Reckless through another world

Chapter 155 Please accept the respect from warriors!

Chapter 155 Please accept the respect from warriors!

In the depths of the forest mountain, there is a valley full of spring, where the flowers, plants and trees are more exuberant, and the temperature is very moderate under the sunlight, and the slight mist makes the place look hazy and ethereal.

In front of a towering ancient tree stood a huge coffin of solid wood color, and a delicate woman's arm rested on the coffin.

There are many mirages with exquisite faces waiting around, and they all seem to respect the more mature mirage in red.

"Sister, a strong human martial artist has entered our territory, and other monsters have already been killed." The delicate face of the mirage in purple was full of fighting intent.

"Have you found out about his cultivation level?" asked the mirage girl in red.

"The investigation revealed that he is a gray jackal-level human martial artist, but I dare not look at him." The purple-clothed mirage said with lingering fear.

"Don't dare to look?" the red mirage asked with a slight frown.

"That's right, although the distance is far away, and his cultivation base is not strong, Ah Zi feels very scary, as if there is something terrifying on his body." The purple-clothed mirage woman said solemnly.

Generally speaking, the big ghost residing in the human body will not spread the breath of fear unless the ghost master does not expose himself.

And that kind of unregistered wild evil spirits will keep releasing their own fearful breath.

Either it was because of this mirage's strong perception, or it could only be attributed to a woman's intuition.

"If that's the case, then don't conflict with him!" The mirage in red nodded slightly, and there must be no surprises now, otherwise their mirage clan in Linshan might be eaten away by other monsters.

"Don't act rashly. Grandma hasn't made a breakthrough yet. No matter what happens now, don't disturb grandma, even if some clansmen die. Let's lurk."

"Close the valley, restrain all the clansmen, and wait for grandma to wake up." The red mirage gave the order directly.

Following the order of the red mirage, all the mirages started to move.

Their tricks are illusions. There are at least a hundred mirages in this valley. All the mirages cast their tricks with all their strength, and the whole valley immediately recedes and disappears into the forest mountains. illusion.


At the same time, the scene in another valley is obviously a little different. This place is not as beautiful as Mirage, but a swamp, where oval-shaped objects float in the swamp.

With a sound of "whoosh", a huge wild boar came out of the swamp and dragged the mud to the open space beside it.

"Father, you finally woke up!" A two-meter-tall wild boar actually spoke to the big pig.

"Father," said a two-meter-tall wild boar beside him.

"Haha, I stepped into the innate realm one step ahead of that old witch. Today is the time when we level the Mirage Valley. From now on, the forest and mountains will be the world of our pigs!" The huge wild boar was four meters high. , a body of well-developed muscles attached to his body like a steel armor.

And the fangs in the mouth also looked cold, not like wild boar teeth, but like equipped spears.

"Where's the third child?" Big Wild Boar asked aloud.

"Father, the third child was killed by a human martial artist, and now that human has stepped into the forest area, I want to take some of my tribe to kill him!" The slightly larger wild boar looked sad and angry.

"Go ahead and kill him!" the huge wild boar nodded.

This two-meter-high wild boar led a group of pigs to find Chen Mo.

In the beginning, it was mainly because their father was preparing for the breakthrough, so they didn't kill Chen Mo. Unexpectedly, Chen Mo came to their door, and he was getting closer and closer to them.

There are two relatively large strange groups in Linshan, one is mirages, and the other is wild boars. The wild boars have more imbecile, and few can speak, while the mirages belong to the species of wisdom, and can gather their own energy. It may not be strong in single combat, but the illusion cast by the group is very objective.

As for the other monsters, there are relatively few groups of monsters, more than a dozen, a few less, and the kind of lone wolf players who are alone.

It's like the meat mountain and the murderous python that Chen Mo encountered last time, as well as the fleshy locust tree.

"Hey, is there something rushing over?" Chen Mo's footsteps paused slightly, he already felt the ground shaking, and at the same time, the faint white mist around him was also stirring.

The ghostly eyes on Chen Mo's forehead slowly opened, and the thick fog in front of him slowly dissipated. Chen Mo turned around and climbed onto an ancient tree, and saw a group of strange creatures rushing not far away. It turned out to be a group of wild boars.

"There is a way to heaven, you don't go, and there is no way to hell, you come and vote! I haven't looked for you yet, but you came to me first." Chen Mo grinned, which is a bit interesting. Finding strange is very troublesome. I didn't expect there to be door-to-door delivery.

Taking off his robes and putting them in the mustard bag, Chen Mo shouted: "The ghost energy is starting to be incomparable!"

Chen Mo's body changed instantly, and the transpiring ghost energy instantly strengthened his body. As he grew taller, his body muscles also squirmed, and his gauntlets also moved rhythmically due to the infusion of ghost energy.

"Boom!" Chen Mo swung his fists violently, and the ghostly aura shrank around his body. His fists directly shook the dust in the air a few times.

"The enhancement activated by Sanmu Yanluo is not bad, but I really want the enhancement of Lord Chiyan!" Chen Mo clenched his fist and said in shock. Although Lord Chiyan has already entered his hands, he wants to defeat Chiyan. As far as Chen Mo is concerned, Dijun is too difficult.

It's like having a magical weapon that can't be used, it's as itchy as a cat's paw scratching the palm of your hand!
"The meaning of evil - force to break mountains and rivers!" Chen Mo let out a long roar, and jumped up from the big tree.

The arm armor of both fists turned into a palm knife, and went straight to the leading wild boar.

Chen Mo didn't need to look at it. This should be a small boss. It was a small boss when he killed the wild boar king last time. Now there is another wild boar king who is as big as it and leads a group of pigs to give gifts. Naturally, Chen Mo wants to Give it enough respect.

And the respect of fighters is to kill it!


Like a small meteorite falling from the sky, Chen Mo rushed down from the sky and went straight to the head of the leading wild boar.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The leading boar also felt the threat, howling loudly, maybe it was the language of pigs.

However, the wild boars were stacked one after another, protecting the leading big boar tightly.


With Chen Mo's move, the ghost energy was consumed for [-] moments, but the effect was minimal. Not to mention not many wild boars were killed, and he was thrown backwards.

"Charge—!" The leading wild boar roared, and then a row of wild boars rushed over.

"Boom boom boom!" The ground shook like heavy cavalry galloping on horseback, dust was everywhere, even the faint white mist was suppressed by the dust, and the target of all the pigs was undoubtedly Chen Mo who was about to fall to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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