Chapter 153
Three days later, Chen Mo has been at home for three days.

Under the characteristic of super-speed regeneration, Chen Mo's recovery power has also been strengthened, and the non-attribute inner energy is also very dominant in healing, except for wood-type exercises, which are also non-attribute exercises.

Of course, the non-attribute internal energy has a little edge in all aspects, but each direction is not outstanding, and it belongs to the mixed internal energy.

However, it cannot be said that the non-attribute internal strength is not strong. In the hands of the strong, there is no strongest martial arts, only the strongest person.

Theoretically, if the non-attribute internal skills are practiced to the extreme, then this is an all-around skill.Too bad it's a theory!
In the world of high martial arts, exercises are very important, but Chen Mo decided to use non-attribute exercises as the basis after weighing, mainly because his innate yin and yang self-closing skills are peerless inner skills, which can generate more inner skills. Qi, so that Chen Mo can afford to support the big dogs.

"72 of the 58 gates have been filled, and there are 36 left, let's go to the forest mountain again!" Chen Mo looked at the filling degree of the internal energy in his gates, and 22 of the [-] gates of the jackal level had been filled. indivual.

"There are a lot of records in the Congenital Yin-Yang Autism (Building the Foundation Chapter). I only seek the growth of attributes and cultivation bases. In fact, the supporting exercises in the Foundation Establishment Chapter are also very good." Chen Mo described the Congenital Yin-Yang Autism The tool is now in the hand, although it looks real, but it is a virtual projection of the system.

"Building the foundation, building the foundation!" Chen Mo re-examined the exercises, and took advantage of his spare time to study the exercises.

In this world, the exercises that Chen Mo has come into contact with are all complete sets of exercises, and at the same time, they are progressive in layers. Each exercise corresponds to the realm they should correspond to. Good qi and blood, the strength of the physical body is average, just wash the body with sufficient qi and blood.

And at the snake level, it really enters the stage of the birth of inner energy.

There is no so-called age limit in this world, and the exercises are all accompanied by the auxiliary exercises of changing tendons and forging bones, so even an 80-year-old man who starts to practice can practice as long as he has enough energy and blood.

Unlike the traditional low-level martial arts plane, one needs to learn martial arts at an early age, otherwise it is easy to fail to achieve much due to childhood problems, and of course those orphans who are cheating are not excluded.

So the supporting exercises in this world are very suitable and fair to everyone.

Even the blood-boiling art on the street stall has a supporting skill. The later stage of this art is not low. If Chen Mo remembers correctly, the blood-boiling art should also be the lowest-level skill of blood nerves. Of course, not only This low-level exercise, and many other blood attribute exercises lead to the peerless exercise blood nerve.

Just like the Black Flame Blood Kung Fu of the Chen Mo family, there are many skills at the later levels, and there are also many top innate skills. As long as the internal energy of the blood attribute can be advanced layer by layer, so the Black Flame Blood Kung Fu can also Keep advancing to blood nerves.

This is the strength of the attribute attack method. As long as it is the same attribute method, it can be gradually advanced. This is actually very fair to ordinary people.

As for how far you can go in the future, your own qualifications are one issue, and the other is resources. Poor qualifications can be made up with resources, and some people with good qualifications, coupled with the cultivation of resources, will become stronger and stronger.

Ordinary people will have their own attributes of exercises before entering the sect, but after entering the sect, the sect will have advanced exercises, and then gradually become stronger through the cultivation of the sect. This is a two-way relationship. The sect is passed on and strengthened, and the disciples can also become stronger.

The same is true for other forces. As for entering the imperial court, the imperial court needs a lot of strong people in order to stabilize the rule, and it will also spend energy on training.

Loyalty is very important in the world. People in this era have a lot of backbone, so there won't be so many white-eyed wolves. Even those in the Demon Sect are very supportive of their Demon Sect.

Moreover, Wuxiu's life span can be doubled after stepping into the innate, theoretically it can reach [-] years old. As for whether he can live longer or less, it all depends on personal ability.

In order to give full play to the potential of the body, the supporting exercises all have their own chapters on muscle-yielding and bone-strengthening.

The Yijin forging bone of this world is similar to the Yijin forging bone of the Earth Federation era that Chen Mo is familiar with. They both use internal energy to pry open blocked meridians, correct deformed bones, and strengthen fragile bones.

Although this person doesn't seem to have any problems, and he walks, sits, and stands smoothly, but the subtleties in the bones are still different for everyone. Looking smooth does not mean that his bones are a wide and legitimate road.

There are likely to be many deformed bones, or weak bones.

Such bones are a great obstacle to the performance of moves. Many moves cannot understand their meaning, so it is necessary to forge the bones, and use the internal energy to slowly correct and strengthen them.

Of course, it is also possible to crush the bone and let it grow again, but what it looks like is beyond one's control, and it is all left to fate.

If it is not as good as the original muscles and bones, it is better not to break the bones.

Chen Mo had carefully studied the "Nine Yin Scriptures" in the Earth Federation era before. This book appeared in the Tang Dynasty of the Earth Federation. It has more than a thousand words. made.Every word is a pearl, and it connects the road.

The tendon-forging and bone-forging chapter in this scripture also leads to the same goal as the tendon-forging and bone-forging chapter that comes with this world attribute exercise.

Birth cannot be determined. In this world, there are some people who are born with a divine body and a holy body. Cultivation is like drinking water and eating. If you let it happen, you can become a strong person with advanced cultivation, while many people are ordinary people.

Their meridians are mediocre, and their bones are slightly fragile, just like those who were born sick.

Chen Mo remembered that in the era of the Earth Federation, there was a character named Huo Yuanjia, who was called a sick tiger, because he was born with a lack of foundation.

However, his Huojia boxing belongs to internal boxing, and internal boxing produces internal force after it has been practiced to a certain level. Chen Mo doesn't know how this internal force is. After all, although he also practiced internal boxing in the original era, he did not develop Internal force, so I don't know how this internal force works.

However, Chen Mo thinks it should be similar to internal energy.

Chen Mo felt that it should be the internal energy of this sick tiger that improved his own meridians and bone physique, and thus became stronger until he became the number one in Jinmen.

As the saying goes, the way of heaven is to make up for the inadequacy when the excess is damaged, and to make up for the insufficiency in the body with one's own strength.

Leverage the meridians with the inner qi to correct and strengthen the bones. Although the inner qi will be lost, it is a disadvantage from a close point of view, but the change is the overall qualification, making the meridians in the body wider and stronger under the blessing of inner qi, so that the whole body The bones are more in line with the nature of the world.

The original Chen Mo actually didn't pay attention to the practice of auxiliary skills, but it's not too late now, it should be said that in Gao Wu's world, everything is not too late.

Kung Fu will not have a heart.

As a person who wants to walk on the road of invincibility, in Chen Mo's view, he wants to develop in all aspects, he must develop all the potentials of his body, and tap all available potentials of himself.

(End of this chapter)

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