Reckless through another world

Chapter 167 Let's Boldly Guess and Guess

Chapter 167 Let's Boldly Guess and Guess
"Come on!" Father Chen then put out his fists and waved at Chen Mo.

For a sparring match, you definitely can't use all your strength to fight Father Chen, Chen Mo didn't even intend to open his ghost eyes.

Chen Mo slowed down while feigning an attack, clasped his hands together like a Hunyuan, and punched out.

The extremely yang four-legged snake in the body raised its eyelids, then stopped paying attention, and even lay down on its dantian lazily, with pitifully little internal energy.

"Bang!" Chen Mo's punch probably used about [-]% of his force.

But even with [-]% strength, Chen Mo's offensive is still very terrifying.

While defending, Father Chen felt as if he was hit by some beast.

His body was shaken back half a step, and the pain came late. The muscles that were hit were numb at first, followed by pain.

"Good boy!" Father Chen's eyes lit up, Chen Mo's strength really surprised him.

There are also many body training methods in the exercises, but to be able to condense the strength to this extent, in Chen's father's opinion, Chen Mo must have worked hard.

With a snort, the internal energy in his body was released immediately, and he punched Chen Mo's chest straight with an ordinary punch.

And Chen Mo didn't return to defense just because he punched, and was hit with a bang, then took three or four steps back, and looked at Father Chen on the opposite side with a surprised face.

"Then I'm serious!" Chen Mo said with a straight face.

After speaking, the movements in his hands gradually accelerated, and he had already analyzed the strength and speed of Father Chen's punches. As long as he was a little cautious, there would be absolutely no problem.

Then there was the move of you coming and going, and it ended in Chen Mo's defeat.

"I won't fight anymore, I can't fight!" Chen Mo waved his hands and said as if he had exhausted all his strength.

"Haha, let me just say, you kid wants to fight with me, but you are still far behind, just practice hard." This match ended with Father Chen's laughter.

Chen Mo grinned, nodded and said, "You are still strong."

Chen Xianzhi didn't have many chances to lose in his life, but no matter whether he was pretending to be cowardly or giving way, if he lost, he lost, that's all.

Father Chen nodded in relief. He didn't actually want to see how strong Chen Mo was, but because he wanted to see if Chen Mo would be proud of these achievements now.

Is there still enough humility.

Although Chen's father didn't know exactly how strong Chen Mo was, he was not deaf or blind.

The Chen Mansion also has their own intelligence system, and all the big and small things in Lin Shancheng will be heard by him.

And he also made Fobert pay attention to Chen Mo.

Not to mention these things in the city, Lin Shan also knew everything about the Heavenly Demon Battle, not to mention that Chen Mo was able to fight the Heavenly Demon Centurion at the peak of the owl level.

The big ghost in Chen Mo's body even beat the Demon Commander to death with two punches.

Now Father Chen also understands that what is stored in Chen Mo's body is not some immortal spirit, but an evil ghost.

Although Chen's father was also worried, he had already reached this point, and there was no way to retreat, so he could only let Chen Mo move forward.

As the helm of a family, he is naturally familiar with the matter of educating his son, otherwise he would not be able to raise such an outstanding eldest son.

Although this little son took a different path, and Chen's father also felt that Chen Mo seemed to have become different, but as long as he was his son, that was enough.

"I already know that the one in your body is an evil spirit, not some immortal primordial spirit. Is there something wrong with it?" Father Chen wiped his sweat, looked at Chen Mo and asked.

Chen Mo was silent for a while, and then a smile appeared on his face. He was not used to getting along with his family, "There is nothing wrong with it, it's very good, and he is also very strong."

"It is said that there are some side effects. He, is there anything unusual now?" Father Chen nodded slightly.

"Actually, it doesn't matter, as long as it is well controlled, it is enough. The future is the world of ghost stewards, and the family also needs ghost stewards." Chen Mo shook his head.

"I said you believed too much, so I'll show you!" Chen Mo laughed.

"Okay, just let my father see what our Chen family's background is like!" Father Chen nodded, and then took a few steps back, leaving Chen Mo's body.

"Three-eyed Yama!" Chen Mo said in a low voice.

Accompanied by the steaming ghostly aura, a ghostly hand of Yan Luo with three eyes slowly stretched out from Chen Mo's body, followed by his head, body, and legs, until he completely walked out of Chen Mo's body and stood beside Chen Mo's body. behind.

The action of summoning the evil spirit was actually very fast, and Yan Luo with three eyes was standing behind Chen Mo in an instant.

When the ghost energy was rolling, Father Chen already felt a chill emanating from it. When the three-eyed Yama came out completely, Father Chen felt a faint sense of fear in the face of the three-eyed Yama.

With a tall height of [-] meters, his whole body was shrouded in a strong ghost aura, and his scarlet ghost eyes lit up from time to time, shining in the dark ghost aura.

That is the instinct to face more powerful creatures, and it is also a normal reaction when facing evil spirits.

Seeing the hairs on his body stand up, Father Chen felt goose bumps on his body, but a different kind of pride surged up in his heart. With such a powerful creature, why worry about the family's unhappiness? !

"It's as powerful as a god!" Father Chen couldn't help sighing.

It's not how strong the coercion of the evil ghost itself is. Chen's father has seen many strong people, even heavenly beings, but the strength of evil ghosts is different from the strength of strong human beings.

Chen Mo concentrated his mind on the body of the three-eyed Yama, and controlled the three-eyed Yama to make a few movements.

The flesh body also followed up and said, "Ghost controllers are divided into five stages. I have already reached the fourth stage. As long as I can enter the fifth stage, I can completely control evil spirits."

"Dual purpose? Doesn't He have his own mind?" Father Chen asked in puzzlement. If such a powerful creature didn't have its own mind, wouldn't it be like an empty shell?

"I don't know, I don't know if they have their own minds, but they should have instincts." Chen Mo explained.

In fact, he doesn't know whether the evil spirits have their own thoughts or not.

It's like Ultraman Tiga, a special film broadcast in a certain country in the previous era of the Earth Federation.

Tiga is an ultra-ancient warrior. For some reason, Tiga turned into light and left the earth, leaving only the fighting body on the earth.

The human Otani, based on the genes in his body, can transform into Ultraman Tiga with the magic light stick to fight.

Then we might as well make a bold guess, maybe evil spirits are also a special race in China.

Later, all their souls also left, leaving only their bodies on the mainland of China.

This race may have existed like an ultra-ancient civilization, but for some unknown reason, these evil spirits were sealed in dust.

It wasn't until the era of the rise of the human race that it was unsealed.

And as long as they can match these big ghosts, humans can summon them to fight.

If you can't control the evil spirit, you will be controlled by the evil spirit and become a ghost to control people until the evil spirit wakes up.

But these are just a kind of Chen Mo's wild imagination, maybe it's not what he thinks, but something else, or something like a forced colony armor, or like a pokemon, using a cage of evil spirits to capture evil spirits. Ghost, and then fight.

(End of this chapter)

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