Reckless through another world

Chapter 156 Characteristic Upgrade Task [5 more for subscription]

Chapter 156 Characteristic Upgrade Task 【Subscription】

"Evil Intent—Treading on Snow!" Chen Mo had already used Evil Intent to walk on snow when he was about to touch the ground.

And at the moment he used it, the boars also rushed up, charging and trampling. Fortunately, Chen Mo had already started the snow walk, and also released the blessing of Wushuangli, his body shrunk a lot, and he shuttled between the gaps of the wild boars , is not affected at all.

"Human martial arts, you killed my people!" Seeing that Chen Mo could not be attacked, the wild boars also stopped under the command of the leading wild boar. The leading wild boar glared at Chen Mo and roared in a low voice.

"I've killed too many monsters and I've forgotten it long ago." Chen Mo was not surprised that this wild boar could speak. The ability to learn languages ​​is very good for both monsters and humans. It may be that these worlds are influenced by aura. Nourishing, all creatures are smart.

"Ghost Qi activates Wushuang Power!"

"The power of the four poles is the second heaven!"

Chen moaned, and his body changed suddenly. He was three meters tall, with scarlet ghost eyes on his body, and his knotted muscles were like fine iron. He didn't shoot with all his strength just now, so the group of pigs were guarded, but now it's different However, judging from the jackal level alone, their cultivation is still far behind!
The scarlet ghostly eyes on Chen Mo's forehead flashed a gleam of light, and his whole body was covered in black ghostly aura. If he just glanced at it, he looked like he was in a state of being possessed by a demon!
The leader of the wild boar couldn't help but took two steps back, and then looked up at Chen Mo again, with a look of fear in his eyes, and an inexplicable thought appeared in his mind, "This man is invincible!"

"Evil intentions—thousand cuts!" Chen Mo's speed was abnormally fast. With full firepower, he had rushed to the front of the pig's head in just two breaths, and the grin was caught by the pig's leader. in the eyes.

"Boom!" Chen Mo landed on the huge head of the wild boar leader.

The pig's skull instantly shattered, and Chen Mo's fist directly shattered his head.

"Boom—!" With a sound, the wild boar boss crawled directly to the ground.


[Kill the little boss-level jackal-level wild boar beast, gain experience 53260]

[Acquired characteristic: rough skin and thick flesh (primary)]


[Trigger characteristic promotion task: collect [-] rough skin and thick flesh (primary), rough skin and thick flesh (primary) will be promoted to intermediate level]

"It turned out to be from that family! It's really strange, and the gift was good." Chen Mo murmured, and he said, how can he seek revenge from him? Primary rough skin and thick flesh.

"Second brother is dead?!" The wild boar troop that was heading for Mirage Valley stopped, and the huge four-meter-high wild boar stopped in its tracks.

"There's no need to kill that human Wuxiu. It's important now. After I kill that old hag, I'll deal with that human Wuxiu." The sound of the huge wild boar rolled like a drum.

"Keep going!"

"Keep going!"

The herd of wild boars started to walk again. Hundreds of mighty fang pigs walked slowly on the ground, and the whole forest and mountain vibrated accordingly.




After killing all the tusked pigs that Chen Mo could see, Chen Mo's level was also raised. He was not far from the 37th level, but now he just upgraded.

Beside Chen Mo was a pile of carcasses of fang pigs, and they were all killed with a single punch. Even jackals couldn't resist Chen Mo's full blow, not to mention that most of the fang pigs were snakes.

After all, the monsters in Linshan City are still weak, they don't even have a single talent, and the two big monsters are both owl-level. Chen Mo feels that if he goes now, he can fight against them one by one and two by the way!
After allocating the attribute points, Chen Mo decided to go to the Fangpig's lair to take a look, not to mention that his level was still much lower, even the task of advancing that characteristic could not be given up.

"What a loud vibration?" Chen Mo lay directly on the ground, listening to the source of the vibration.

It seemed that it was different from the swamps he knew. This kind of sound could only be made by a large-scale dispatch of wild boars, but now it was in the opposite direction.

"The herd of pigs came out?" Chen Mo frowned slightly, this matter was quite strange, and the direction of going seemed to be Mirage Valley.

"Could it be that the two tribes are going to fight?" Chen Mo murmured.

This is not the situation that Chen Mo wants to see. If the two sides fight strangely, the experience and blood energy he will gain will decrease, and he will not even be able to break through to the Xiao level in Linshan City. This is the most headache for Chen Mo.

"Go and have a look!" Without further analysis, Chen Mo directly removed the blessings of Wushuang Power and Siji Power, and then drove to the full state of Snow Walking to attack.

For so many years, the soldiers of the Zhenyi Division in Linshan City have already figured out the location of the two relatively large strange tribes, so Chen Mo only needs to follow the map and follow the past with all his strength, and there is no need to go by himself Find.


Stepping on the treetops of the big tree, with a light touch from Chen Mo, the whole person leaped up easily with the help of inner energy, and then used the eagle stepping skill to borrow strength in the air in places with large gaps.

I don't know the principle of this eagle step, anyway, it can let the user borrow another force in the air to leap in depth, maybe this is the legendary lightness skill.

There is also a supporting light work in the system of exercises, but the light work consumes the inner energy faster. If you want to maintain the state of light work at all times, you can only do it if you have reached the innate level and the internal energy scale is at least [-] ticks. Bar.

"Sister, it's not good, the wild boar in the swamp has come with his army of wild boars." The mirage looking out on the valley hurried to report to the red mirage.

"It's broken!" The face of the red mirage woman sank, the thing she was most worried about happened. The Wild Boar King should have broken through before their grandma, and now the Wild Boar King came here with a herd of fangs and pigs, probably for their coffins. sleeping grandma.

After all, strange species can also evolve by devouring each other. Now their grandma is at the critical moment of breaking through. If they are eaten, then the fang pig king will truly reach the point of invincibility in Linshan.

"Da Zi, call all the mirages, even if we fight to the death, we must protect grandma's successful breakthrough!" The red-clothed mirage appraiser ordered!
"Fight with those wild boars!"

"Fight it!" the purple-clothed mirage shouted loudly, raising the crystal-clear weapon in her hand.

"Fight!" A female voice sounded like a wave, and all the mirages raised their weapons.


"Illusion?" Chen Mo touched it with his hand, and faint ripples flickered in his hand.

"Illusion can't trouble me!" Chen Mo grinned.

With a low voice, "Ghost Eyes of the Netherworld!"

The thirty scarlet ghost eyes in Chen Mo's body slowly opened, the illusion in front of him gradually blurred, and the road ahead slowly appeared.

To put it bluntly, the illusion is to interfere with the perception of living beings, but it is useless to Chen Mo, because the big ghost he controls is a master at playing with the spirit.

As for whether you can walk out of the illusion with your eyes closed?
It is basically impossible, the illusion affects all the senses, not a single vision.

A real master of illusion can even directly let people experience death in the environment, and if the consciousness feels that they are dead, then they can acquiesce that they are already dead, and thus die.

(End of this chapter)

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