough to affect the snake-level village chief, but Chen Mo's ghostly energy is also rapidly depleting. Thirty scarlet ghost eyes are shining, as if casting a layer of light on the eyeballs.

"I don't know." The village head mechanically shook his head, speaking vaguely.

"Where did the monarch of Chiyan land hide before?" Chen Mo didn't hesitate, not knowing now doesn't mean he didn't know before, and judging by the appearance of the village chief, he definitely knew the whereabouts of Chiyan monarch before.

"In the past, the Flame God was sealed underground." The village head hesitated for a moment, but under the influence of the Nether Ghost Eye, he still revealed the whereabouts of Lord Chiyan.

"He escaped, or something happened?" Chen Mo continued to ask.

"A year ago, a young man and woman came here. They were hunted down by their enemies, injured, and came to Drought Village by mistake. Because of the God of Flame, our village is very exclusive, but they There was no way out, we were building the canal at that time, but there were huge stones blocking the way and we couldn't communicate, they promised to help us build the canal after the injury recovered."

"That's when we accepted the man and woman."

"They did exactly what they said, they opened up the canal for us after they recovered from their injuries, and this is how we have the current reservoir." The village chief said slowly.

"But the good times don't last long. Even if there is a reservoir, the water will be evaporated quickly because of the Flame God. We ask the two of them to think of a way."

"We are illiterate, but the two of them are literate. Through the ancient books in the village, we discovered the location of the Flame God..."

It seems that because of the so-called Flame God, the village head was afraid in his bones, or the ghost eyes had been in the dark for a long time, resulting in a decline in efficacy, so the village head hesitated.

"Where is it?!" Chen Mo snarled, increasing the output of ghost energy, and thirty eyes flickered at the same time.

"Yes, just below the dug reservoir."

"Through the ancient books, we discovered a passage that can lead to the location of the Flame God."

"We went down together, but the couple was injured again during the battle with the Flame God, which even caused the whole village to be shrouded in the fear of the Flame God. Since then, the Flame God has disappeared."

"Where are those two couples now?!" Chen Mo's voice was like Hong Zhong, uttered through ghost energy.

"In..." The village head's eyes were a little dazed.

"In..." The twisting on the ghostly chair became more and more violent, holding his head in his hands, it seemed to be in great pain, but he couldn't tell.

"Water, water, water, I'm so thirsty, I'm so thirsty!" The village chief roared, his mind was out of Chen Mo's control, and the water in his body quickly radiated. Breath emanated from his body.

"Three-eyed Yama!" Chen Mo yelled!
The three-eyed Yan Luo came out of Chen Mo's body in an instant, and for thirty quarters the scarlet ghost eyes looked at the village chief sitting on the ghost seat, and at the same time, Chen Mo also activated the power of the thirty scarlet ghost eyes. to max.

The scarlet ghost mist drifted over Chen Mo's ghost eyes, and the black ghost aura continued to flow out one after another. Moreover, this was Chen Mo's ghost domain, the home court of the three-eyed Yama.

The village chief who turned into a mummy was controlled again.

Chen Mo sat quietly on the chair made of ghostly aura and listened to what the village chief said.


Half an hour later, Chen Mo came out from the village chief's house. He already knew everything, all the causes and consequences. When he came out, Chen Mo's face was ashen.

The mummy turned into by the village head was killed by Chen Mo casually.

In fact, just as Chen Mo thought, everyone in this village has become a 'ghost', and they have become ghost slaves a long time ago.

Now, Chen Mo is going to find the foreign couple, only the couple know the whereabouts of Lord Chiyan.

Tossing around and coming to another room, Chen Mo looked at the young man in front of him who was very calm, without the slightest shout of madness, and without the slightest expression, and slowly said, "You are Huang Xuan, one of the foreign couples."

After speaking, Chen Mo also sighed.

"I am, and I am not." Huang Xuan looked at Chen Mo with a smile.

There was no wave in Huang Xuan's eyes, not even a trace of madness, obviously Huang Xuan used to pretend to be crazy.

"You already know?"

"Understood, through your father-in-law's memory." Chen Mo nodded.

"What about the old stuff?" Huang Xuan asked instead.

"Kill it." Chen Mo said without hesitation.

"Hahaha, good kill, good kill!" Huang Xuan laughed loudly, clapped his hands, laughed, and sobbed.

"Maybe you already know, but are you interested in listening to me tell my own story?" Huang Xuan raised his head slowly, with a little hope in his eyes, and said to Chen Mo.

"Tell me." Chen Mo pulled out a seat and sat on it.

"My name is Huang Xuan. My family was destroyed. My wife and I escaped and came to this arid village in desperation. At that time, my wife was seriously injured, and I was also seriously injured. I needed to recuperate. I begged that old thing to keep us. Help them open aqueducts."

Huang Xuan spoke calmly, as if he could no longer cause any disturbance in him.

"Later, after my husband and I recovered from our injuries, we followed the agreement to help them open canals and shape reservoirs."


"My wife and I and a group of people went down the passage, and saw the Flame God recorded in the classics, with a tall body and a scorching breath, it seemed that even the earth could be burned." Huang Xuan said. A little trembling, it seems that the coercion is still in front of him.

"It was the first time in my life that I felt fear. It was an inexplicable emotion. Obviously, that Flame God wasn't scary, but I felt fear from the bottom of my heart." Huang Xuan said with a smile.

"My wife and I are both Xiaotian-level martial arts masters at the peak of Houtian. Although there are many people who can threaten us, we feel that we will be killed in the next second when we face the Flame God."

"However, the two of us still keep our promise and want to seal the Yanshen. It is also because there are records in the ancient books about the method of sealing the Yanshen. My cultivation is the peak of the day after tomorrow, so I also decided to give it a try." Huang Xuan said with a sigh .

"You also want to use the Flame God to avenge the family." Chen Mo seemed to see what Huang Xuan was thinking.

"That's right, according to the ancient records, if you can seal the so-called Flame God, you will have great power. I didn't believe it at first, but when I saw it, I already believed it, so I started to seal the Flame God. "

"Did you succeed?" Chen Mo asked.

"I failed." Huang Xuan shook his head, "Not only did I fail, but I also failed miserably. After he was unsealed, no martial artist could deal with him, even if he was born."

"My wife and I were seriously injured again, and everyone in the village was cursed by the Flame God." Huang Xuan seemed to be terrified.


"What I wish most now is to be able to go out and see my wife again." As he spoke, Huang Xuan turned his gaze to Chen Mo, with hope and unparalleled longing in his eyes.

"The story is good, but should I call you Huang Xuan, or Lord Chi Yan?" Chen Mo asked jokingly.

Huang Xuan's face in front of Chen Mo didn't change, but he didn't say anything anymore, as if he had lost the ability to speak.

"Don't want to speak? Can't speak? Or can't speak anymore?"

Huang Xuan in front of Chen Mo was completely Chen Mo, he didn't even move or speak anymore.

"I didn't expect that in my lifetime, I would be able to see the legendary ghost controlling people. It's interesting, interesting!" Chen Mo grinned.

(End of this chapter)

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