Reckless through another world

Chapter 149 What was taken away?

Chapter 149 What was taken away?
Chen Mo didn't leave directly. After the battle, he must clean up the battlefield. He first took Yan Zheng's storage bag, and then entered the interior of the cottage in Heifeng Mountain.

There was a meaty smell in the air, and Chen Xianzhi frowned slightly. This kind of meaty smell was very strange. Thinking about what these ghouls eat, Chen Xianzhi felt his stomach churn.

This is not a physical reaction. Chen Xianzhi's domineering body will no longer react excessively because of these things. This is obviously a psychological reaction. The smell of meat is likely to be mixed with human flesh.

Of course, there must be some remaining ghouls in the village, so Chen Xianzhi slaughtered them.

After removing all the blessings and returning to a slender figure of 1.9 meters, Chen Mo took out a robe from the mustard bag and put it on his body.

The construction of Heifengzhai is very interesting. Several main halls are connected, and then there is the back kitchen. When Chen Mo walked to the back kitchen, he saw many unforgettable scenes. There were strange corpses and human corpses, like meat. Hung up like a pig.

Chen Xianmo didn't say much, but his face was a little gloomy, and he didn't want to think about it.

"Still alive?" When he walked around to the back kitchen, Chen Mo's eyes lit up, and he found a few people tied up for slaughter, all with rags in their mouths, and tied to iron stakes. Seeing Chen Mo's arrival Woohoo struggled.

Chen Mo then took a butcher knife and put the four people down.

"Thank you, young man." The rescued, who had lingering fears, hurriedly thanked Chen Mo.

"Someone should still be trapped. You can save them yourself. I've already killed all of these ghouls. Those with decent fighting power should not be in danger." Chen Mo nodded slightly, leaving the job of saving people to them. That's good, there should be no more ghouls to fight in the village now.

"Thank you, young hero, thank you very much, I don't know the name of the young hero yet, the villain will set up a longevity card for the young hero when I go back!" one of the old men hurriedly asked.

"No need." Chen Xianzhi shook his head, he didn't care about these things.

"Young hero, the little girl has nothing to repay."

"No need to repay!" Chen Xianzhi shook his head hurriedly, he was afraid that the rescued woman would promise to give her body, and seeing this woman's appearance, Chen Xianzhi felt that he would suffer a lot!It would be even worse if the other party said that he would be a cow or a horse in the next life. This is to talk about Chen Xian's ugliness!
Chen Xianzhi didn't stay long, and left directly.


"Huh? It's that breath!" Chen Mo searched the entire mountain, and finally found this suspicious place. It was a fragrant breath, mixed with a faint coercion.

"Is this here?" Chen Mo sized it up. This place is still relatively hidden. Originally, this place should be blocked by a huge boulder, but now the boulder has been broken, leaving a dark cave covered with plants.

Without the slightest hesitation, Chen Mo walked in slowly. Since the mysterious person said that there is a luck node in this place, then between the two mountains, Chen Xianzhi has searched around, and this is the only place.

Walking into the cave, there was a faint golden light emitting from the cave, and there was no discomfort or cold feeling at all. The ghost eyes on Chen Mo's body were all opened, and all visions in all directions entered Chen Mo's mind.

In the cave, there were still faint golden runes looming around, and they became brighter and brighter as they went into the cave. When Chen Mo walked to the center of the cave, a beam of light shot down from the patio above his head.

It happened to hit the erected platform well, and the platform was empty, and most of the formations around it had been destroyed.

"I haven't touched it much before. There seems to be something on this table. What is it?" Chen Mo used his memory, but he couldn't find it. Either he forgot it, or he had never touched it before. arrive.

Although Chen Mo didn't know what was originally placed on this platform, it was not important. The important thing was that this small node here had been destroyed. After the small node was destroyed, Chen Mo found that the runes in the cave were gradually shrinking, bright It also gradually dimmed.

It's not that if a small node is destroyed, it will directly lose its coercion, but it is slowly losing it. However, because the luck of the dynasty spreads throughout the entire nineteen states of Qianyuan, the node only acts as a lock node to gather luck, so There is no loss in losing a few small nodes.

Sensitively, Chen Mo felt that the other party should not have come to destroy the node, but should be rushing towards the things on this table, or else just for such a small node, sending a big master, even the peak owl-level person who thinks he is a master must be innate above.

Sending such a master here, if it is only to destroy this small node, it is really killing a chicken with a sledgehammer, so it is definitely for other things to observe the entire two mountains. Only the things on this table can attract each other.

Chen Mo stepped forward and touched the table. There was heavy dust around it, but the dust in the center was very thin, obviously fresh dust.

"Is it so troublesome here in Linshan City?" Chen Mo touched his nose. He really didn't feel how many plots and difficulties could be explored in the Novice Village in the game before, but when he came to the real world, he suddenly felt as if everything was impossible. Like a fog.

Without staying any longer, Chen Mo walked out from the node cave. Chen Mo took out the silk and wrote down the map of this place. There is still value here. As long as you report to Julu City, you will send a martial artist majoring in talisman arrays to come Rebuild the node.

It is difficult for human beings to survive in this weird world without their own means, even for aliens.

Aliens are at least human, and those strange, fallen monsters, demons, etc. are simply another race.

Now there are really internal and external troubles, there are heavenly demons invading from outside, corrupted species are still appearing on the Qianyuan land, and those dormant careerists are still hiding deep, it is impossible to unite all martial arts, But most martial arts are united, and that's enough.

"It's time for me to go to the God's Catcher!" Chen Mo murmured, what is the God's Catcher known as the Spear of Humanity, Chen Mo, as a casual player, has not joined any forces, so he is not very clear .Of course, the player power he joined doesn't count, and the guild he belongs to is still second-rate.

But to come to this world, at least one big tree is needed. After all, it is good to enjoy the shade under the big tree. In the Nineteen States of Qianyuan, the imperial court is the top power, not one of them, not even the eight peerless sects alone. The power to counteract, as for uniting?

This is not true. Among them, the grievances between Chunyang Jianzong and Shushan cannot be resolved by interests, and the people in the sect are more passionate and have more faith. Who will listen to when the eight major sects unite?
Then who overthrew the dynasty?Choose a puppet or a disciple of your own sect?

In short, many conditions indicate that it is impossible for the eight sects to come together.

As for joining one of the sects, Chen Mo had considered it, and still felt that it would be better to go with the imperial court.

(End of this chapter)

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