Reckless through another world

Chapter 163 The Sky Palace

Chapter 163 The Sky Palace

"Wow, it's a good thing I didn't let this white thing run back, otherwise my personal information would be leaked!" When Chen Mo looked through the sundries left by the white-robed man, he saw the crystal that recorded all his images.

"Huh? Four monsters, one ghoul? It really is their fault!" Chen Mo knew, why he always encountered these weird things, logically speaking, it is impossible for Xinshou Village to have so many It was only now that he realized that it was the ghosts of the Hades that were strange and weird.

"It's so detailed!" Chen Mo flipped through the files, which recorded the five mutated and weird information in detail.

"Five mutated, I met four!" Chen Mo pursed his lips, he wanted to laugh now, this guy did not know how long to prepare for something, but he killed half of it.

"Huh? Ling Kui turned out to be one of the mutations. I met all five of them!" Chen Mo raised his eyebrows. He just loves to clear the map, and the resources he can use will never be wasted. You can give up what is dispensable. If you have that time, it is better to practice quickly.

"There's also a mustard bag!" Chen Mo also saw the mustard bag, but he didn't see the so-called Forbidden Army Token, "It seems that there are two groups of people, which means that Lin Shan and Maple Leaf Mountain have at least two talents, and they are still engaged What happened before?"

Chen Mo frowned slightly, but he didn't think much about it. If he met them, he would be tough. If he didn't, it would be nothing. Not to mention that Chen Mo couldn't find them, even if he found them, Chen Mo would It might not be able to deal with Xiantian, he did feel threatened from Xiantian's strange body.

During this period of time when Chen Mo sat on the mountain and watched the tigers fight, the battle between the mirage clan and the Fangpig clan in the Linshan Mountains was gradually coming to an end. Suppressed and unable to move.

Her psychedelic realm is indeed particularly powerful. As long as those snake-level pigs step into it, they will start to die one after another, not to mention that the power of the illusion that blesses the power of the entire race is more powerful.

"I didn't expect you to be firmly in the innate realm!" The Fanged Pig King wheezed, two streams of white air gushed out from his nose, his body was covered with wounds, and the corners of his mouth were already bloody.

Although this mirage is a strange type, she is also a woman. Women fight more fiercely, and they greet their wounds. Originally, the pig king had already had a fang cut off by Chen Mo, and the mirage in white even concentrated on attacking. here.

"Pig King, you shouldn't have come, let alone killed so many of my fellow clansmen! Today, you die!" The mirage woman in white said coldly, as if the chill in her eyes was about to emerge.

"Hahaha, old witch, if I don't come, I will kill you when you wake up. In the end, there is no difference between you and me. You have killed a lot of my sons. As for whether I will die here, I should That one will say it!" The pig king still had blood in his mouth, but his voice was still loud, and he looked at Chen Mo who was eating melons with his pig eyes.

"Is it so hard to scold and quarrel?"

"I'm just eating melons, why do you make troubles?" Chen Mo shrugged, and said helplessly, "Sure enough, I'm too strong, so you can't ignore it!"

Chen Mo is indeed eating melons honestly, but since the sense of presence is so high, and it has been clicked by others, there is no need to eat melons anymore.

Of course, Chen Mo still wants to complain, whoever said that pigs are stupid, not stupid at all, this pig is as smart as a monkey!

Chen Mo grinned, his scarlet ghost eyes spread out in 360 degrees, and his sharp Danfeng eyes narrowed slightly: "In this case, let me just say a few words, I am not targeting anyone."

"Anyone can!"

"I just want to be beaten to death by you, or to kill you!!!" Chen Mo exploded, and the power in his body burst out at that moment!

"Boom!" The ground under Chen Mo's feet instantly cracked into a small pit.

"Evil intent - bee sting punch!"

The circulating ghost energy surged in Chen Mo's arm, and the arm armor in his hand hid all the light, and Chen Mo's fist rushed up!
"Psychedelic realm!" The mirage in white also felt the threat from Chen Mo. With a wave of Qianqianyu's hand, a white mist directly enveloped Chen Mo.


A huge jellyfish-shaped monster roared and appeared in front of Chen Mo.

There is a wide pool of water under the giant dragon, and Chen Mo found that he was standing on the surface of the water, and his figure was even reflected in the water, but there were no thirty scarlet ghost eyes in this figure.

The huge body made Chen Mo look like an ant in front of him.

And in front of him is the huge giant jacquard, which has already grabbed its front paws with the sound of piercing through the air.

"Flood dragon? You have to touch the dragon to know it!" Chen Mo let out a long roar, and his body burst into the water immediately!

Thirty scarlet ghost eyes flickered on Chen Mo's body at the same time. He had come out of the illusion, and the surrounding scene had returned to the original, and not far in front of him was the mirage in white who raised her hand and wanted to attack him.

"Boom!" When the two collided, a wave of air broke out immediately.

"Eagle Step!"

Chen Mo flipped around a few times in the air and landed on the ground with the eagle pedal. Chen Mo felt that the bones inside his right fist should have been shaken to the point of being cracked. Now his whole right arm can't use any strength.

"The stellar energy shield is really powerful!" Chen Mo couldn't help sighing.

The gap between acquired and innate is too big, his strength may be slightly better, but his internal energy is not as good as the stellar qi, the other party's stellar qi can completely protect the body and internal organs, but the internal qi cannot!
Inner Qi is lower than Gang Qi in both quality and quantity.

And the mirage in white was even more horrified. Although her strength is not great, she is innate after all. Her strength has increased exponentially, but she is even on par with the opponent. If you recruit her, you lose!

"Boom boom boom!!!"

At the same time, there were bursts of loud noises in the sky.

Like a dog eclipsing the sun, and as if a dark curtain was drawn, the sky was slowly dimming, and a huge shadow slowly enveloped the entire valley.

Not only Chen Mo raised their heads, but all the mirages, fang pigs and even all the monsters raised their heads. Not only that, the people in Linshan City also raised their heads. The sight in the sky will definitely make them feel alive forever memorable.

A huge warship sailing in the clouds.

The huge building-shaped giant ship, staying in the sky, looks like a huge palace in the sky from a distance.

Although Chen Mo knew that there was such a thing, but since he came to this different world, it was indeed the first time he saw a huge 2000-meter-long ship with a mast that fluttered in the wind, like a huge monster swimming in the clouds.

"Which power owner's car is this?" Chen Mo couldn't help murmuring while being shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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