Reckless through another world

Chapter 165 Do you dare to treat me as a great saint of the human race?

Chapter 165 Do you dare to treat me as a great saint of the human race?

"Ghost Domain?!" The old man froze for a moment, then looked at the middle-aged man sitting opposite him.

"What a stunned boy!" The figure of the old man disappeared from his seat. He also knew the importance of being a ghost guard besides the ghost domain, so he couldn't just sit back and watch Chen Mo be killed.

If Chen Mo knew what the old man said, he would definitely yell, "Heaven and earth conscience, I don't mean to be provocative at all, I just want to see whose car it is."

"Laojun!" The middle-aged man just shouted, but the old man in front of him had disappeared.

"Laojun is really a land god!" The middle-aged man could only sigh, and then looked back at the image projected not far away.

"For this kid's enthusiasm, I agree with his identity as a god catcher!" Before he saw anyone, the middle-aged man was already thinking about which position Chen Mo should go to shine.


"Empress's vehicle, come and stop, and if you come closer, you will be killed!!!" A long and profound voice came from the huge battleship.


Countless machines on the giant ship started to operate, and faint fluorescent light flickered around the periphery of the giant ship, while countless large and small heavy artillery tubes were aimed at Chen Mo. It seemed that as long as Chen Mo got closer, he might be blasted into pieces.

"So it's really the empress's giant ship!" Chen Mo took another look at the well-equipped armored soldiers on the deck of the giant ship, as well as the mirages who had just been picked up, and was about to turn around and return.

These heavy weapons are also quite scary. Although Chen Mo has Ghost Domain and even faced it in previous games, being pointed at by a gun in the virtual world is a different feeling from being pointed at by a gun in reality.

Chen Mo's curiosity is just that, it's fine after he's satisfied, and he doesn't want to board the battleship.

What's more, he is a human being, and the other party is strange, and there is a big difference in status, no matter what, he will not be allowed to board the battleship.

"It's that person!" The mirage girl in white clothes saw Chen Mo who was three meters tall, her red lips parted slightly, and there was a little brilliance in her eyes, but it seemed to be fighting intent.

"You know him?" An elder asked gently.

"My lord, I don't know him, but I had a fight with him. If it wasn't because of my superior energy, I would have lost." The white-clothed mirage nodded and said.

Now people are Daozu, I am fish, so naturally they know everything, and the elder has already explained to them that they are valued by the Empress, and they are going to Beiyunzhou to settle down.

"It seems that he is indeed a genius of the human race, but he will only become a whetstone. With your blood awakened, you will be even stronger in the future." Elder Ming didn't say any more. Since he is a genius, he is just used to supervise the practice of Mirage .

As for why they dare not kill Chen Mo.

Is it a display to be the great sage of the human race?

The Qianyuan court suppressed the nineteen prefectures, and there were countless human saints among them. It was like the nuclear warheads that could be launched at any time in Chen Mo's previous world.

And in Nineteen Continents, every continent has at least one human saint!
There are countless elders in the imperial court.

The elders in the Qin Tianjian are not vegetarians, and since the establishment of the God Catchment Gate, there have been famous God Catchers there, not to mention their strong cultivation, which has also driven the power of the evil spirits to increase in a straight line.

There are also eight peerless sects, among which there are great powers.

Although this world is dangerous, it is relatively stable under the suppression of the Qianyuan Dynasty.

Although Chen Mo is just a mid-acquired ant to the elder Ming, but if he is killed, it is a matter of principle and there is no way to turn around.

Because she represents the Empress, the king of the Great Defiance.

Chen Mo has a reputation as a scholar, and he is still a backup of the God Detective Sect. If he is killed in full view, the Empress will not be able to explain it.

Of course, even if a grassroots person is killed, the court will continue to pursue it, and those ignorant beasts will ignore it, but these kings who signed an agreement with the court and were entrusted with the throne must not let it go.

Chen Mo directly began to control Huang Quan and began to descend.


Accompanied by the sound of thunder, the giant ship slowly shifted, and then slowly accelerated into a stream of light.

"Reality is reality, and the coercion is still a bit scary!" When Chen Mo landed on the ground again, the insecurity in Chen Mo's heart dissipated.

When Chen Mo saw those cannons aimed at him, it was impossible not to panic, but fortunately, he had something to rely on, even if the opponent really bombarded him, he could be transferred away with the ability of Huangquan.

Although Chen Mo was uneasy at that time, Chen Mo felt that the battle blood in his body seemed to be burning like never before, and everything in his body seemed to be roaring.Roaring to fight.

It was a different feeling, different from facing strangeness, and also different from previous immersive forward games.

At that moment, Chen Mo felt that he had really controlled his body very finely just now, but when he recalled it again, he couldn't find it again.

Chen Mo murmured: "Sure enough, the strong in this world did not disappoint me. Just a giant ship, just a celestial being makes my blood boil like this!"

"It is conceivable how exciting it is to face those who are stronger!"

Chen Mo's eyes with scarlet ghost mist became brighter and brighter, and he started to grin. Thirty scarlet ghost eyes seemed to be jumping for joy, and the steaming ghost energy kept rolling and roaring.

Suppressing the excitement in his body, Chen Mo walked to Zhu Wang's side again.

Chen Mo looked at the seriously injured and dying Wild Boar King, grinned and said, "Give me your power! I, Chen Xianzhi, will definitely take them to fight against stronger ones, to feel more powerful coercion!"

"Madman!" Zhu Wang looked deeply at Chen Mo, he felt madness from those eyes, and the raging fighting spirit seemed to have infected even him.

Pig King lay on the ground, spitting blood: "I'm already at the end of my strength, take whatever you want!"

"I just want to leave some blood for my tusked pig clan!"

"I agree!" Chen Mo nodded.

As for why he wanted to talk to a pig, maybe Chen Mo was really hit. When the giant cannon of the battleship was aimed at him, and the coercion of the human level swept over him at will, he felt that if there were no evil spirits, he would be like an ant!

So he wants to talk, and the audience is the pig king!


[Kill the pseudo-innate-level fang pig king, experience bonus 300%, gain blood energy experience 235618]


[Acquired characteristics: Power of the Earth (primary), rough skin and thick flesh (intermediate level), rough skin and thick flesh (primary level)*2]

[Power of the Earth (Elementary): When you stand on the ground, strength attribute +5%, stamina recovery +5%]

[Rough skin and thick flesh (intermediate): defense power +20%, physical strength +6%, flesh and blood solidification +2%]


[Mission completed: Rough skin and thick flesh advanced (intermediate level)]

[Trigger advanced task: rough skin and thick flesh (advanced)]

[Please collect fifteen, rough skin and thick flesh (intermediate level)]

[Current number of rough skin and thick flesh (intermediate): 2]

[Three-eyed Yan Luo fit degree +2.3%]

[Current fit: 82.1%]

(End of this chapter)

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