Reckless through another world

Chapter 135 Reasons for Maintaining Balance

Chapter 135 Reasons for Maintaining Balance

Ghosts control people, think carefully and fear!
"Huh?" Chen Mo frowned slightly.

"Three-eyed Yama!" Directly summon the arrival of the three-eyed Yama in the ghost domain.

"Ghost eyes!" Chen Mo not only opened his thirty scarlet ghost eyes, but also opened the ghost eyes on Yan Luo with three eyes.Chen Mo's eyes widened, the scarlet ghost mist slowly drifted away, and the ghost aura around him surged crazily, Chen Mo grinned, "I'll see if you can control people with ghosts, or I, Chen Xianzhi, snatch them away! "

Huge ghost energy churned in Chen Mo's body, countless ghost energy filled the meridians, and all the veins slowly began to turn black.

Chen Mo felt a huge resistance, it was a tit for tat feeling.

Chen Mo wanted to fight for Huang Xuan's control, and the Lord Chi Yan in Huang Xuan's body also didn't want to give up.

"It looks like he's not dead yet!" Chen Mo was a little surprised, how tenacious a person controlled by a ghost could survive. Chen Mo knew from the memory of the village chief how his wife was tortured. Yes, all the means of torture are used, not to mention, and they continue to torture his wife.

"Wake up, wake up, Huang Xuan, if you still have that weak consciousness, go fight, don't you want to see your wife again?" Chen Mo's voice was like a drum and a hammer, hammering The sleeping Huang Xuan.

"Ah!" Huang Xuan wailed in pain, with blood and tears in his eyes, holding his head ferociously, his fingernails even cracked his scalp.

"I... still want to live!" A roar came from Huang Xuan's mouth, and with the help of Chen Mo, he had fully awakened.

"Huh, huh, huh!" Huang Xuan's skin was cracked inch by inch, lava was surging in his skin, his hair was completely burned, and many parts of his body exuded a red ghost mist.

"See you, see my wife, see..." Huang Xuan murmured, but his eyes gradually recovered.

Chen Mo knew that this was Huang Xuan's return to light. No one can survive after being controlled by a ghost. Now it is only his remnant soul that supports Huang Xuan's ability to move his body. The remnant who wants to see his wife burn the last power soul.

"Thank you." Huang Xuan said slowly.

"I have been controlled by a ghost. You helped me suppress the evil ghost. I am incompetent. I can't suppress him, nor can I protect my wife!" He couldn't shed tears at all, because his body was under the influence of the ghost. Already started to shift.

"However, as soon as I wake up, the balance of this village will also be broken. Wanjun will start killing her, won't the hero stop her?" Huang Xuan gave people the feeling of gentleness, like a modest gentleman, even though he was very sad , very self-blaming and hating, but there still seemed to be hope in the words, hoping that Chen Mo would stop it.

"No, she should do it, I have no reason to stop it." Chen Mo shook his head slightly, but Chen Mo did not forget Deng Yingcheng and Liu Zhen. The ghost domain divides the area.

Chen Mo was sitting on the seat in Huangquan, waiting quietly, waiting for the village slaughter activities of the drowned female ghost.

Chen Mo is just an ordinary person with power. There is no such thing as good or bad for ordinary people. There are very few people who can go to extremes completely. They are either born saints or born devils.

Ordinary people have a scale in their hearts. If you add more weight to kindness, you will be kind, and if you add more weight to maliciousness, you will do evil. In many cases, the balance is also maintained.

The same is true for Chen Mo, he doesn't want to be bound by the so-called order, so he seems a bit willful, of course, this has something to do with him being a pure fighter.If you see something that is not pleasing to the eye, you will intervene, of course, if you have sufficient strength.

There is a saying in Confucianism: If you are rich, you will benefit the world, and if you are poor, you will be good for yourself.

Chen Mo understood this sentence, that is, try to be a good person while keeping your own interests unaffected, that's all.

"These people who are affected by Lord Yan need to keep drinking water, otherwise they will become mummies, and even become Lord Yan's ghost slaves in the end. Back then, I tried to ban Lord Yan, but I encountered backlash. into my body, and in order to completely annihilate my will, the villagers put my wife in front of me, tortured again and again, He wanted my body to have no more will to move." Huang Xuan bit tightly Jaw clenched, the blood and tears had just gushed out before being evaporated by the lava.

"During my struggle with Lord Yan, I had no time to clone myself, so the villagers strengthened the shackles of evil spirits, and he and I couldn't get out." Speaking of this, Huang Xuan's face flashed complicated, even though he had passed so For a long time, it is still unforgettable.

"After they buried my wife's body, they didn't expect that because I and Lord Yan were banned, there would be a flood above, so that my wife was washed out at the same time. It happened that my wife was not dead at that time. , and a water ghost rushed from the upper reaches, I don't know whether it's luck or sorrow, he fits with my dying wife at the time." Huang Xuan pursed his lips tightly.

"Just let my wife recover, but it should be a ghost controlling people now." Huang Xuan sighed.

"In order to fight against my wife, more than half of my shackles were removed, and I was given a lot of drugs that make people lose their will every day. I can't remember how long I have been awake." Huang Xuan said calmly, But from his clenched fist, Chen Mo knew that he was not numb and did not give up.

"Because of this, the village has reached a strange balance. Unless you leave the village, the chance of being killed is not high." Huang Xuan finished telling his story. Although a lot was omitted, Chen Mo had already learned from the village chief Knowing a lot, and a pair here, is enough to tie the whole thing together.

Not to mention the bloody storm, because these people are no longer human, they have become a kind of monsters, monsters affected by evil spirits, not like unconscious ghost slaves, they still have their own consciousness, Only the body has changed.

Even saving them all is meaningless, not to mention that Chen Mo doesn't like to save them, he doesn't even have the intention of being a spectator, they all say ghosts are scary, but it's a pity that people's hearts are sometimes more difficult to look directly at, maybe they There are ghosts living in the heart, so-called ghosts in the heart.

"The reason I came is very simple, just for the Lord Yan on your body." Chen Mo didn't have a smile on his face, nor did he have a smile on his face. This was not funny at all, and it even made him feel very sad.

"I know, I can feel that there is also a powerful monster in your body. If it wasn't for Lord Yan, I wouldn't have imagined why you came here." Huang Xuan nodded, and he was also accompanying Chen Mo waited.

Waiting for his wife to finish the killing, similarly, he was already looking back, and his life is not long. Even if Chen Mo has other plans, he has nothing to think about. What he wants most now is to see his wife for the last time.

(End of this chapter)

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