Reckless through another world

Chapter 168 A flash of light

Chapter 168

As for what it looks like, no one can explain it, and no ghost can explain it to him, so Chen Mo doesn't know either.

Maybe someone in the imperial court knew about these things, or maybe the underworld knew something, but as a low-level martial artist, he certainly didn't know much, and the high-level would not say anything.

The evil spirits have been around for so long, and the people at the bottom still don't know anything about them, only that they are different monsters.

Then the court set up a God's Catchment Gate, and then the masters of the God's Catchment Gate can deal with these monsters, just like when the aliens appeared back then.

Fortunately, those big bosses in the imperial court have a good vision. As long as there are no bad things happening to the aliens, they will not be hunted down or killed.

Although the prejudice in people's minds cannot be changed, good policies have been adequately given.

Even Wuxiu would be wanted and questioned for killing people in the street, not to mention those Wuxiu or ordinary people who suddenly gained power.

In fact, Chen Mo knew what was going on. Foreigners are also human beings to put it bluntly. Some bigwigs in the court have also mutated into foreign persons. Don't they still work in the court?

The imperial court is enlightened, and those who are not enlightened are those stupid people at the bottom. They are afraid of aliens and those who are different, so it makes the implementation of policies so difficult.

Of course, it is not ruled out that there are parties that are against the aliens. They are also one of the resistance. There will always be big men in the court who don't like aliens, and there is no way.

"Is this evil spirit passed down from our ancestors strong?" Father Chen asked tentatively.

"Strong! Even among all the current ghost emissaries, they are at the top level." Chen Mo nodded in affirmation.

The fact is also the same. As far as the current ghost emissaries are concerned, the big ghosts in Chen Mo's body are definitely top-level, but it does not rule out that some people are destined to be able to contract perfect-level or even legendary-level big ghosts.

Leaving aside those orphans who cheated, for the rest of the ordinary people, evil ghosts who can contract are at best rare and precious. As far as the present is concerned, even the shaved ghost is a good ghost.

"Then does he have a name?" The ancients seemed to respect this name and title very much.

"Yes, I will name him Multi-Eyed Ghost and San-Eyed Yama!" Chen Mo nodded.

"What a three-eyed Yama! The name of the multi-eyed ghost is also appropriate, and the title is quite majestic. I hope that he will shine in your hands in the future." Father Chen laughed and said while stroking his beard.

"Okay, Xianzhi, accept the supernatural powers." Father Chen waved his hand, signaling Chen Mo to accept the three-eyed Yan Luo.

Chen Mo nodded and retracted the three-eyed Yama into his body, while the ghostly energy turned around, the three-eyed Yama reintegrated into Chen Mo's body.

Father Chen suddenly felt relieved, and the temperature also rose.

This is still the case when Chen Mo is controlling the evil spirits, which is enough to show that the three-eyed Yama is tyrannical, and the fear and coercion that is simply exuded is so powerful.

"After the autumn harvest, let's move to Shendu. Brother, hasn't he already made some achievements?" Chen Mo actually really hopes to move his family to Shendu, otherwise he would not try his best to make it happen.

"However, when we arrive in the capital of God, the family needs to regain a foothold. Not only our family members, but also the tenant farmers who take care of the spices, they also have hundreds of families, and..." Father Chen thought about what Chen Mo said Opinion, but if their Chen family relocates, it's not just the relocation of the Chen family.

And those who tend the spices are as big as a village.

"I think we can invest all our property, buy land around Shendu to grow spices, and move these tenants there. They are all old people and familiar with the work." Chen Mo felt that he had to fight, and said firmly, " Do you think life is more important than money?"

Speaking of this, Chen Mo couldn't help but recall a scene he had seen before.Life!If it's gone, it's gone, but if you can't make money in this life, you won't be reconciled to death!

"Is the future really that dangerous? Even the city can't guarantee safety?" Father Chen was also shaken, frowning slightly.

"It will only become more and more dangerous. The catcher of the God Catcher said that the future will be dominated by evil spirits, and evil spirits will appear everywhere one after another."

"You also know how powerful the evil spirits are. Ordinary people don't even have the power to fight back, and they are even ants by nature, so it's still safe in the capital of God. It's good for me to go to the elder brother and uncle of the capital of God. "Chen Mo said very seriously.

He will often search for and suppress evil spirits in the future, and it is impossible to take care of his family. If any enemy really comes to steal the house, Chen Moyuan will not be able to save Jinhuo, and that will be the most powerless time.

So Chen Motie don't hope that the family can go to Shendu, at least now his eldest brother is doing well, and he can take care of the stable development of the family in Shendu.

It also made Chen Mo have no worries.

"Okay, I'll go to Shendu after half a month of work!" Father Chen finally made up his mind, and he also knew that he couldn't become a drag.

If it weren't for the family, Chen Mo would have gone to the Shenchuangmen to report it a long time ago. This is something he already knew, but before Chen Mo's intentions were not strong, Chen's father would follow suit.

However, this time, it was indeed inevitable, and the family withdrew from Linshan City to the capital of God.

A relieved smile finally appeared on Chen Mo's face. Chen Mo didn't want those people who cared about him to be hurt.

Even the gods have their disadvantages, but the emperor of Qianyuan is a wise king, and the gods also have a prime minister who supports the scholars all over the world.

Even if some people want to play favoritism and cheat, that's good, just hit the holy drum directly, and when the time comes, the fish will die and the net will be broken, just be tough if you have the ability.

Anyway, barefoot people are not afraid of wearing shoes, and those who are at the end of the road don't care about anything else.

So even if there is a real conflict, it can be resolved through reason.

"I'm going back to practice."

"Go, but you have to be relaxed in your practice, and if you are short of money, just tell me. You still have some money for your father." Father Chen said quietly, "Don't tell your mother."

"Understood!" Chen Mo smiled helplessly.

After Chen Mo bid farewell to cheap father, Chen Mo went to visit his mother again. On the way back, his footsteps were much lighter, and he finally solved one of his worries.

Chen Mo went back to his other courtyard, and happened to see Kui Er and everyone in the other courtyard playing with the two big ones and one small one.

There are also quite a few people in Chen Mo's other courtyard. Qingyue and the other two maids, Chen Sheng and some handymen, the cook, and several others, as well as the gardener who maintains his other courtyard, didn't realize it before. At first glance, there are really many people.

Everyone gathered in a big circle and were playing games. A golden mouse holding a handkerchief and playing with it was really strange.

Chen Mo smiled, and didn't pay too much attention to it. Just as he was about to call out Kui Er, Chen Mo suddenly froze for a moment, with a flash of inspiration.

"Master, you are back!"

"Sit down!" Chen Mo glared at Chen Sheng who was about to get up, he seemed to have caught him just now, if he forgot this inspiration, he would definitely hang Chen Sheng up and beat him violently.

Chen Sheng hurriedly sat down without moving.

"Victory him?"

"Victory him?"


"Braking still?"

"Hahaha, defeat him, I understand!!!" Chen Mo laughed loudly, his eyes were bright, he turned back and left the other courtyard, went straight to the ancestral hall, and even used the snow walking.

(End of this chapter)

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