Reckless through another world

Chapter 154 The Journey to Forest Mountain

Chapter 154 The Journey to Forest Mountain
While Chen Mo is cultivating, he is also slowly developing his body. With the blessing of the non-attributed peerless exercise, the Congenital Yin-Yang Autistic Art, Chen Mo extracts the spiritual energy very quickly, and the energy and blood in his body are still continuously generated from the body. Effect with aura to produce inner qi.

Then the inner qi moves and strengthens the meridians, improves the bones of the whole body, and repairs internal injuries, thus forming a virtuous circle.

During Chen Mo's recuperation period, Little Lolita and Ren Hongxiang also came back twice, and then put Kui'er in his small courtyard to live.Because it was going to be harvested in autumn, I was so busy recently that Ren Hongxiang was too busy to take care of Kui'er, so I sent it back.

And Kui'er has two more playmates, Ling Kui and Jin Jiao.

Ling Kui has now grown to the size of an adult dog, and the golden horn is still the same. Although the black claw is snake-level, it may not even be able to beat the golden horn, so it honestly plays the role of dog's leg, flattering Squat aside.

With so many small animals around, Chen Mo is not worried that little Lolita will be alone.

"Chen Sheng, Qingyue, boil the water, I want to take a bath!" Standing up from the cross-legged position, Chen Mo stretched his waist, his muscles and bones creaked, there was a feeling of numbness, but it was very refreshing.

His ribs have been connected by internal qi, and he didn't suffer many external injuries, most of which were internal injuries. Under the offensive of diet therapy and decoction, he recovered quickly, which also benefited from the powerful healing effect of internal qi.

Ghost Qi is attacking, it can strengthen the body, and it can explode stronger combat power, but the only disadvantage is that it has no healing function, and although the inner Qi is mediocre, it is completely beneficial to the body.

"Okay my son."

"Yes, son."

Chen Sheng and Qingyue rushed to urge and tidy up.


The steam was steaming, Chen Mo leaned on the edge of the barrel, squinting his eyes slightly, Qingyue rubbed his back vigorously.

Chen Xianzhi had inherited all of Chen Mo's memories, so he didn't feel uncomfortable being served.

"My lord, you have a lot of scars on your body!" Qingyue was wiping Chen Mo's back with a rag, her eyes were full of unbearable, and after touching her, she asked softly, "My lord, does it hurt?"

Qingyue couldn't help thinking of the time when she cut Chen Mo's clothes to treat the wound. At that time, the clothes were already stuck to the skin, and what was cut off was not only the clothes, but also the flesh.

"It doesn't hurt anymore." Chen Mo grinned, he still has new flesh on his body, pieces of tender flesh color, but there are still many scars, a scattered crack scar on his chest.

This was caused by the three hammers of the centurion of the demon centurion at that time. Although it was healed, it left scars. It wasn't that Chen Mo couldn't erase these scars, but Chen Mo didn't want to erase them. Scars are not just the badges of soldiers. It will also remind him to fight seriously at all times without the slightest carelessness.

After soaking for a long time, with a splash, Chen Mo came out of the bathtub with the splash of water, the air in his body slowly evaporated, and the water droplets on his body evaporated, and he put on his robe under Qingyue's service.

"Evil feudal society!" Chen Mo smiled knowingly, that was enough.

Chen Mo has long since stopped wearing the scholar's robe, which is of no use to him, and the scholar's green robe is a bit restrictive, the people in the court may have considered the sense of formality, so they designed the scholar's green robe like this Bar.

"I'll go out!" Chen Mo ordered.

After visiting cheap parents, he went straight out the door.

Chen Mo planned to go to Linshan and slaughter Linshan in a large area.His level is now at level 36 which is very close to level 37. If he slaughters Lin Shan, he is likely to reach the owl level, and he will be more confident in subduing Lord Chiyan.

On the journey into the forest mountain again, Chen Mo felt that there was no change, it was still white mist covering the entire forest mountain.

Chen Mo deliberately let out his energy and blood, and the energy and blood burning like an oven in the white misty forest and mountains are like a bright light in the dark night, a lighthouse that guides the ships to return.

Of course, maybe not the lighthouse, but the deadly poison.


Chen Mo stretched out his palm, stirred up the white mist, and at the same time pulled out something from the white mist. It turned out to be a python-like monster that wanted to attack him. Before the giant python made any movement, Chen Mo It crushed its head directly, and immediately blood splattered everywhere.


[Slaying a snake-level thorn python, the level span reaches level 50, the experience is reduced by 3215%, and the experience gained is [-]]

"Snake level, this gives too little experience." Chen Mo sighed, and he faced another problem when his level was raised, that is, the experience given by killing low-level monsters was reduced.

Fifteen levels worse, 50% reduction.

Chen Mo is level 26, and this thorny python is at most level 11. If the original snake level would give at least [-] experience, but this time it was directly cut in half.

In the future, it will be cut harder, although this is the rule in the game.

The game does not advocate abuse of food, or even resist abuse of food. In the early stage, you can go a little bit, but if the level is high, you will be encouraged to challenge higher-level monsters.

Otherwise, you won't challenge higher-level ones and you will be rewarded for leapfrogging, while beheading low-level ones will reduce your experience.Even in the future, killing monsters with too many spans will only give you a little experience.

Shaking off the strange blood on the gauntlet, the blood of the thorn python was thrown off directly.

Rare level weapons will not be stained with blood after the internal energy is opened.

Of course, if it is the blood of a powerful creature, it will still be stained.

There are many weapons that Chen Mo knows, among which is a magic knife, which is originally a magic weapon, but because it was contaminated with too much magic blood, it was soaked in blood and turned into a magic knife forcibly.

"My strength is still very strong, but it's weaker than the attacking Chiyan Dijun!" Chen Mo pursed his lips and said while clenching his fists and throwing.

When fighting with Lord Chiyan, Chen Mo wondered if he had become weaker, otherwise he wouldn't have been hanged and hammered.But Chen Mo also understood that it was Chi Yandijun who was too strong, not that he was too weak.

Evil ghosts are inherently oppressive, and even more dominant among those at the same level. What's more, the opponent's strength is not low. They are not the kind of evil ghosts who are bullied by others, but truly powerful ghosts.

Even the three-eyed Yan Luo, under Chen Mo's control, almost failed to suppress the Chi Yan Dijun who was released.

Although Chen Mo expected it, but when such a thing happened, Chen Mo's face was still dark.

This is the power of the attacking evil spirit, not to mention that Chiyan Dijun is still an offensive and defensive evil ghost. Chen Mo has only seen one skill of Chiyan Dijun, the armor covered by Emperor Yan's Wrath and powerful combat power It has long made Chen Mo greedy. He was full of confidence and wanted to control Lord Chiyan, but the fact is that he was hammered!

If Lord Chi Yan hadn't been stunned at the last moment, it would have been difficult to re-seal him in the cage of evil spirits.

(End of this chapter)

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