Reckless through another world

Chapter 164 Actually, I just wanted to see whose car it was.

Chapter 164 Actually, I just wanted to see whose car it was.

The palace in the sky that presses across the sky stays above the valley.

The huge warship blocked the sun in the sky like a cloud, and Chen Mo could only see the wide bottom plate of the huge ship when he looked up.

"Traveling so ostentatiously? Which power master is this!" Chen Mo wanted to see clearly the words written on the banner of the huge palace in the sky, but it was indeed too far away for him to see clearly.

The dispatch of this gigantic ship not only shocked Donglinzhou, but also the imperial court Zhongzheng Division.

When this palace in the sky appeared in the sky, the imperial court's Department of Zhenyu Division was operating quickly to deliver the news, and the elders in the Qintianjian knew in an instant that this giant ship appeared in the giant ship. The sky above the area under the jurisdiction of Lucheng.

And the eight peerless sects don't care much about these, it's enough for everyone to eat melons, and it won't affect any major events.

But if something serious happens, they will know it immediately. Don't think that the Peerless Sect must be the kind of high-ranking, reclusive and ascetic. They have more and bigger disciples, scattered among the three religions and nine streams. In China, the intelligence system in Zongmen has also been established and perfected long ago.

These are some basic facilities. If you want to become a peerless sect, you need not only masters, but also many other important factors.

And they have long realized the role of intelligence, and they will definitely know about any big and small things in the world at the first time, and then send their disciples down the mountain to practice.

However, when the car of the powerful lord travels with great momentum, it must have been reported to the court. It is enough for them to eat melons, and they don't need to pay too much attention.

Somewhere in Donglinzhou, beside a cliff waterfall, in a small pavilion, a white-haired old man is playing chess with a strong middle-aged man.

"The empress, one of the kings of ten directions, actually sent her battleship?" The middle-aged man looked up at the direction of Julu City, and then looked away again.

"This little girl, it is said that she has a bad temper?" The old man chuckled.

"To you, she is indeed a little girl, but to me, she is just a peer." The middle-aged man in leather armor looked at the old man opposite, and then sighed.

"The king of the ten directions will do it, at least to ensure the relative safety of the nineteen states, so that the human race and the strangeness can be balanced to a certain extent. The most urgent thing now is that evil spirits have appeared in various places in Qianyuan. Do it well!." The old man nodded slightly, his squinted eyes seemed to be able to hold the starry sky when he raised his head.

"I know, please don't worry, Your Majesty, I will take charge of the Shenchuangmen in Donglinzhou!" The middle-aged man said and cupped his hands to show respect.

"Then Your Majesty can rest assured!" The old man nodded with a smile, and then made another move.

"Old gentleman, after all, you are also the old man of the dynasty, the great sage of the human race, how can you steal the chess pieces of the younger generation?" The middle-aged man looked at the chessboard again, was slightly taken aback, and then looked helpless.

"What can the old man do?"


Chen Mo originally thought that the giant ship would sail away, but unexpectedly stopped right above the valley.

Looking up, you can only see the wide floor, and you don't even know who is sitting on it.

"Huh!" Just as everyone and Guaiji sighed, the wind blew up on the giant ship, and the wind circle expanded rapidly.

At the same time as it roared, a big hand made entirely of stellar energy stretched out from the giant ship!
A big hand about ten meters in strength stretched out from the giant ship.

At this time, the weirdness in the valley wanted to escape instinctively.

However, this powerful hand obviously didn't pick and choose, and all the mirages were snatched away.

With a bang, when the big hand scooped up the mirage, those fang pigs that couldn't escape were instantly crushed.

"A celestial being? At least it should be a celestial being! It should be a master among celestial beings!"

There was no panic in Chen Mo's eyes, he was still a top Celestial player in the game before.

"The meaning of evil - walking on snow!"

Chen Mo immediately started to step on the snow, and with the help of Qianzhong Slash and Ying Tread, he quickly ran up the hillside. While he wanted to avoid this big hand, he also wanted to see which side it was.

The big hand condensed by the stellar energy went back and forth several times, and finally caught all the mirages away.

Although Chen Mo felt the great coercion, this kind of celestial method is actually not high-end, it should be said that it is a bit low-end, and it should be just for the purpose of catching.

"With such a blatant move, aren't you afraid that the king of Shifang will want to speak to the court?"

"Or maybe it's the car of the king of the ten directions, isn't he afraid of the court's punishment?"

At the same time, Chen Mo finally climbed to the hillside not far away, looking at the huge battleship from a distance.

"Huh? There's actually a human genius here." Elder Ming's voice was full of surprise.

She thought it was very strange that two innate monsters appeared in a small valley, but she didn't expect that there was a human genius.

And judging from its appearance, the body must be controlled by evil spirits, otherwise it would not have that dark ghostly aura!

"Can't see clearly?" Chen Mo really tried his best to read it, but the banners of this giant ship were still too far apart, and he could only see a big blurred character.

The elders didn't pay too much attention. There is an agreement between the imperial court and King Ji, and they can't kill the human race.

And looking at the potential shown by this young man, maybe we may see each other again in the future!
"Let's go!" There was a touch of joy in the elder's voice.

This time, a large number of wild mirages were discovered at one time, and three of them had awakened their own blood, and the little girl in white had even stepped into the innate, although this realm is not high for her, but the importance is not Their cultivation.

For the empress, it doesn't matter what her cultivation level is, as long as she has awakened blood, what's more, the awakened one has a trace of the empress's blood, which makes the empress pay more attention to it.

It's just that none of these big shots knew that it was born from the underworld.

"You want to run after stealing my prey?" Chen Mo frowned slightly.

"Since I can't see clearly underground, I'll go up and have a look!"

"Ghost Domain!" Chen Mo directly summoned the ghost domain to descend, and the dark ghost domain was full of ghost aura, mixed with a trace of scarlet.

The reason why Huangquan is called a magical skill is that it ignores ordinary space, ignores gravity, and ignores everything except star gold.

While maintaining the ghost energy, Chen Mo rose directly and quickly through the ghost domain.

Until it hits the clouds.

Only then did he see that huge banner was four feet long, with red characters on a black background, and a big "tattoo" written on the banner embroidered with gold.

"The Empress of the King of Ten Fangs?" Chen Mo was slightly taken aback, this is one of the most talked about female characters by players in his previous life.

Not to mention far away, the Suzaku of Shendu Zongzhen Division is a woman, and Chen Mo has already confirmed this through Qingliang Division and Maple Leaf Division.

"Hey, that brat has rushed up!" An elder let out a small gasp in surprise, she had already seen Chen Mo, who was driving the ghost domain, rushing up.

And the old man of the human race who was playing chess was even more taken aback when he saw the screen displayed not far away.

(End of this chapter)

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