Reckless through another world

Chapter 148 I seem to have triggered some incredible plot

Chapter 148 I seem to have triggered some incredible plot

Chen Mo took a look inside and found that some of the internal organs in his abdomen were already bleeding internally, but fortunately, the internal energy protected all the internal organs, and they were constantly repairing, and the characteristics were also playing a role, so Chen Mo just felt There was pain, but not much damage.

Chen Mo is now maintaining 100% combat power at all times, so the last two attacks are also full-strength blows.

Chen Mo walked slowly to Tie Yan Corpse Demon's solemn side, and grinned, "Can we talk now?"

"Despicable..." Yan Zheng curled up into a hunched prawn, and said vaguely, there was a big hole in his abdomen, and the internal organs were clearly visible. If it weren't for the strong vitality of the corpse demon, maybe he had already died. Out of breath.

"Soldiers never tire of cheating, I, Chen Xianzhi, have always respected fighting the most!" Chen Mo sighed, since the other party didn't say anything, then he would take it himself.

"Three-eyed Yama!" With a murmur, the three-eyed Yama crawled out of Chen Mo's body. The three-eyed Yama stood behind Chen Xianzhi, who was [-] meters tall, like a demon king descending from the sky. His scarlet ghost eyes were as crystal clear as glass balls. , The scarlet ghost aura lingers around the ghost eye.

"Kuan Lai Neng... the snapping turtle of the turtle is very strong (it seems that the evil spirit you control is very strong)!" Yan Zheng glared at Chen Xianzhi angrily.His throat has been completely shattered, and he is now clearly speaking by the vibration of his voice.

"I heard that there are five necessary stages for an envoy to control ghosts. It seems that this is the legendary battle of summoning ghosts!" Yan Zheng, who fell to the ground, turned his head and looked at the three-eyed Yan Luo behind Chen Xianzhi, with blood overflowing from his mouth and a broken throat Even if it not only destroyed his speaking function, but also shattered his trachea, it was the strong vitality of the ghoul that was able to maintain his immortality now.

Moreover, since the evil ghost behind Chen Mo appeared, he felt that his long-lost fear seemed to have returned. In the hazy ghost fog, there was a creepy big ghost!

"He He, no matter what the criminal law is, I won't open my mouth. Don't waste your time." He didn't want to die yet, otherwise he would have committed suicide, so why bother talking so much to Chen Xianzhi.

"You don't need to tell me, I'll take it myself!" Chen Mo shook his head slightly, and sternly shouted "Ghost Eye!"

The three-eyed Yan Luo behind him and his thirty ghost eyes all gathered in front of him to look at Yan Zheng who was lying on the ground breathing in more air and emitting less air.

The same is true for the thirty ghost eyes on Chen Xianzhi's body.

"Ghost Eyes of the Netherworld, full power!" Chen Xianzhi roared, whether it was the ghostly ghost eyes on his body or the scarlet ghost eyes on the body of the three-eyed Yama, all shone with scarlet light. Surrounded by it, it looks hazy but terrifying.

Yan Zheng's eyes gradually lost focus. At first he wanted to resist, but it hurt too much. It was like a needle stuck in his brain, and then he started to stir it with a spoon. If it was full, he could break free, but now He was dying and clearly unable to escape.

"Who is the adult that the black bear is talking about?" Chen Mo's voice was bewitching, it sounded like a devil's whisper, and when the whisper sounded, Yan Zheng found that his pain had been relieved, and he fell into a sense of comfort, as if As long as that person speaks, the pain can be relieved.

"I don't know, that lord is... the emissary of a great man." Without the slightest hesitation, Yan Zheng hurriedly said it, as if he was very much looking forward to Chen Xianzhi's questioning again.

"Then how do you know that he is the emissary of a big shot?" Chen Mo frowned slightly, his words were too contradictory, how could he understand that the other side was a big shot without knowing who was standing behind him?

"I saw his Imperial Army badge, I know that."

Chen Xianzhi didn't ask him why he knew the badge of the Forbidden Army, it was too time consuming, Chen Xianzhi only wanted the identity of the mysterious person.

"Why did he come?" Chen Mo asked in a low voice.

"Destroy... a node between the two mountains, and create an army of ghouls!" Yan Zheng struggled, and Chen Mo stepped up his strength.


[Trigger an epic mission: The Mysterious Man's Rebellion!Node task]

"I seem to have triggered something extraordinary!" The shock in Chen Mo's eyes flashed, he was very familiar with this pre-quest, and it was just a pre-quest.

An epic pre-quest!
And this pre-quest Chen Mo has been in touch with before. This is a pre-quest for a legendary mission.

A series of epic missions make up that legendary mission.

After asking these questions, Chen Xianzhi directly killed Yan Zheng without any hesitation.


[By leapfrogging and beheading the owl-level peak Iron Yan Corpse Demon, the experience bonus is 200%]


[Acquired characteristic: Indestructible Iron Body (Elementary)]

[Indestructible Iron Body (Elementary): Add 3% to all attributes]

Chen Mo obviously felt that his body became stronger again. The strength of the indestructible iron body lies in the addition of all attributes, not a single attribute. After being strengthened by all, Chen Mo can naturally feel the strength of his body.

"Is there a node between the two mountains?" Chen Mo frowned slightly.

"If it is destroyed by a mysterious person, it will be difficult to suppress the strangeness around the node!" Chen Mo sighed.

What is the node, the node is the luck point set by the Qianyuan Dynasty, although a few extinguishments will not affect major events, and as long as the beacon towers in nearby villages and small towns are not extinguished in a large area, there is no need to worry, but if a large area is extinguished , something big is going to happen.

If too many luck points in a region are extinguished, the official road will lose its suppression of strangeness, and all strangeness will easily walk on the official road and enter the city easily. At that time, those who are protected by the city Human lives are at stake.

"If you say you're rebelling, just rebel. Why bother to drag people from all over the world? When the world is in chaos, what good will it be?" Chen Mo smiled wryly.

By the time that big shot starts plotting a rebellion, the second act of the rise of the dynasty has come to an end, and the third act of terror will begin.

Of course, the big man's rebellion is not a problem that can be solved in one act or two, and it doesn't start until the fifth act.

As for the future version of the plot, Chen Mo has no experience, so he doesn't know. He doesn't know whether it will be a success in suppressing the rebellion or a chaos in the world.

This is a hidden line buried in the game, and it is said that this is what Luna will look like after it runs autonomously.

Chen Mo actually doesn't understand. The ambitions of those members of the royal family seem to be like an abyss. No matter how much they get, they will not be satisfied. The world is in chaos. To them, they don't seem to feel anything. All of these are paid for their ambitions .

In such an era, he still has to realize his own ambitions. Chen Mo felt that even if he could ascend to the throne in the end, he would not be a good emperor. In a peaceful age, he would drag the people of the whole world to the abyss.

But this dark line is just a dark line, and there are more than one dark line in the game, there are many more, one more is not much, one less is not much, after all, there is always no shortage of ambitious people.

Whether it's in the imperial court, in the Taoist sect, or in the demon gate.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. This is an eternal truth. Only power is real.

"Scholar Mo Dao has no guts. He dared to let the world sink into the sea. I don't have ambitions or not. I just want a stable world. Whoever destroys it, I will wear it recklessly!" Chen Mo grinned.

(End of this chapter)

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